Sat2IP for Windows -- Stream from your Amiko Mini HD SE/RE to Windows

Please reply by conversation.
Thanks in Advanced Settings from MPlayer , removed -demuxer and now its ok.

Next problem is chanel_list, from AB Cryptobox its wrong.

>>> list of SAT: satidx allways 12

>>> list of Transponder: tponid always 12323

>>> list of chanels has wrong informations
nodtyp=2&vidpid=2021&vidtyp=1&audpid=3021&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=2021&pmtpid=1021&svrnam=test program&pronum=17321&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0
nodtyp=2&vidpid=1010&vidtyp=1&audpid=1011,1013&audtyp=1,2&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=1010&pmtpid=101&svrnam=test program&pronum=10101&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=23,23

QUESTION: Has anywhere chanellist to convert over pronum the correct values ?

nodtyp=2&vidpid=611&vidtyp=1&audpid=612&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=611&pmtpid=610&svrnam=test program&pronum=14861&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0
SETUP rtsp:// freq=12322&pol=h&msys=dvbs2&mtype=8psk&ro=0.35&plts=on&sr=27500&fec=3&camode=0&vpid=611&apid=612&ttxpid=8191&subtpid=0&pmt=610&prognumber=14861&pids=611,612,8191,0,610 RTSP/1.0\r\n
You will have to trouble shoot this yourself. I suggest you get a PACKET sniffer, and sniff what ever the normal SAT2IP program you use with that STB. Then if it works with that, you can sniff the packets, and see where it differs between that program and this program.
This i have maked

modified Sat2Ip: nodtyp=2&vidpid=611&vidtyp=1&audpid=612&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=611&pmtpid=610&svrnam=test program&pronum=14861&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0

wiht paket sniffer and hardcodit: SETUP rtsp:// freq=12322&pol=h&msys=dvbs2&mtype=8psk&ro=0.35&plts=on&sr=27500&fec=3&camode=0&vpid=611&apid=612&ttxpid=8191&subtpid=0&pmt=610&prognumber=14861&pids=611,612,8191,0,610 RTSP/1.0\r\n

But hardcodit is only for my reciever with my chanel list. i want to make it for all channel.

so i need a way to correct the wrong values over pronum. But have no internetpage found, that gives me over pronum (SID) a xml or csv.

Conclusen: i make me own app for me with hardcoded list, not for other people with other channels.

sorry for my bad english
This i have maked

modified Sat2Ip: nodtyp=2&vidpid=611&vidtyp=1&audpid=612&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=611&pmtpid=610&svrnam=test program&pronum=14861&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0

wiht paket sniffer and hardcodit: SETUP rtsp:// freq=12322&pol=h&msys=dvbs2&mtype=8psk&ro=0.35&plts=on&sr=27500&fec=3&camode=0&vpid=611&apid=612&ttxpid=8191&subtpid=0&pmt=610&prognumber=14861&pids=611,612,8191,0,610 RTSP/1.0\r\n

But hardcodit is only for my reciever with my chanel list. i want to make it for all channel.

so i need a way to correct the wrong values over pronum. But have no internetpage found, that gives me over pronum (SID) a xml or csv.

Conclusen: i make me own app for me with hardcoded list, not for other people with other channels.

sorry for my bad english

This information should be obtained when it is querying the satellite receiver for the channel list. Is the channel list incorrect?? or not working??
The channel list from AB Cryptobox is incorret !!!

The programm with hardcoded maping is running.

Do correct the Values i must mapping the channellist with other information to solve the problem.

