So how is it?Yes it was. 9:30am. Sadly, I had to head off to work right after. Won't be able to set it up and check it out until later this evening.
A big thanks to everyone again! I was going to try a keep a secret from the family until Christmas. That didn't last long.

Its kind of funny, I didn't know this until yesterday but the person who wrote the raffle software that we used this year is actually a SatelliteGuys member! So he contacted me yesterday and asked if there was any kinds of changes or additions I would want made to the raffle program.
I replied back to him and said the perogram is almost perfect but the one thing I would like changed is to have the abaility to give supporting Pub Members and Founders double entries to the contests to help thank them for their support. He shot me back a note saying it was a good idea and then in less then an hour sent me another note that he wrote an add on for the raffle which now lets us give double entries to our supporters. Very cool THANK YOU! We just might have to test it out shortly with some more giveaways. (if the wife approves of course!)

Thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to everyone who won. This contest was our way of giving back and saying thank you to all of our members for making us Amercia's Satellite Information Source!
Happy New Year!