Review Of Sky Angel Iptv

RE weird vs. non-weird Christians:

Around here TV is pretty much accepted, but I have run into families that don't own TVs for religious reasons or those who had pastors who preached against owning TVs. They also seem to have other odd beliefs that you really cannot get from Scripture. The Amish I believe have a valid reason for not wanting TV in their homes. Baptists, not so much. To me TV is a tool. You can use it for the good or for evil.
I am going to be in Atlanta near the end of this month, I will try to ask Dr. Stanley's people exactly why FamilyNet is not offered FTA like other religious broadcasters and if there are any future plans. Seems to me if reaching people with the gospel is your goal, you can reach more people with an unencrypted signal.
That would be a great addition, Jeff. Thanks for the link -- I had never heard of WVCY. I also like their radio programming, which is available on-line -- I bookmarked it.
I want this Skyangel IPTV channels but I have 2 TVs and that double monthly charge kills it for me, If they charged the $24.99 a moth for 2 TVs i would be getting this instead of dish family, the channels on SA IPTV are much better than dish Family.
Let me make a suggestion for you to consider, Darren. I bought an FM transmitter for $100. It transmits clear SA audio to all radios in my house, one in every room, even the basement and garage. Yes, I have to be in one particular room to watch the video, but I can enjoy audio from all SA channels throughout my house. I have done this for more than two years. During those two years, I did have capability of watching SA at a second TV using an A/B switch, but discovered I almost never chose to do that once I had the audio so readily available. I can use that same FM transmitter in other ways, like with my iPod when traveling or to transmit computer audio to radios, so it was a good buy. I set up the transmitter so it takes just a second to switch it from my SA box hookup to my computer, so I also listen to on-line radio throughout my house.

I have cable TV and do have to pay for a second box to have the same programming at a second TV, though it is less than $25, more like $16. I think SA's website Q/A section lists an alternative way to transmit SA to a second TV without a second box.

I am thoroughly enjoying the huge range of programming on SA IPTV.
Let me make a suggestion for you to consider, Darren. I bought an FM transmitter for $100. It transmits clear SA audio to all radios in my house, one in every room, even the basement and garage. Yes, I have to be in one particular room to watch the video, but I can enjoy audio from all SA channels throughout my house. I have done this for more than two years. During those two years, I did have capability of watching SA at a second TV using an A/B switch, but discovered I almost never chose to do that once I had the audio so readily available. I can use that same FM transmitter in other ways, like with my iPod when traveling or to transmit computer audio to radios, so it was a good buy. I set up the transmitter so it takes just a second to switch it from my SA box hookup to my computer, so I also listen to on-line radio throughout my house.

I have cable TV and do have to pay for a second box to have the same programming at a second TV, though it is less than $25, more like $16. I think SA's website Q/A section lists an alternative way to transmit SA to a second TV without a second box.

I am thoroughly enjoying the huge range of programming on SA IPTV.

I agree, an FM transmitter does indeed enhance the value of Sky Angel's radio channels, or any audio for that matter.

Please name your source such as Ramsey Electronics
Ramsey Electronics

CCrane Radio Digital FM Transmitter

Or other?


I used a Ramsey FM transmitter for the last two years. It is really a "built from a kit" type, which I was able to order pre-assembled. It went bad a couple of months ago. I now have this:

Whole House FM Transmitter - Gold Edition (689076889490) = $99.99
Warranty Options FREE 1 Year Upgrade $20.00 value: (+$0.00)

It is much smaller, about the size of a deck of cards, also allows a choice of only seven frequencies -- but I was able to use one of those and actually have a clearer transmission with it and like it even better than the Ramsey. The Whole House transmitter gets excellent reviews on-line.
I used a Ramsey FM transmitter for the last two years. It is really a "built from a kit" type, which I was able to order pre-assembled. It went bad a couple of months ago. I now have this:

Whole House FM Transmitter - Gold Edition (689076889490) = $99.99
Warranty Options FREE 1 Year Upgrade $20.00 value: (+$0.00)

It is much smaller, about the size of a deck of cards, also allows a choice of only seven frequencies -- but I was able to use one of those and actually have a clearer transmission with it and like it even better than the Ramsey. The Whole House transmitter gets excellent reviews on-line.

This is the link to this transmitter correct?
Product Information - FM Transmitter Covers Your Whole House in FM Stereo, GUARANTEED!

