Review Of Sky Angel Iptv

I left the screen in normal mode. In normal mode the quality is still poor. And to add insult to injury, the filler black they use around the edges is blackish gray and scratchy, not even a good solid black.
They would have a good service, if only the quality of picture were there.
Granted I know little about the actual equipment they are using, but I see no reason why they couldn't stream HD quality over IP. The input via IP could be HD quality, and they had HD output CAPABLE quality via component cables, the only problem I see is bandwidth.
I could see bandwidth costs being great at least in this day and age in the U.S. Other places of the world, pretty much anywhere (asia and europe) bandwidth is pretty cheap, but here it is still very expensive. This could be why they decided on the quality being streamed.
But it winds up turning off those with HD.
Maybe sky angel will just have to wait till the U.S. catches up in terms of ISP costs.
I left the screen in normal mode. In normal mode the quality is still poor. And to add insult to injury, the filler black they use around the edges is blackish gray and scratchy, not even a good solid black.
They would have a good service, if only the quality of picture were there.
Granted I know little about the actual equipment they are using, but I see no reason why they couldn't stream HD quality over IP. The input via IP could be HD quality, and they had HD output CAPABLE quality via component cables, the only problem I see is bandwidth.
I could see bandwidth costs being great at least in this day and age in the U.S. Other places of the world, pretty much anywhere (asia and europe) bandwidth is pretty cheap, but here it is still very expensive. This could be why they decided on the quality being streamed.
But it winds up turning off those with HD.
Maybe sky angel will just have to wait till the U.S. catches up in terms of ISP costs.

The color of the black or gray around the square box has nothing to do with SKY ANGEL. That is a setting that may or may not be able to be adjusted on your TV menu. I have a 27 inch Sony CRT purchased in 2005 that at the time was rated the best non HD TV for its size. My picture is great.

I saw a review on HiDefForum about your particular TV and the OP also said non HD content looks grainy.
BB Dynex 32" Review - High Def Forum - Your High Definition Community & High Definition Resource
A friend of mine has a Vizio 32 inch HD, and non HD stuff doesn't look too bad.

Very few of the Sky Angel channels broadcast in HD at the moment. I think for what it tries to accomplish -- Christian and family friendly programming at a decent price... it does a good job at 24.95. Just my opinion.
I do think one problem with the idea of a Christian TV service offering HD is that there is precious little Christian TV made in HD. The only network I'm even aware of is TBN HD. I also know that TVU Music Television is talking about going HD soon (hopefully sooner than the Dish Network "soon").

But two channels doesn't sound that great compared to the many other providers that can boast 20, 30, 40 HD channels.

That is today. Most Broadcast Christian ministries are asking for money for new cameras to upgrade them to HD. Here is the problem – SA's equipment will not support HD. I asked them. So if in 10 months from now there is lots of Christian broadcasting it will not be on SA. They would have to send out new equipment and they will not be doing that for more than 18 months. I even asked if I could buy a HDTV IPTV receiver from a 3rd party and subscribe to their service –answer no. I could only receive SA with their receiver. What I can't understand is why Cable or Satellite companies do not offer a faith package add on. The Channels are there and they could actually profit by offering them.
What I can't understand is why Cable or Satellite companies do not offer a faith package add on.

Well here we go with the concept of paying for the Gospel again. I'd rather they didn't and just had more Christian channels in the basic package.

Life Member

Hi guys.

I'm new here so please bear with me.

This is NOT a hate message, only an evaluation of the facts.

I have been a lifetime member long before SA began transmitting. I made the decision because I believed that the Word needed to be aired as globally as possible, to give us an alternative to the filth on regular broadcast TV, becasue there was no other source of such Christian programming, and this would be a very good way to do it.

Life time members who subscribed early financed the operation for those who came later. If it weren't for the early subscribers you probably would not have anything to subscribe to. Because we helped in the beginning, it would have been nice to receive at lease a modicum of recognition such as a 5-10 % discount. Not a lot of money, but at least a little recognition. After all, it took a lot of faith to spend hundreds of dollars and not have anything to show for it for so long a time.

The reasoning they used to terminate the lifetime memberships is quite suspect. They claim that the lifetime membership applied only to the satellite reception and not the service as a whole. To me, that's stretching it quite a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for whatever it takes to keep the Word flowing even if it takes a monthly subscription to do it. But the way it was handled was , as far as I am concerned, more worldly than Godly. For that, I am very disappointed. I don't believe that Donald Wildmon would have done it this way. If they are having financial woes, they could have given the lifetimers an option to pay for the service, and/or raised the monthly premium. I believe that the suscriber base has enough loyalty to have obliged. It's a little disturbing that there were no options.

