Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

To paraphrase Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman:

"If you don't like the weather, MOVE."

Dish is CAPACITY CONSTRAINED. Dish will be CAPACITY CONSTRAINED until one of two things happens:

They get new satellites launched (not until at least April)


They figure out how to upgrade the millions of existing MPEG 2 receivers through software so that they can decode MPEG 4 SD signals (could that be why there are so many SD mpeg 4 channels on the west coast sat? Hmm.)

Until one of those two things happens, you are stuck with today's lineup with the POSSIBLE addition of USA and SCI-FI and the Likely addition of SPEED in February.

But THAT IS IT until one of the above happens. I am hearing BAD THINGS about getting a satellite launched. Dish is in the unfortunate position of having two perfectly good Satellites, which they paid millions each for, sitting in Garages somewhere, and likely to stay there for some time. The first one might not be launched until JUNE.

SOOOO, If you want more National HD channels than Dish provides today, move to Directv. If you are happy with Dish, console yourself with the knowledge that at least you don't have CABLE. Our local Cable company is just now adding the Discovery Channel in HD. They don't have NFL, NBA, NHL, Big Ten, HGTV, Food, AE, History, TLC, ESPN2, NatGeo, Science, Universal, MHD.

They do have Versus, which should tell you which Cable company it is.
helloooooooooo these channels are "uplinked" sooooooooo what has that got to doooooooooooo with capacity???
E* could always put out software updates to all the mpeg 2 STB's to brick them and deny doing anything wrong. Oh nevermind, they would never do anything like that......
My opinion is that Dish will give us an HD channel or two sometime in January to soften the blow of the price increase in February.

Bingo! I think they will do this also. Although I hear that the suspected $ 4.99 increase is coming in the AEP price . Also hearing from Scott G. of some new kind of 9.99 had pack with just the 110 sat channels and the rest of the channels on 129/61.5 spun off into some kind of rumored Extra hd pack. THat is where they could increase the price of the extra hd channels . But all of that is rumours for now.

There is room for about 10 hd channels according to DIGIBLUR. They can make this happen by a number of things like using newer mpeg 4 encoders that will put 6 hd channels on a transponder instead of 4 today. Also they could take off the hd pay per view channels and use the space for more hd. THey could also consolidate the hd locals using the newer encoders to 6 instead of 4 like today , freeing up more room for more hd locals.THe other way to give more hd locals is to activate the spotbeams on 61.5 sat that they have been playing with lately.

I think that this will come about when the annual announcements are made at CES. THe most bang for your buck so to speak. I suspect next month we will get Sci-Fi and USa in hd , at least.
Bingo! I think they will do this also. Although I hear that the suspected $ 4.99 increase is coming in the AEP price . Also hearing from Scott G. of some new kind of 9.99 had pack with just the 110 sat channels and the rest of the channels on 129/61.5 spun off into some kind of rumored Extra hd pack. THat is where they could increase the price of the extra hd channels . But all of that is rumours for now.

There is room for about 10 hd channels according to DIGIBLUR. They can make this happen by a number of things like using newer mpeg 4 encoders that will put 6 hd channels on a transponder instead of 4 today. Also they could take off the hd pay per view channels and use the space for more hd. THey could also consolidate the hd locals using the newer encoders to 6 instead of 4 like today , freeing up more room for more hd locals.THe other way to give more hd locals is to activate the spotbeams on 61.5 sat that they have been playing with lately.

I think that this will come about when the annual announcements are made at CES. THe most bang for your buck so to speak. I suspect next month we will get Sci-Fi and USa in hd , at least.

Will they be able to just air the channels in HD, or does Chuck need to negotiate with them about broadcasting it in HD? That alone could be what takes along time...considering his stubborn negotiation tactics.
Does all of this speculation about available capacity take into consideration the fact that E12 is operating now at reduced capacity and they cannot utilize all of its transponders? Could this be the root cause of what is happening right now?

From the Echostar filing in November
EchoStar XII
EchoStar XII was launched during July 2003 and currently operates at the 61.5 degree orbital location. The satellite was designed to operate 13 transponders at 270 watts per channel, in CONUS mode, or 22 spot beams using a combination of 135 and 65 watt traveling wave tube amplifiers. We currently operate the satellite in CONUS mode. EchoStar XII has a total of 24 solar array circuits, approximately 22 of which are required to assure full power for the original minimum 12-year design life of the satellite. To date eight solar array circuits on EchoStar XII have experienced anomalous behavior resulting in both temporary and permanent solar array circuit failures. The cause of the failures is still being investigated. The design life of the satellite has not been affected. However, these temporary and permanent failures have resulted in a reduction in power to the satellite which will preclude us from using the full complement of transponders on EchoStar XII for the 12-year design life of the satellite. The exact extent of this impact has not yet been determined. There can be no assurance future anomalies will not cause further losses, which could further impact commercial operation of the satellite or its useful life.
Will they be able to just air the channels in HD, or does Chuck need to negotiate with them about broadcasting it in HD? That alone could be what takes along time...considering his stubborn negotiation tactics.

