I always find it encouraging when I find like minded Christians. It is one of the proofs to me that the Holy Spirit is working within the Body. My demographics are: I make bottle resin and polyester by operating a chemical process by trade—25 years with DuPont before we were sold 6 years ago. I spent 4 years in the Air Force, Degreed in Chemical with a minor in Nuclear Engineering. I Lived in Washington State before being raised in Indiana and I now live in South Carolinian-since 1971. I am Southern Baptist, Bible teacher, conservative, lean towards Reformed Theology, 56 years old, married 34 years and. I love to discuss Creation science with people as an introduction for presenting the Gospel. I was raised Methodist and have been an Episcopalian and in the Christian Church (non Disciples of Christ but still Campbellites) Left that for the SBC since they don't adhere to Eternal Security and I did not want to be in conflict with their teachings. I have found like minded Christians in most denominations. The reason I posted this was to encourage you in your walk. Back when I was posting on the Baptist Board on Yahoo I was encouraged by the remnant that was dispersed across the USA. Have seen the downside of the Charismatic emotionalism and how mass Evangelistic rallies can lead to false conversions. Worked as a Councilor and saw behind the carnival atmosphere of Carman concerts. I was also a lifetime SA member and I am not bitter towards them. I try do no what Paul encourages us to do – forgetting that which lies behind I press on towards the goal in Christ Jesus.
In Christ's Grace and Radically saved!