I have built and have had good success with a Ramsey transmitter but I do understand that most people are not interested in building a kit so this looks like an excellent alternative. :)

I still miss the Heathkit, Knight-Kit and Eico days. :(

Yes, that's the link. One of the best purchases I've made, impacts my life every day! We've talked about not being able to "go back" on radio channels. I have an alternate connector for my FM transmitter that allows me to just unplug one and plug in the other to change from SA to my computer. If I miss a radio broadcast and for whatever reason cannot catch it at another time on another channel (most favorites are on multiple times a day on different channels), I can just change the plug, start up the broadcast on-line, and still hear it on all my radios. Takes about five seconds.

Can you tell I love using an FM transmitter?
This is the link to this transmitter correct?
Product Information - FM Transmitter Covers Your Whole House in FM Stereo, GUARANTEED!

I have built and have had good success with a Ramsey transmitter but I do understand that most people are not interested in building a kit so this looks like an excellent alternative. :)

I still miss the Heathkit, Knight-Kit and Eico days. :(

Here was one more link I came across and was considering. I use a wirless router and have wireless phones. Do you think any of these would be interfered with? Sylvania SY6234 2.4 GHz 4-Channel Wireless Video Sender w/ Built-In Modulator: Camera & Photo
I have just a couple of quick questions. Are you still satisfied with SA? I am thinking of ordering it this week. The other question is has anyone heard of anyone using either one of these prouducts? - Home Entertainment: Accessories: Audio accessories: Wireless signal senders: RF-Link (AVS-5811) 5.8GHz Wireless A/V Sender System

X10 - Send Video without Wires - $49.99

Your Brother in Christ

Yes, I am even more satisfied with Sky Angel with their expanded channel lineup and VOD service. In fact there are many more video on demand options then the web site lists.

I own the X10 Video Sender; picture and audio are good but being totally analog, antenna orientation can be critical to obtain a noise free picture and sound. It's a cheap unit considering you also get a universal remote with it.

The only units that I own that operate in the 2.4GHz region are my wireless router and the X10 Video sender and I suffer no interference between the two; my cordless phone operates in the 900MHz range. The microwave oven does cause some interference with the X10.

Sky Angel is worth it regardless of what some on this forum would have you believe. I have been a lifetimer to the satellite service for ten years and can understand why they had to switch to IPTV.

God Bless,

Yes, I am even more satisfied with Sky Angel with their expanded channel lineup and VOD service. In fact there are many more video on demand options then the web site lists.

I own the X10 Video Sender; picture and audio are good but being totally analog, antenna orientation can be critical to obtain a noise free picture and sound. It's a cheap unit considering you also get a universal remote with it.

The only units that I own that operate in the 2.4GHz region are my wireless router and the X10 Video sender and I suffer no interference between the two; my cordless phone operates in the 900MHz range. The microwave oven does cause some interference with the X10.

Sky Angel is worth it regardless of what some on this forum would have you believe. I have been a lifetimer to the satellite service for ten years and can understand why they had to switch to IPTV.

God Bless,


I always find it encouraging when I find like minded Christians. It is one of the proofs to me that the Holy Spirit is working within the Body. My demographics are: I make bottle resin and polyester by operating a chemical process by trade—25 years with DuPont before we were sold 6 years ago. I spent 4 years in the Air Force, Degreed in Chemical with a minor in Nuclear Engineering. I Lived in Washington State before being raised in Indiana and I now live in South Carolinian-since 1971. I am Southern Baptist, Bible teacher, conservative, lean towards Reformed Theology, 56 years old, married 34 years and. I love to discuss Creation science with people as an introduction for presenting the Gospel. I was raised Methodist and have been an Episcopalian and in the Christian Church (non Disciples of Christ but still Campbellites) Left that for the SBC since they don't adhere to Eternal Security and I did not want to be in conflict with their teachings. I have found like minded Christians in most denominations. The reason I posted this was to encourage you in your walk. Back when I was posting on the Baptist Board on Yahoo I was encouraged by the remnant that was dispersed across the USA. Have seen the downside of the Charismatic emotionalism and how mass Evangelistic rallies can lead to false conversions. Worked as a Councilor and saw behind the carnival atmosphere of Carman concerts. I was also a lifetime SA member and I am not bitter towards them. I try do no what Paul encourages us to do – forgetting that which lies behind I press on towards the goal in Christ Jesus.

In Christ's Grace and Radically saved!
I know a lot of people are upset about what happened but I think the issue now is about the technology. Sky Angel may be a great test to see if a quality TV service can be delivered using IPTV. If the quality is equal to that of Satellite then maybe there will come a day that most Americans are watching TV through IPTV.

Not likely, as there are large rural sections in every state that for reasons of being too far away from the cable company or physical plant of their local phone company, cannot get broadband internet. These folks will have dial up for many years to come. Some depend on HughesNet which many or not be compatible with IPTV.

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