Replacement 622 won't lock the signal

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Hey, gang!

I hope some of you who I know through this medium are fine. I know I have not being part of the discussion for a long time but other things have occupied my mind (mom's sickness and other family matters). Anyway, I require your advice and understanding.

My old 622 DVR hard drive crashed. I've got a replacement (622 DVR) yesterday and I connected it. The first screen I get is the Dish Point screen. I do the check switch (test button) and get all my satellites 119, 110 and 61.5 fine. When I click done and exit the check switch, I am back to the Dish Point screen. At top of the screen it states to enter you zipcode and select either 119 or 110 to lock the signal. I do this but the receiver refuses to lock the signal consistently. It locks the signal but for about three seconds.

Since the receiver cannot lock the signal, it won't download the software that the receiver needs. It goes into this endless turning off and on the receiver and I have to unplug the receiver to get back the Dish point screen. I get it back but the same thing happens the signal does not lock on either 110 or 119.

Just to let you know, I have three other receivers in the house and none of them are having a locking to satellite problem. Even my old 622 (the one I am replacing) did not have a problem locking unto the satellite. I am wondering if this replacement receiver that they sent me it is bad. If any one can give me some piece of advice, please let me know because I have to call Dish Network tonight and let them know that this receiver is having problems locking into the satellite.

yes, and it was activated by the tech. But I can't get it to download the software because it does not lock onto the satellite.
I see alot of receivers shipped to customers that don't function right out of the box. The shipping company does not handle them with the care they need. They get bounced and kicked around their trucks and by the time they get to you, they don't work, see it all the time with replacements.
Welcome back Sean. Sorry about family.
Another suggestion would be to route a single cable from 119W, bypassing the switch, to the receiver even if only one input. Get it locked on 119W and download the firmware. This may not be possible with some LNB arrays. If so, find an old dish, even Legacy, and reset matrix by removing inputs and running switch test. Then add 119W only, test, and download away. This will take 1/2 hour or more in total after you find the dish.
Wow, this sounds like the one ViP 622 I got a few years back. However, it took about ten to fifteen minutes before something overheated in the satellite receiver section an it would lose both satellite feeds. It took some time with Technical Support, but eventually they realized the problem and authorized a replacement. That one lasted until the new HDTV arrived and it turned out that the HDMI-out on the 622 was bad.

Welcome back, Sean! Sorry to hear about your difficulties.
Hey guys, thanks. Just to update you (in case anyone else comes across the same problem). The 622 replacement receiver was bad as some of you suspected. It took longer than expected. I was not in hurry to do anything and see how long it was going to take dish to do this.

Here's a summary:

1- If first contacted them at around 6/12/2010 to replace my old 622 because it was not doing any recording anymore. The hard disk crashed. I received the 622 replacement fairly quickly.

2- They sent a 622 replacement but it was faulty and I've got the problem I stated before. On 6/18/2010, I came here to ask for advice. As soon as I got home on 6/18 or 6/19 I called them and they realized as well that it was a faulty receiver. They decided to replace it but would not send me another replacement until I send back the 622 faulty replacement or my old 622 that crashed. I decided to stay with the old 622.

3- They received the faulty receiver on 6/23 but would not send me another replacement until I made another call. They told me that before. I called around 6/29 (I did not have time do so before) and spoke to tech support. They made me go through the whole story from the beginnning and then they put an order to replace the 622. Well I found out through my email that they did not. They put an order to replace my VIP211. I called again and told them their mistake. They corrected the mistake but it was too late to stop the 211 from being sent to my house.

4- I've got two replacement receivers around 7/5. I plugged the replacement 622 and downloaded the software and it worked! Now I had to run back to the UPS store to send back two receivers.

Three weeks to replace a bad receiver....

Small Possibility of Coming Soon...

Software upgrade ever?

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