So much for lifetime membership.

I tried the IPTV and found it to be very good reception. No complaints there. However, there are a great deal of features missing from it as compared to Dish, and these are somewhat important to me.

1-The guide. The software written for the guide looks as though it was written by rank amateurs. They could have taken a page from nearly every program guide on the market and given us a scrolling guide of all the channels such as Dish, DirectTV, Comcast, and all of the other major providers. Being a programmer, I know exactly how difficult or easy it is to create something that is below par and something that is superior to the average. Being used by and for Gods purpose leads me to believe that it should be at least as good as what it is replacing.

2-Recording. There are a great deal of good Christian programs that feed very high quality bread (Word). Many come on at times I am not able to view. Even though the programs are still available for the 24 hour period in which they were broadcast, this is not enough. Consider a program that aired at 11:00 PM. It is no longer available after it is broadcast. When using SA on dish I depend very heavily on the dual tuner recording capability which is so lacking in the IPTV box.

3-Many of the features could have been overcome if SA had allowed us to use our computers to receive SA transmission. At least this way there would have been a lot of options available to us such as a better guide, recording, multiple tuners, and it would still be a monthly subscription service. I asked if they had this option and they responded only with "not at this time" as though it was not even a consideration.

4-People in rural America use satellite service because Internet service is a joke. If they have it at all, it is dial-up and it certainly is not fast enough to use for SA. There are a great many people like this and I'm sure a great deal of those were SA subscribers as well. Now they have been abandoned. I find this to be quite disturbing.

There are many other features lost during the transition to IPTV. Many are inconsequential and not worth mentioning. But there are so many features missing I find it disturbing that I now have to pay more for less. For a little bit more money, I can get an FTA dish system with at least as many (more) Christian channels and many other good channels as well. Plus the ability to purchase a receiver with the ability to record. With SA, I have no such options.

Since the advent of SA, there have been a lot of changes in the quality and availability of Christian programming from many other sources. SA is no longer the only provider of good quality Christian programming. FTA and other venues are now available which makes SA just another source, not an exclusive as it was in the beginning.

With all of the above in consideration, I find it much more feasible to go FTA. Not because I am angry or disgruntled, but because it simply makes more sense.

Just my 6-cents worth. (Inflation dontcha know):)
I said all along the least they should have done morally is give the lifetimers the Faith Pak free and hope they would feel inclined to at least sub to the Family Pak. Me? I likely would have.

In fact, I know some lifetimers who voluntarily contributed the going monthly rate for SA programming to just help what they were led to believe was a ministry. As this thing played out I'm not sure many of those folks are even inclined to sub to the Faith Pak and I think Dominion overestimated the number of SA faithful now willing (or even able) to switch to IPTV.

Regardless of legal responsibilities, which we have talked to death, I think it really shot itself in the other foot by saying "sorry - you're lifetime has ended."
Continuing on the topic of reviewing my use of the SA IPTV service, I got my Next Generations remote extender yesterday, had already received a second SA remote ($25). Now I can change the SA channel from any room in the house. Since I also use an FM transmitter that sends SA audio to all my radios, it will be nice to take the second remote with me as I work around the house and be able to change the channel.

One limitation: I will not try to switch between radio and TV or vice versa with that remote. Better to be looking at the TV screen to do that.

I don't agree that SA IPTV offers less than the DBS service did. There are many more channels and program options with the IPTV, and the 48-hour (not 24-hour) review feature offers lots of opportunity to watch a program at a later time, especially since most faith programs are offered on more than one channel and at various times anyway. I find this to be even easier than taking time to set a DVR taping (which I rarely did on the DBS service), and do not feel that I am missing anything without the DVR feature. On playback, watching a previous program is just like DVR viewing in that I can replay, fast-forward through commercials, or pause.
One limitation: I will not try to switch between radio and TV or vice versa with that remote. Better to be looking at the TV screen to do that. After a while you'll get good at not using the TV.:up

I don't agree that SA IPTV offers less than the DBS service did. There are many more channels and program options with the IPTV, and the 48-hour (not 24-hour) review feature offers lots of opportunity to watch a program at a later time, especially since most faith programs are offered on more than one channel and at various times anyway. I find this to be even easier than taking time to set a DVR taping (which I rarely did on the DBS service), and do not feel that I am missing anything without the DVR feature. On playback, watching a previous program is just like DVR viewing in that I can replay, fast-forward through commercials, or pause.