Sample list:

>>> list of SAT: satidx allways 12

>>> list of Transponder: tponid always 12323

>>> list of chanels has wrong informations
nodtyp=2&vidpid=2021&vidtyp=1&audpid=3021&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=2021&pmtpid=1021&svrnam=test program&pronum=17321&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0
nodtyp=2&vidpid=1010&vidtyp=1&audpid=1011,1013&audtyp=1,2&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=1010&pmtpid=101&svrnam=test program&pronum=10101&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=23,23

Sample VT10:
TV10 hotbird
from chanel list >> nodtyp=2&vidpid=611&vidtyp=1&audpid=612&audtyp=1&ttxpid=35&subpid=0&pcrpid=611&pmtpid=610&svrnam=test program&pronum=14861&svrtyp=1&avflag=1&tponid=12323&camode=0&audlan=0

hardcoded >> SETUP rtsp:// freq=12322&pol=h&msys=dvbs2&mtype=8psk&ro=0.35&plts=on&sr=27500&fec=3&camode=0&vpid=611&apid=612&ttxpid=8191&subtpid=0&pmt=610&prognumber=14861&pids=611,612,8191,0,610 RTSP/1.0\r\n
Are you sure the cryptobox is incorrect?? Have you pulled it up on a webpage to verify?? If that is the case, that is horrible. Good luck.
hey iBoston,

can't seem to access the source @ (

I have an XORO HRS 8590 LAN and it seems to work almost like the Amiko... i think sat2ip only needs some small adjustments.

where can i get the latest source?

greets rahn
hey iBoston,

can't seem to access the source @ (

I have an XORO HRS 8590 LAN and it seems to work almost like the Amiko... i think sat2ip only needs some small adjustments.

where can i get the latest source?

greets rahn

I will PM you.
I will PM you.

thanks iBoston! I have received your Mail.

I have noticed the same problem happyEg mentioned: channel_list_get.cgi is filled with incomplete and incorrect data.

I captured the communication between Android APP G-MScreen and the Sat-Receiver XORO HRS 8590 LAN.... sad result: the Sat2IP implementation is propritary...

Sat-Receiver waits for TCP-Connection @ Port 20000.

I extracted the important Commands
-- Login -->
Start0000156End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="998"><data>GT-I9100</data><uuid>000000000000000-00:00:00:00:00:00</uuid></Command>
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="23" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="16" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="20" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="22" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="24" />
Start0000145End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>0</FromIndex><ToIndex>99</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="12" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="20" />
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>100</FromIndex><ToIndex>199</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>200</FromIndex><ToIndex>299</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>300</FromIndex><ToIndex>399</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>400</FromIndex><ToIndex>499</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>500</FromIndex><ToIndex>599</ToIndex></parm></Command>
<-- Login --

-- Debug -->
Start0000186End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="1054"><EnableDebug>1</EnableDebug><RequestDataFrom>0</RequestDataFrom><RequestDataTo>0</RequestDataTo></Command>
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="25" />
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="25" />
Start0000186End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="1054"><EnableDebug>0</EnableDebug><RequestDataFrom>0</RequestDataFrom><RequestDataTo>0</RequestDataTo></Command>
<-- Debug --
-- EPG -->
Start0000137End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="5"><parm><ProgramId>00030033028325</ProgramId></parm></Command>
<-- EPG --
-- Stream -->
Start0000160End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="1009"><parm><TvState>0</TvState><ProgramId>00030033028325</ProgramId></parm></Command>
Start0000082End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="1012" />
<-- Stream --
-- Keepalive -->
Start0000080End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="26" />
<-- Keepalive --
-- Update Channel Selection -->
Start0000079End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="3" />
<-- Update Channel Selection --

now i try to interpret/encode the channeldata but stuck.... maybe someone of you knows the magic

instead of the channeldata request
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>100</FromIndex><ToIndex>199</ToIndex></parm></Command>

i sent one of the following request to get the channel-data of one single channel
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>0</FromIndex><ToIndex>00</ToIndex></parm></Command>
Start0000148End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="0"><parm><FromIndex>1</FromIndex><ToIndex>01</ToIndex></parm></Command>

Paket 85 should have following informations


alisatid=3                    <--
fec=2                        <--
prognumber=11110                <--


0003 SatId
    002 FEC
       74 ----------------------------- ?? Transponder => Frequenz?
         11110 Prognumber

Paket 92 should have following informations:

RTL Television

alisatid=3                        <--
fec=3                            <--
prognumber=12003                    <--

with the following command i switched channel positions and grabbed the channel data again.

