Rename Your Town 'DISH,' Get Free Satellite TV for 10 Years

You people are just sooooooo Negative :D

Why don't you rename your town to "DISHBasher" :p


P.S. 11 Million Subs Plus.. and still going going going.. (just as Energizer Bunny) ;)
Aw SNAP I hope this works, and some town goes for it. As an independant subcontracting technician, I'd move to the smack dab center of 'DISH'. I could work 16 hours a day, six days a week, for the next 10 years, and retire at age 35! :shocked
I wonder if at least one city / town participates in this ( or how many in total :) ), while the offer still stands... :D
Any limit (in a small print somewhere maybe...) on how many cities / towns maximum can participate in this promo?

Or "no limit" ? :eek: :shocked
I have to wonder, if there is a requirement that these 'towns' have to have been in existence prior to some date (like today or earlier). Maybe you can't "just go out and make a new town" but with some areas of the country, and for 10 years of free satellite TV service, you never know what might happen.
You people don't get it. The promotion has already done what it was intended to do. Get people talking. Dish's big push right now is name recognition. The "sucks" promotion got people talking. This "name your town" thing is more to get people talking (four pages of posts in just a few hours proves my point) and if a town bites on the idea, that much better! The media surrounding it all would be huge. They could do the "new town" unvailing at the Superbowl in a live commercial, it would be really pretty cool! As far as Dish going broke if a large town took the bait, doubt that one. This is for the low end package, and you figure if 50,000 people live in the town, more than half would go for 120 or 180 and movie channels, so they would be a long way from broke.
As far as I am concerned, this is the most pro-active Dish has been marketing wise in a long time. I think it's a good idea, as well as the whole "Sucks" idea. At least they are trying some things instead of sitting back. My guess is we have only seen the tip of the marketing iceberg from them. Keep it up Dish!
I am with you on this one..

But they go "marketing department is on glue", "they should be fired at marketing", etc .. lol... ;)

They are just thinking small... but ARE a good people in general :D
To participate, the town government must agree to change the name legally and permanently on government buildings, post offices, official letterhead, schools and hospitals if applicable, street signs where necessary, and any other government signage that contains the city or town's name. The municipality must also file all necessary state and federal documentation.

Since when can town governments change names of government buildings, post offices etc in a town ????
Typically big mouth company :confused:
Slamminc11 said:
You people don't get it.
I got it from the beginning. Big ol' fat publicity stunt, PR gimmick, etc... they're just trying to be as bizarre and unheard-of as the next "reality" show.

But we can still make fun of it. :)
Hmmm...wonder if Dish would take an anonymous nomination.

Let's see...DISH, SC...yeah I could get used to the sound of that!

(yes...that's how bad I hate my local cable monopoly!)
This is unique and perhaps that is what Dish Network wants to do and see what interesting results may happen from this. Charlie must like having the power to do something such as this.
I wonder what happens if you want to upgrade to another package. Would you pay just the price difference or is it only free if you stick with AT60? I can already hear the 20 or more different stories that will come out of CSRs... :D

"Only if you stick with AT60."
"It's the price difference only."
"It's the price difference plus a $5 access fee."
"It's the price difference but you have to pay the $5 downgrade fee." Customer: "But I'm not downgrading."
"Let me check with my supervisor."
"Your town did what?"
"It's my first day. I have no idea what I'm doing."
"It's my last day. I have no idea what I'm doing."
"(Something you can't understand from the overseas CSR)"
"It requires a 10-year commitment."
"You don't have the right equipment to upgrade."
"Sorry, you can't upgrade. Would you like to appear on the next Charlie Chat instead?"
"I don't think New York City changed it's name...but let me check with my supervisor."
"You can't upgrade until we switch to MPEG4." Customer: "And when is that?" (click)
"Sir, you didn't have to change YOUR name. Just the town's name."
"You can upgrade only after we release NBR for the 50x series." Customer: "And when is that?" (click)
"You want to give up your distant locals forever? No? Oops. Too late."
"It's only for newborn residents."
"Mr. Greczkowski, you do understand there is a $10 downgrade should you wish to drop your adult programming in the future?"
"You want to upgrade to AT120? I don't think we have a package by that name."
"Your TV sucks? Well, then, you've called the right place! Oh, you already have DISH and it still sucks?"
"Hello? Hello? Hello?"
"You want to upgrade and your TV keeps changing the channel on its own? You should email your question during our next Technical Forum. Viewers love remote questions."
"You expect me to believe that your town renamed itself to get free programming?"
"You want to upgrade? Ummm, have you tried a hard reboot?"
"Thank you for calling DirecTV."
i d bet - just pay the price difference.. Only logical.. :rolleyes:

Sometimes gotto use it.. one's logic ;)
Gee, if it were a town in Maine, would that be "DISH, ME"?

Or, an Indiana burg could become the groovy "DISH, IN"...

Or, for the accusation that Dish Marketing is on drugs, a city on Maui (wowie) would ask, "is DISH, HI?"

There are others, discuss.
I get the distinct feeling that Darkman is a Dish employee, because no one in their right mind can be into this nonsense that dish is talking about.

Stupid idea, period. There's a difference in a TOWN and a major city. The only towns that would consider this would be little podunk towns who's biggest business is a gas station. Even if they offered every channel, no real city would do this because of the backlash from their residents, let alone for measely AT60...

This, the whole "your tv sucks" promotion, when is it going to stop? I guess they'll do anything to get the focus off MPEG-4 for a while...

Can anyone else wait for the next charlie chat to hear those 2 say "Suck Free TV" for the first time?? They'll read it off the paper, look at each other and then look around the room waiting for ashton to pop out...

4000 "dead"--have I been ECM'ed?

Please help me

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