It still works, but my RE is fond of refusing to stream after a random number of channel changes. There's even a note about this in the Sat2IP program, saying that the solution is to power-cycle the receiver. Very disappointing.
When I go to download Sat2IP in Post #1 of this thread, the link appears to be dead. Does anybody have the file to repost here?
same could you please send also this source code thank you very much,hey iBoston,
can't seem to access the source @ (
I have an XORO HRS 8590 LAN and it seems to work almost like the Amiko... i think sat2ip only needs some small adjustments.
where can i get the latest source?
greets rahn
I wish they would make big2small for ios
Despise IOS. The code is easy enough. Someone could easily port it.
For me it's a proprietary issue, and their desire for total control. I don't care how user friendly their operating system is or even if most might consider it better. Ill always opt for the open source, non proprietary option.
You make a valid point and I can see your stance, especially from a developer's standpoint. I didn't like how carriers loaded Android phones with bloatware and modified code to suit their needs. Every iOS device is exactly the same out of the box and doesn't come loaded with crap.