SatelliteGuys on TV!

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Satellite TV missing Captions


The picture quality was good and your news items were excellent. I know that this takes a lot of time and effort and we all appreciate it. One minor point that I noticed was that I was unable to get the closed captions to work. I downloaded the 17.8 MB file oct2005show_hi.wmv from your web site. I played it using windows media player version Under the Play menu I selected captions and subtitles on if available.

I also played the video clip using my ATI File Player and again I was unable to get the closed captions to work.
Mark_AR said:
Who was it that did the skit.... Jack Benny or Jackie Gleason or Carol Burnett? I don't recall... Its been a while.


And a big powder puff would whack them in the face...


That is a super-old bit, and I am not sure who actually originated it. But I have seen kinescopes of that bit on "Your Show of Shows" (Cid Caesar) (1950-1954). I also remember seeing it done by Milton Berle though he was notorious for "borrowing" material. I am not certain, but I think this bit was used in a Marx Brother's or Abbott and Costello movie. I also remember seeing this bit in many a post WW2 Warner Brother's cartoons.

My guess is it goes back to vaudville! :D

See ya
dweber said:

The picture quality was good and your news items were excellent. I know that this takes a lot of time and effort and we all appreciate it. One minor point that I noticed was that I was unable to get the closed captions to work. I downloaded the 17.8 MB file oct2005show_hi.wmv from your web site. I played it using windows media player version Under the Play menu I selected captions and subtitles on if available.

I also played the video clip using my ATI File Player and again I was unable to get the closed captions to work.

Its working here on 3 different PC's.

I did notice on one Ineeded to stop and restart WMP on one of the machines to make it work.
Everything worked fine over here!

Of course I didn't use CC, but the video and audio worked just fine.
Very nice job. I have a hard time avoiding the occasional "um" or "ahh" even when reading a script.

If you are looking for additional content, you could throw in monthly poll results for the "Poll of the Month" and announce next month's poll topic - may drive more people to the site. (Please no "NFL's Sexiest Man" polls ;) )
Very good work Scott it is nice see that the site is growing at the pace it is something new everyday and with this going out on such a large scale it should get alot more members to the site and the support that is needed to keep up the quility that this site delivers on a daily basis.

I myself would like to get more invalved in the site so if there is something i can do please let me know or PM me
Closed captions only work During Streaming


Upon further investigation, I found that the closed caption only works during streaming. If you save the file and then play the file back, you do not get closed captions. I don't know why this is, but I verified it using two different computers. Sorry about the initial confusion. Again, good job! Keep up the good work.
its' never worked for me

(edit: I got it to work doing what dweber did, open the url from WMP and not clicking the links from the browser)

that guy looks like the King of Queens :D ;)
You could attract more traffic to this site with the newscast by stating there will be prizes given away and you might even state what prizes they might be and that its free to enter.
Scott´s news got a fine reception in our live show on October 27, 2005. The world wide broadcast comes in 14 days time. The dvd of drDish-TV with the SatelliteGuys Newscast will leave Munich for UONTV next week.

Thanks again Scott,

Scott will be shown worldwide this weekend! Retransmission of DrDish@TV starts today, tomorrow and on sunday on worldwide satellites at 6pm CET (Berlin, Paris) / 5pm GMT (London, Lisbon)!

New York = CET - 6 or GMT - 5
Chicago = CET - 7 or GMT - 6
Dallas = CET - 8 or GMT - 7
Los Angeles = CET - 9 or GMT - 8

more about the satellites on

The repeating of DrDish@TV is only available on C-Band in the U.S. or you have to wait 'til retransmission starts on UonTV.
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