I am telling you that Charlie is going to uplink the less viewed channels to the 105 sat and require everyone to go with a Superdish if you want to see them. Then if you don't care about these locals , which most viewers don't, you won't call to upgrade. Especially if you don't want a Superdish. Yes this will violate the true intention of what the FCC wants but it won't violate the ONE DISH rule for locals. We already use ONE Dish 500 to get 110 and 119 satellites, so it is not much of a stretch to see Charlie do the same with the superdish. As for the old receivers , no problem. They are already saying the older receivers will not work with a superdish. So you can go with the lease program , which Dish is pushing even for existing customers. Or you can upgrade on your own. Most people will go with the lease deal to get the latest ,greatest receivers. Dish wants to retire the older receivers anyway. The lease program is the way to keep the older receivers out of the mix and they can concentrate on the security fixes for the newer receivers. For every customer they get on to a lease program like the 510 dvr , they get a dvr fee added to that customer's bill. For every customer they get on to a hd receiver like the 811, they get a new hd customer with the hd pack for 9.99 a month. I can see this working quite well.
1) Dish doesn't have to move all the locals on the 110 /119 satellite around to fit them on one satellite or another. They simply move the lesser viewed channels , currently on the side sats at 61.5 /148 and moves them to the new 105 sat which reaches all over the U.S.,Alaska , and Hawaii. Note no one loses their locals while they transition over to the new superdish. They might only lose the lesser viewed on the side sat unless they upgrade to the new Superdish , which I am sure Charlie will make customers stay in a commitment for a year for top 60 and local channels . Dish wins again.
2)Charlie gets Dish to be , on the surface , in compliance with the one Dish rule for locals with the Superdish. For those who don't call to upgrade to the superdish, Dish saves the money on the upgrade and they still get to thumb their nose at the FCC over the "must carry lesser viewed channels".
3)Customers with older receivers ( 1000,2000,5000,7100,7200) can call to upgrade with the lease program and get the latest greatest receivers. Dish now gets more money from these customers with the dvr fee and or hd pack for 9.99 added to their bill.
Dish wins all the way around and so do the customers in this sceanerio. I see this being done to save Dish the money required to do the one dish rule quickly within the year. Now I know that everyone will now say NO way Dish can't do this blah blah blah. But I have been with Dish close to 8 years. Do you really think that he is going to just bend over and take it up the butt by the FCC, Directv( Murdoch) and the cable industry ? He has ALWAYS flaunted the rules in regards to local into local. I see him doing this in a way that saves his company the money , & his customers the least in inconviences possible. What makes more sense? Moving all the locals around on the spotbeams to make room for a few lesser viewed channels , or move the lesser viewed channels to the new 105 satellite which goes to every state in the country.
OF course I could be wrong and he might just move every city that is presently on the 110 and the 119 satellite to the 105 satellite with the lesser viewed channels. That is like 36 cities I think. This of course will mean that most people will lose their locals while they transition over to the superdish unless they are mirrored on the 110/119 satellites as they are now. My bet is on my first hypothesis.
Time will tell.