So, now that declination is set, you do not touch that bolt again

(unless you have specific reason to believe that the declination offset angle of your mount is wrong).
Now you have to set due south.
Do you prefer the compass method? Then set the dish (still in zero position) to due south, by rotating the whole mount+dish.
And check/double check.
The next step: find satellite 78 W, by moving the dish with the actuator.
For Lat 41.65N and Long 70.00W that would mean about 9.0 degree rotation (to the right, when standing behind the dish).
(For 70.5W: 8.45 degree rotation.)
9 degrees rotation for a 200 centimeter diameter dish would mean 200 * 0.0782 = 15.64 centimeter movement
of the sides of the dish forward (the one side) and backward (the other side).
(For 70.5W: 200* 0.0735 cm).
So, I don't know the width of your dish, but you can do the mathematics yourself. Just replace 200 cm in the formulas above, by
your dish width.
You have two possible ways now.
1. If you trust your compass, and after you set your dish to true south;
then just move the actuator till you find/receive 78 W.
After that, you can finetune by moving the actuator till maximal reception, and/or by adjusting the
axis elevation of the mount.
2. If you trust the measure of the movement of the sides of the dish, as calculated above, and you have moved the calculated amount of centimeters/inches away from due south;
then move mount+dish on the pole, till you get maximum reception on 78W. (But don't move the actuator!)
After that, you can finetune by adjusting the
axis elevation of the mount.
Hopefully, you get steady reception of 78W this way.
(Did you check the rib of the dish, that
seems to stick out in front of the dish face, already? Hope that can be fixed...)
Do I make myself understandable?