I put 25 years in paying for satellite TV and yes it was my hobby too. But the costs out weigh the worth in this case. I have always hated the DVR fees that we weren't supposed to ever have to pay and I hated the additional receiver fees when they went to $7.00. I really hated when I had three dvr receivers and they wanted to charge us the dvr fee per receiver. I think that DISH should of let us pay no additional receiver fees if we bought our own receivers. The DVR fee was affordable at $5.00 but at $15.00 is too much. That was everything on DISH side of fees.
Now the programming channels are no longer a value to me, since most of them show reruns and informercials and reality tv. When there was scripted shows on networks like USA and Tnt and TBS it was worth a bit, but now it isn't worth the money to watch old network reruns. If I want to watch that, I can watch Pluto with ads or Freevie or Tubi, and its all free. Lets face it cable and satellite have peaked and it's all down hill from here. The channel owners and local channels got greedy and they have killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
Streaming is the way for now and it will only last as long as they don't try to reassemble cable packs ,which they are trying to do with bundles and start hiking the prices , which they are doing as well. So they are on their way to killing the second golden goose. The difference today is that younger generations don't care about Live tv or cable or satellite packs. They stay with a pack long enough to watch what they want and then cancel. Anyone that wants locals can put an antenna up and use Tablo or Air tv to record them for free. We watch more of the locals anyway.
I only subscribe to Hulu , Disney+ , Paramount w ads and Amazon prime with free shipping. When I am through with shows on Paramount we cancel. Hulu my parents pay for so they can use it at their house and Disney + my wife and son love so we can't cut those . Netflix with ads is paid for by T-mobile my cell phone carrier. But honestly I don't even watch it that much.