I fully agree with your assessment of Sky Angel IPTV, and I wouldn't be surprised if Neulion doesn't have a DVR STB in the works, unless it requires an expensive licensing fee.

Also, is your NG remote extender working well?

I signed up on the 15th of april and have not gotten my set as of yet. i was conserned when first testing the speed test i got between 900 - 2400 downloads. I contacted my service provider and they were going to fix a part in the network. I pay for 3Mps and after the fix got consistant download speeds of 2.2-2.6 Mps with an occasional dip to under 1.5 and upper end of greater than 3.2. did anyone else wait until the april 15th deadline to sign up? have you gotten your system yet? just asking and I know it has only been a week.

anyway I was hoping that the outcome would be good picture with little interference, has anyone hooked up s/a with hd tuner for local channels. I am assuming it would have to be both hooked up to the reciever comb video 1 and 2 and dispersed back to the tv and speakers.
I signed up on the 15th of april and have not gotten my set as of yet. i was conserned when first testing the speed test i got between 900 - 2400 downloads. I contacted my service provider and they were going to fix a part in the network. I pay for 3Mps and after the fix got consistant download speeds of 2.2-2.6 Mps with an occasional dip to under 1.5 and upper end of greater than 3.2. did anyone else wait until the april 15th deadline to sign up? have you gotten your system yet? just asking and I know it has only been a week.

anyway I was hoping that the outcome would be good picture with little interference, has anyone hooked up s/a with hd tuner for local channels. I am assuming it would have to be both hooked up to the reciever comb video 1 and 2 and dispersed back to the tv and speakers.

What part of the country are you from? The boxes ship from New York. I'm Connecticut and got mine within 2 days after ordering.

On your HDTV, don't have your picture set to "stretch" mode where it forces non-HD programming into widescreen. This will just distort the picture. Sky Angel programming is very sharp, visually speaking but it is not HD. A lot of people don't understand this when they buy an HDTV, including my dear grandmother and great aunt... They say "I didn't pay this much for a TV to use 70% of the screen for half of my programs" At their age, I really can reason wit them.

Yes you can have your Sky Angel receiver hooked up to Video 1, using RCA cables (provided, red, white, yellow) or using the 5-plug composite cables (red, blue, green, red, white) that you would have to purchase on your own.

I am assuming you have AT&T DSL or Verizon....could be another provider. It doesn't matter... you are not paying for 3.0 mbps. You are paying for up to 3.0 mbps. Most DSL providers in the USA use a technology called PPPoE to authenticate your connection. It uses about 10% of your alloted bandwidth to use this protocol. 2.4 mbps on a 3.0 connection is about as good as it gets.

we are from the dallas area, but outside of the metroplex. my internet is a rf feed for rural areas and since they fixed their end we are happier and our skype works better. and yes we are paying for up to 3mps. I do not have dsl in this area, I do think they are adding high speed telephone wires there is orange coated cables going in around town, what ever that means.
we are from the dallas area, but outside of the metroplex. my internet is a rf feed for rural areas and since they fixed their end we are happier and our skype works better. and yes we are paying for up to 3mps. I do not have dsl in this area, I do think they are adding high speed telephone wires there is orange coated cables going in around town, what ever that means.

So john,

It is cable internet then? You said RF feed....

I can't imagine that you have some kind of wireless internet service, although literally RF could imply that.

What is the name of your ISP?

A Review: Keeping Sky Angel

I've been testing the Sky Angel iptv service for nearly 30 days now. Overall it works good. As I've mentioned in previous posts the quality is lacking on my HDTV but I think it is slightly better than the original Sky Angel satellite service. It really depends on the particular channel and also how much motion is happening on-screen (as with any lossy video compression). With limited motion on screen the picture looks very nice even on my HDTV.

It is a hard decision but specific channels and price are outweighing my desire for the satellite family packages and HD content. Fox News, Bananas comedy, Gospel Music Channel, Hallmark Channels(Janet Oake movies, Little House on the Prairie, etc.) and the Guardian channel are things we watch more frequently. I also have been enjoying Discovery Channel, the Military Channel and a little of Animal Planet. No where can I find a comparable channel line-up for this low of a price. I think if the Dish Family package had the Gospel Music Channel I would probably go with that. Sky Angel says they still have more channels to come although there is no clue as to what these might be. I am hoping to be surprised.

