Okay, let me get this straight - you would switch providers - changing all of your equipment - waiting hours for yet another installer - learning new buttons on the remote - just to have an upconverted version of an SD channel ???
Note that Universal HD is owned by the same people as SciFi and USA, and yet we have never seen a new SciFi or USA program shown in HD on Universal HD (the closest was about a week later for Flash Gordon and then just the pilot).
( Similarly, Food Network has a full time HD channel, and yet they don't have any new programming either - it's all from 2005 and 2006. Anything that is good, I've already seen in SD. )
The most ironic thing is that NBC Universal is showing all of its best Science Fiction on NBC instead of SciFi. Heroes is better than anything on SciFi, and so far Journeyman is at least equivalent to SciFi shows (like Dresden Files), Bionic Woman has the same sort of terrible direction and low-brow pandering as most SciFi shows, while Chuck seems better made and more goofily entertaining than most SciFi shows. So, SciFi seems to have become NBC Universal's reject outlet...
Yes I would. You're too busy comparing HD to Upconvert rather than upconvert to SD. SD channels are absolutely terrible on my 50" screen. Mind you, it would have to be more than just sci-fi, but if it began adding up... scifi, usa, smithsonian, cnn, tbs.. I would consider. Not yet. Show suchs as Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar are in HD.. at least somewhere. I know for a fact they are broadcast overseas and Canada in HD.