Start0000229End<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><Command request="1005"><parm><TvState>0</TvState><MoveToPosition>00030031912003</MoveToPosition><ProgramId>00030027411110</ProgramId></parm><TotalNum>1</TotalNum></Command>

Channel (ZDF HD) in Paket 85 is the same as in Paket 246, but only the first 23 Bytes are the same?!....

Channel (RTL Television) in Paket 92 is the same as in Paket 188, but only the first 24 Bytes are the same...


Last edited:
Have you tried getting the channel list as a file using 'curl'...

hey N6BY, initialy i read your thread....

if i start big2small the app find the Sat-Receiver shows a list of channels all named as "test program".
with this app i cant switch channel nor start streaming.
the problem is (maybe the same as happyEg had mentioned above)... the file get_channel_list.cgi is filled with incorrect data.
all channels in the get_channel_list.cgi are named "test program" and the other channel infos are also not valid.

so i stepped back and captured the communication of the real app: G-MScreen.

G-MScreen's Sat2IP implementation is partly propitary .... as far as i know its only the channellist transfer that is propritary.
it doesn't request and use the get_channel_list.cgi. it request the channellist in pieces 0-99, 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, 400-499, 500-599

i managed to simulate the tcp connection and i'm able to request all this information. but now i need to interpret/encode this information to get the correct data used for the RTSP part... which is the same as with Amiko MINI HD.

SETUP rtsp: //,6121,6122,6123&ttxpid=6130&subtpid=6131&pmt=6100&prognumber=11110&pids=6110,6120,6121,6122,6123,6130,6131,6100 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 0
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=10022-10023
User-Agent: RTSPClientLib/Java

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 0
Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1 5
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;source=;client_port=10022-10023;server_port=5004-5005;ssrc=BDF8E861
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 13:42:06 GMT

PLAY rtsp: // RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 1
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
User-Agent: RTSPClientLib/Java

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 1
Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
Range: npt=0-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp: //;seq=391;rtptime=691520673
Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 13:42:06 GMT

CSeq: 2
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
User-Agent: RTSPClientLib/Java

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 2
Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 13:42:16 GMT

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 3
Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 13:42:23 GMT

[356 bytes missing in capture file]OPTIONS * RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Session: c0723e9fe2a626be
User-Agent: RTSPClientLib/Java


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Well, your on the right step. When i did this, i reverse engineered it. I used a packet sniffer to watch the communication between the receiver and the original android app to see what was going on. I then studied up on the rtsp protocol and was able to piece together a working product.

Good luck!
Dear Sir,

I am very new to this forum. The reason that I joined, is your very helpful application Sat2IP ( I have the latest version 1.3.38.)
I have an AMIKO HD8250+ STB that I setup properly as Big2Small server and using my android phone & the ALi Big2Small app, I ensured that the steaming from AMIIKO is ok to my Smartphone ( I can see the selected channel ).

I, setup your app in my laptop running Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit.
All seemed to go fine, your app shows the correct preset channels and when I click Start... button then the SMPlayer Version: 16.9.0 (revision 8142) (64-bit) started automatically from your app. Then and that is the problem, shows nothing inside the players screen, just black.

Looking at the players log I thing that there is something wrong, see:

===== QUOTE =====
Playing: rtp://@:61896
[ffmpeg] udp: 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not supported on this build (pthread support is required)
[ffmpeg] udp: 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not supported on this build (pthread support is required)
[cache] Cache is not responding - slow/stuck network connection?
===== UNQUOTE =====

Looking at the Task Manager Network I can see the incoming stream traffic.
Also if I select write stream to file from your app, then I can play back the file without problems!
Is there something to look at in order to solve the problem?
Please try to help me.

Thanks and best regards,
Mike Kranidis
You can use a program like Wireshark to see if the stream is being sent to the windows 10. If the stream is being sent to Windows10, then it is a issue with SMplayer. If not, then the Amiko isn't sending the stream. But, before we go any further, we need to know where the problem is at.

Wireshark is a program that allows you to sniff the IP traffic coming/going.

