So I plugged in my Sling Adapter last night, and immediately noticed what a great picture I got over my Sling Classic. That pleased me.
I spent the rest of the night trying to understand how it took them so long to release such a buggy device. The hardware actually seems solid, the performance is good, but the software just feels very buggy.
For example. I have my 722k set up in Single mode. When I try to connect from my iphone it nicely switches to dual mode, and puts a sling icon on the channel indicator banner. Nice touch. And the TV connected to TV2 displays a very nice and informative message about why it's not showing video, and how to steal control from the remote device (press select). That's not too bad, but if I try to play a recording from my DVR, it behaves as if it's going to do that, then it displays live TV. I've tried a hundred times, with many different recordings rebooting and it happens almost every time. That is until you eventually don't get anything. Just a black screen. And if you persist, you'll start getting "Satellite Signal Lost" messages. If you keep trying you might actually get the receiver get so confused the only thing that brings it back is to red button reset it. (A really hard thing to do when you're remote)
This behavior also happens when using the
If I use the old Dish Remote Access (the one at site it does seem to work a little better, but with enough time it also starts playing a black screen.
I've also had my TV1 change to the program I'm trying to sling. And when that happens the iphone will display a black screen.
So please tell me it's not just me.
The thing about the original sling hardware and software that always impressed me was just how stable it was. When I fired up my sling player software it always connected. There was never a day that I regretted buying it. It just worked. I think in time if there is a desire the sling adapter can get there, but time will tell.