I do plenty of Streaming ... I just find it incredibly stupid that you have to have 7 different Streaming Services to watch what you want, when it was all in one place.
New content on Paid Live TV ( what little there is) is on a few different channels, not one.
Streaming Services just has those channels via apps.
For example, if I want to watch content from CBS, either turn the channel to CBS or go to Paramount+, where I can get. the same CBS content, plus all the extras, including streaming shows, CBS shows (and the other content) in 1080P or 4K.
I never said RSNs were Great ... just that, That IS where the games Are coming from ... like I said before, I don't care if its an RSN or what, as long as you can get them ... MLB for example, once the RSNs are done, Someone will still have those games.
You interjected yourself into that conversation and just did not like the answers, but your entire pro RSN comments were
I like them, nothing factual at all regarding the numbers.
Generally speaking, they jump into threads that I am already part of.
Where, I largely stay out of the DirecTV forums, but they definitely need the activity, sometimes they go a week without a new post.
IF All the Numbers discussions were in 1 thread or even 1 forum would be different, but they are all over ...
They are different subjects, this thread was started because it was the first time we had actual information on DirecTV Stream sub numbers ( and it was terrible).
Now, I know DirecTV by internet sub numbers also, but I cannot reveal them until they are released publicly like Stream's were.
But you would be astonished by what they are, that is a hint.
To your other point, so your saying that Every post I have made, in your mind, I am wrong, so you Laugh at me about it ?
You need to research more, instead of putting your personal feelings of
I hate that things are changing, into these posts.
Yes everything is changing, but how we watch and receive Television Programming has always been about change.
I also find it hard to believe that each and every post of mine have said absolutely nothing ...
Because you put nothing factual into them, like how you came charging in here about what I posted about sports and the RSNs.
My post was actual ratings and subscriber numbers, your counterpoint was
I like sports and so do others, so you are wrong.
That is not how statistics and analytics works.