Repointing E* dishes for D*

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Original poster
Sep 29, 2003
I have a Dish 500 and a second dish pointed at 61.5°. I want to switch to D*. Can I reuse the existing dishes and LNBs? If so, how do I repoint the Dish500?
I want to use one of the old Dishes on my RV.

Can you use an old Dish 500 to pick up Direct TV at 101 if you point it there. Will it work?
Cool, found a good use from my old Dishnetwork stuff. I feel beter about switching already. . .
This turned out to be super easy. I bought a Phase III oval dish, built it with the correct tilt angle, and hauled it up to the existing mount. Five minutes of attaching cabling to the LNB and six minutes of alignment, and voila! DirecTV. It helps that my azimuth for the new dish was within 4° of the old azimuth.
Wouldn't waste the space in teh RV on the DISH 500. The DISH 300 will get you going on the 101 jsut fine, and take up less room.
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CES2004 HDTIVO info

Verizon now offers Directv service.

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