Ps. Make sure you don't have any kind of firewall blocking the incoming stream.
You can use a program like Wireshark to see if the stream is being sent to the windows 10. If the stream is being sent to Windows10, then it is a issue with SMplayer. If not, then the Amiko isn't sending the stream. But, before we go any further, we need to know where the problem is at.

Wireshark is a program that allows you to sniff the IP traffic coming/going.

Ps. Make sure you don't have any kind of firewall blocking the incoming stream.

Dear iBoston,
first of all thanks for your fast reply as well as the fine app you offer to all of us.

The streaming is getting fine in my Windows 10 PC ( laptop precisely ) and if you read my post I mentioned that if I record it to a file then I can play back to SMPlayer without any problem ( except as you said, the frame sticking and the rest annoyances ).
So, yes it is for sure problem regarding the SMPlayer but I can not solve it...
Is there any good how to to follow in order to get SMPlayer working ?

Again, thanks and Best Regards
Dear iBoston,
first of all thanks for your fast reply as well as the fine app you offer to all of us.

The streaming is getting fine in my Windows 10 PC ( laptop precisely ) and if you read my post I mentioned that if I record it to a file then I can play back to SMPlayer without any problem ( except as you said, the frame sticking and the rest annoyances ).
So, yes it is for sure problem regarding the SMPlayer but I can not solve it...
Is there any good how to to follow in order to get SMPlayer working ?

Again, thanks and Best Regards

Sorry - I missed the fact that you said the file record was working.
Then i guess it has to be the smplayer. See if there is an archive of older versions and grab the version that i was using. I'm not sure if i posted that or not, but if not, you could go by the date. If your unable to find an older version, i could try and zip up my smplayer, and see if that works for ya.

Ps, i am assuming you followed the first posts which showed how to setup smplayer through setup and the options you should choose.
Sorry - I missed the fact that you said the file record was working.
Then i guess it has to be the smplayer. See if there is an archive of older versions and grab the version that i was using. I'm not sure if i posted that or not, but if not, you could go by the date. If your unable to find an older version, i could try and zip up my smplayer, and see if that works for ya.

Ps, i am assuming you followed the first posts which showed how to setup smplayer through setup and the options you should choose.

Thanks a lot Sir.
I will try to found older SMPlayer and I will let you know.
Yes, I followed your instructions on the first post. The only that I can not is the step 3:that is not accepted the part of this command iirc this part -nocorrect-pts -mc 1
{ #3 Add the following to the SMplayer options/preferences/advanced 'Options for Mplayer' tab. Add the following Options line :-demuxer +lavf -nocorrect-pts -mc 1 }

Best Regards
Sorry - I missed the fact that you said the file record was working.
Then i guess it has to be the smplayer. See if there is an archive of older versions and grab the version that i was using. I'm not sure if i posted that or not, but if not, you could go by the date. If your unable to find an older version, i could try and zip up my smplayer, and see if that works for ya.

Ps, i am assuming you followed the first posts which showed how to setup smplayer through setup and the options you should choose.

Yes, it is working now!!!
I downgraded the SMPlayer with this quite old version ( Version: 14.9.0 (32-bit) ), I put the suggested parameters demuxer +lavf -nocorrect-pts -mc 1
and it is working now.
Many many thanks iBoston. Just for my curiocity, what is the latest SMPlayer that your app is working? ( or what version do you have ? ).
Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis
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Yes, it is working now!!!
I downgraded the SMPlayer with this quite old version ( Version: 14.9.0 (32-bit) ), I put the suggested parameters demuxer +lavf -nocorrect-pts -mc 1
and it is working now.
Many many thanks iBoston. Just for my curiocity, what is the latest SMPlayer that your app is working? ( or what version do you have ? ).

Mike Kranidis

Glad to hear you got it working.. Congrats!

You could jump forward with versions and find out when it breaks. That would be a good posting here to let people know. To be honest, I am no longer using my own program. My Amiko HDSE is being used on another TV that is not used for that purpose.
Please reply by conversation.