Did you try changing the extension from .dvr to .ts? I can't remember if I did that with a 1080i channel but I know I did change the extension on a dvr file to ts and then I could play it on the computer.
Thanks for the suggestion, but still no luck. I tried TS converter 2.5 to try to convert it and I got it to play the audio in it once, and I did demux the video and audio streams into a wav (that can't be played by VLC and a .raw file that I can't play either). I think it thinks there's no video in that file, because it spat out an MPG file with only the audio stream . . . oh well . . .
I've given up on that for now and any 1080i program I record, I'll just play back on a HD display - right now my living room TV is of the SD variety.