Being able to watch missed shows on the Faith package channels is a bonus. I forgot about this feature until last night and was able to watch some of the Dove Awards that I missed on Wednesday night.

The 18-month commitment is rather long but I figure by that time there should be a lot more HD offerings in at least family oriented channels--maybe even some Christian channels. I just have to be patient. (I also have to be patient for a Blu-Ray player since I know eventually they will cost a lot less.)

For those that don't want to use the inferior security of WEP wireless, I am using a Panasonic ethernet over a/c powerline devices and they work great! Saves me the hassle of running an ethernet cable and I can use them wherever there is an a/c outlet.

I'm thinking of purchasing a 5.8GHz Wireless A/V Sender with Built-in IR Remote for an upstairs tv but it is a bit pricey (about $100). A cheaper method would be to use an RF converter (I already have a remote extender) but then I have antenna cable issues.

For me, the positives outweigh the negatives and I am most likely keeping Sky Angel iptv. Or at least the time-clock on my 30-day trial will run out before I have a chance to change my mind :).
I feel exactly the same way. I don't have an HDTV to contend with, but I agree you the Dove awards on Wednesday night were great.

I was having some technical issues with the broadcast initially, but that was because I was using a splitter after my cable wall jack. Basically I had one wall jack splitting to my cable modem and also to my TV. ( I still get Limited Basic Service from my cable co.) I disconnected the splitter and ran the cable directly to my modem which goes to my router and then to my SA receiver via ethernet cables. Wow!!! It was a big difference. No blips/skips or buffering in the broadcast after that.

I am actually on a 6 month promo for cable internet. 19.99 for 6 mbps. After that it will be about 51 bucks including modem rental and tax per month. At that point I could get 6 mbps DSL from the phone co. for about 39 bucks a month....... I'd love to save the 12 bucks a month.....but Sky Angel is WORKING SO WELL now with the cable internet connection.....I'm hesitant to change. Any opinions?

I guess I have 5 more months to think about it......
Internet Bits Per Second

My Internet connection is DSL @ 3 megabits per second via Cavalier Telephone (its actually ATT that hooked it up and services it) and Sky Angel works fine. I have seen some rare instances of buffering on Animal Planet and even rarer on Discovery. I attribute that to the number of subscribers watching those channels (because the other channels don't buffer when it happens on those channels) but I cannot be certain. The speed test built into the iptv box shows a consistent 2.9 megabits per second when I run that.

I would say that you should have no issues with even 2 megabits per second dsl as long as your house is actually close enough to the telephone CO (stands for central office, I think?) that provides the dsl. The further away your house is from the CO the lower your max bits per second rate will be. Something to check anyways. The good thing about dsl is that it is dedicated bandwidth that is yours alone and not shared with your neighbors like cable. Granted I'm guessing the shared cable bandwidth is not as much of an issue as it used to be.
My Internet connection is DSL @ 3 megabits per second via Cavalier Telephone (its actually ATT that hooked it up and services it) and Sky Angel works fine. I have seen some rare instances of buffering on Animal Planet and even rarer on Discovery. I attribute that to the number of subscribers watching those channels (because the other channels don't buffer when it happens on those channels) but I cannot be certain. The speed test built into the iptv box shows a consistent 2.9 megabits per second when I run that.

I would say that you should have no issues with even 2 megabits per second dsl as long as your house is actually close enough to the telephone CO (stands for central office, I think?) that provides the dsl. The further away your house is from the CO the lower your max bits per second rate will be. Something to check anyways. The good thing about dsl is that it is dedicated bandwidth that is yours alone and not shared with your neighbors like cable. Granted I'm guessing the shared cable bandwidth is not as much of an issue as it used to be.

I'm going to keep this all in mind. I don't know how far I am from the CO, but I'm assuming its good --- if I am able to get 6.0 mbps. I know my phone co. doesn't offer the higher speeds if you are out too far.

It's quite amazing how viewing pleasure increased when I removed that splitter going to the cable modem. When I put on the Dove awards, for the first 3 buffered about every 15 seconds. I couldn't believe it...... I also used to have buffering 10 times a day at least on other channels. Sans splitter, it's been picture perfect. Maybe I'm just a lucky victim of coincidence. Maybe the feed of Gospel Music Channel into SA and directed out improved after those first 3 minutes of the broadcast. Well if this is all I have to worry about, I'm a very blessed complaints.
I need to know if there is a universal remote code for the IPTV, my remote went bad and I cannot see any programs due to that the box has no controls on it. HELP!!!:eek:

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