Redskins name controvesy

If they change the name, fine, so be it but I have to wonder why this wasn't a bigger deal in the 80s or 90s? You can't tell me that NOBODY knew that the name was offensive. And even if people complained, why was nothing done?

I will say that if the name changes, does that mean any reference to the Redskins by name on any old broadcasts will be edited out? Will there jerseys be blurred out?

I do not think references t the name will be edited out any more than references to the Hosuton Oilers or Brooklyn Dodgers are.
Oh Uncle Sam just has to be so politically correct these days.It all boils down to the all mighty dollar in the end.Worry about taking care of the people,their well being,all races and creeds,forget about stupid sports team names.
Folks, the US Patent Office didn't just out of the blue decide to cancel the trade mark protection. It was an action brought forth by American Indians. As I mentioned in another thread, the objections to the name are not new. They were just suppressed and muted until the last couple of decades. It's hard to complain about something when you don't have a voice!
Nope, not out of the blue. But this is the second time the patent office did the same thing, and like before an appeals court will overturn it.

'Redskins Are Denied Trademarks'
-Washington Post, April 3, 1999

'Redskins Can Keep Trademark, Judge Rules'
-Washington Post, October 2, 2003

If the people that went after the Redskins name stopped only there, I might sympathize with them, but they've also gone after the Braves, Warriors, and Seminoles (even thought the Seminole tribe approves of FSU using the name).
Folks, the US Patent Office didn't just out of the blue decide to cancel the trade mark protection. It was an action brought forth by American Indians. As I mentioned in another thread, the objections to the name are not new. They were just suppressed and muted until the last couple of decades. It's hard to complain about something when you don't have a voice!
Um native american NOT american Indians

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According to statistics I heard, roughly 15% of native americans are against the name.So that means 85% have no issue with it, yet our democratic govt feels the need to intervene.smh

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I think the whole thing is a joke. How many people in the world here the team name Redskins and think of anything negative. I honestly don't even think of Indians whatsoever, I think of football. The only reason people think about what the actually meaning is now is because it's in the news. If it wasn't in the media people would still think it's just a football team.
This P.C stuff is going too far and needs to stop I am part Cherokee and doesn't offend me at all and they have had that name for there exixtence!!imo :)
I heard an interview today with an educated person from the Native American community explaining why they want the redskins name changed and it opened my eyes a little bit. Personally I don't care either way. I went to Central Michigan University. We were the Chippewas and the university and local tribe had a very good relationship. They were completely fine with us using their name and even defended the university when people tried to make them change it. They said they wanted CMU to remain the Chippewas and they wanted to keep their close relationship with the University.

After the interview I heard today, I see why The Washington Redskins are different than the Central Michigan Chippewas and The Florida State Seminoles. The universities use the name of a tribe as a sign of respect towards that tribe. The tribe looks at the university using it's name as point of pride.

The Redskins are a different situation. The word redskin is a pejorative similar to the "n word". The crowd is full of drunk people wearing face paint and headdresses that mock Native American culture. They treat Native Americans as a caricature from an old western movie instead of a race of people. This type of thing wasn't allowed at Central Michigan football games. You weren't allowed into the stadium with a Native American headdress and warpaint and we didn't have a goofy mascot or logo. The logo was either just a block C or the word Chippewas.

The Washington Redskins don't offend me and I don't think the government should force them to change their name. From what I understand, that's not really what they did though. They canceled the trademark that protects their logo so other people could potentially make unlicensed Washington Redskins products. I don't think they should have done that either.

We have freedom of speech here and that allows Washington to call their football team whatever they want as long as the NFL allows it. Remember that just because we have the first amendment that doesn't mean that the NFL can't tell it's member teams what to do. I think the owner of the team should probably change the name himself though. How much difference does the name of a pro sports team really make anyways? Lots of teams have changed their name in the past and after a year or two people just move on and accept it.

There are lots of things that were accepted in the past, like the n word, that aren't anymore. Is that really just an overload of PC? I don't really think so. I don't see how reducing hate speech towards a group of people is a bad thing.

In summary, I don't think anyone should force him to do it but I think the owner should probably change the name. Redskin is a pejorative that is different from simply using the name of a tribe like the Chippewas and Seminoles. I also think it's different than the Cleveland Indians, Chicago Blackhawks, and Atlanta Braves.
I'd like to know how many people actually thought the word Redskins was offensive in any way. I'd also like to know how many people are actually offended by it. Changing the name to a large, storied organization like the Redskins could cost the team a lot of money. If they did decide to do something with the name then it would have to take a couple years for the transition to take place.

I think the best way to handle the situation is for the owner to have a press conference stating that they will indeed change the name of the team but it will not be immediately. I would ask the people of the Washington area and the Redskins fans to maybe give their opinions on what they would like to have for a new name and logo. Once decided on a new name and logo they can then start the transition and pick a certain season to start using the new name.
I'd like to know how many people actually thought the word Redskins was offensive in any way. I'd also like to know how many people are actually offended by it. Changing the name to a large, storied organization like the Redskins could cost the team a lot of money. If they did decide to do something with the name then it would have to take a couple years for the transition to take place.

I think the best way to handle the situation is for the owner to have a press conference stating that they will indeed change the name of the team but it will not be immediately. I would ask the people of the Washington area and the Redskins fans to maybe give their opinions on what they would like to have for a new name and logo. Once decided on a new name and logo they can then start the transition and pick a certain season to start using the new name.

I don't think that's a bad idea. I could actually see a change bringing in more revenue too though. Lots of teams make changes to their logos or offer new colors to increase the sale of team branded clothing and other items every few years. If they came up with something new that the fans helped pick they could see a nice increase in sales.
I don't think that's a bad idea. I could actually see a change bringing in more revenue too though. Lots of teams make changes to their logos or offer new colors to increase the sale of team branded clothing and other items every few years. If they came up with something new that the fans helped pick they could see a nice increase in sales.

It's all going to depend on how they treat the situation. They need to be proactive and embrace the change. If they get the fans involved it could spike a lot of interest and maybe even gain some new fans. They need to think positive about this.
If they end up forcing the redskins to change thier name, then look out.It opens a whole new can of worms, someone has a name that is offensive to you sue them to force them to change it.That might seem far fetched, but I would almost bet on it happening in the future.

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If they end up forcing the redskins to change thier name, then look out.It opens a whole new can of worms, someone has a name that is offensive to you sue them to force them to change it.That might seem far fetched, but I would almost bet on it happening in the future.

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Like forcing the Pittsburgh Pirates to change their name because it's offensive to Somalis.
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If they end up forcing the redskins to change thier name, then look out.It opens a whole new can of worms, someone has a name that is offensive to you sue them to force them to change it.That might seem far fetched, but I would almost bet on it happening in the future.

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The ruling isn't forcing them to change their name. The government can't do that even if the NFL can. What they did was say that the trademark was no longer valid. This means that other people can use their logo now. If they change it it's because the owner doesn't want to deal with the controversy anymore or because the NFL decided for them.
I also think it's different than the Cleveland Indians, Chicago Blackhawks, and Atlanta Braves.

You know that the real complaint against the Cleveland Indians is the Chief Wahoo logo. Imagine a team called the Cottonpicker's logo? The name, not necessarily bad. But I can think of logos and imagrey that wouldn't go over very well.

Same goes for the Chiefs, Braves, and several "Warrior" team names.

The Glenville, Ohio High School Mascot is the Tarblooder. The mascot is a robot, not a black railroad worker. Their logo is a G, not a samboesque caricature. The town and students love it!

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