Hi All,
This is may be the longest thread (196 posts) I've ever had on Satellite Guys.
After trying to align this dish to a more perfect parabolic shape and not having much luck I finally made the decision to purchase a new dish. My wife, who I said is not a big dish fan, but who appreciates my compassion for this hobby said that it was time to let it go and get a new dish. She saw the time and effort I was putting into this and the lack of appreciable results I was having.
The initial string test on this dish while not perfect, was within an acceptable range IMHO and better than the string test on my old KTI. Yet the old KTI gave me a signal where the Radio Shack dish didn't. I spent several days working on improving the shape with some minor success, but still no appreciable increase in signal. I also worked on trying to aim the feedhorn better, again with no real results.
I hate to let this dish go as it was my first foray into FTA in 1991, but it is what it is. So I will be taking this dish apart this week along with my old KTI dish and if no one is interested in either, I will scrap them. Before scrapping I will advertise both on Craigslist, but I'm not hopeful.
I offered my RS dish to .Raine as he owns a RS dish and might appreciate not only the panels, but the original dish motor and other various RS dish parts. If he's not interested and any of you are, in either dish, please let me know soon as I not holding on to these dishes for long as I don't want a BUD scrap yard.

After reading reviews especially Alan Rovner's, I bought an 8 foot solid from Satellites Galore/Tek 2000 for a good price IMHO. Less than my RS dish in 1991 for sure. I will post my "adventures" with that dish assembly in another thread.
Thanks so much to all who offered suggestions and advice, it was MUCH APPRECIATED !!!