BINGO! Could that be the 'problem' why Sci-Fi and USA are uplinked but not available yet?
I don't see how either channel can be negotiating for more money for a channel that is the simulcast of the sd version. THose contracts to carry those sd channels have already been negotiated and done with. So unless these two channels are trying to charge an arm and leg for carriage of the hd simulcast , I don't see how this could be a problem. Especially since right now the hd versions are for the most part going to be in strechtovsion except for some shows in full hd. Besides if this was indeed a problem, don't you think we would of already heard Charlie telling us that we would soon lose the sd versions as a negotiation tactic? Charlie hasn't been known to keep quiet about negotiations on channels in the past and has often took the problems to the Charlie Chat and to the news media to let them know how the corrupt providers have tried to extort money from DISH.
I don't see how either channel can be negotiating for more money for a channel that is the simulcast of the sd version.

Have you seen any of the post from folks that don't have a local HD station because LIN broadcasting wants more money for retransmussion rights for their HD channel?
Wanting to charge extra for the HD version is all too common unfortunately. Our local cable system lost the right to carry our local ABC station in HD because they refused to pay the ABC station the extra money they wanted. So, the cable company went and contracted with the Tulsa affiliate, also available in SD on our system, and we had HD that way.

Interestingly enough, about a year later, the local ABC affiliate mysteriously just showed up in HD. Guess they changed their minds about charging for it... :)
Especially since right now the hd versions are for the most part going to be in strechtovsion except for some shows in full hd.

SciFi HD and USA HD aren't stretch-o-vision.

These channels are stretch-o-vision


These are zoomed and cropped and are about 14:9 aspect ratio.

Animal Planet

These are either Full Time HD or show the non HD in OAR.

Big Ten
Food Network
Fox Business
HD Theater
HDNet Movies
National Geographic
Sho Too
Starz Comedy
Starz Edge
Starz Kids

I believe all of the RSNs are OAR as well but I haven't every single one. So most of the HD channels are either full time HD or OAR for non HD.
Thanks for the update. I wouldn't know what they really are as I don't have them yet. I based my opinion on what I had read that others posted.
Have you seen any of the post from folks that don't have a local HD station because LIN broadcasting wants more money for retransmussion rights for their HD channel?

In this case however D* has clearly stated they are not paying extra carriage fees for the HD versions of the SD channels. The providers can not offer HD free to D* yet charge E* extra, that will at least get Charlie to complain to the FCC.

There can certainly be other things holding up the agreement, such as insisting only true HD content is shown:)
In this case however D* has clearly stated they are not paying extra carriage fees for the HD versions of the SD channels. The providers can not offer HD free to D* yet charge E* extra, that will at least get Charlie to complain to the FCC.

There can certainly be other things holding up the agreement, such as insisting only true HD content is shown:)

Not tue, local affiliates want more money. D* was talking about national channels and local affiliates can care less about true HD. If they did they would not cram so many sub channels.
There can certainly be other things holding up the agreement, such as insisting only true HD content is shown
Considering Charlie didn't know the difference between 720, 1080i, and 1080p on the last CC....i seriously doubt he will demand "only true HD content"....

Charlie hasn't been known to keep quiet about negotiations on channels in the past and has often took the problems to the Charlie Chat and to the news media to let them know how the corrupt providers have tried to extort money from DISH.
and have you noticed that it is mostly Charlie that gets these "unfair" prices....perhaps his negotiation tactics and enjoyment of taking on the big wigs has him not very well liked in some circles.
Maybe they are going to put SciFi in a premium subsrciption...and are waiting to dump it on us for more $$ come the new year...
In this case however D* has clearly stated they are not paying extra carriage fees for the HD versions of the SD channels. The providers can not offer HD free to D* yet charge E* extra, that will at least get Charlie to complain to the FCC.

There can certainly be other things holding up the agreement, such as insisting only true HD content is shown:)

The pay providers don't have the exact same deals with the content providers, so your premise is not correct as to what they can offer to any particular company. The contract is what's in the contract as they say.

Rights fees are negotiated individually - not collectively. I don't think your premise about insisting only true HD content is shown holds any water either.
Thanks for the update. I wouldn't know what they really are as I don't have them yet. I based my opinion on what I had read that others posted.
I think alot of people do that, and thats where the misinformation comes from. I am glad some of it got cleared up here.

Stupid roofers....

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