Ready to buy Blu-ray? Better hit pause button

I'm not sure why they make such a big deal of internet connectivity. Aren't these BluRay players upgradeable (at least to some extent) by popping a burned DVD into the tray?
They are upgradable to a point but there's this whole "profile" thing (that I admittedly don't understand). There is 1.0, 1.x, 2.0 and so on. As of today, only a PS3 can be updated from 1.0 to 2.0, for example. The lack of this support will NEVER affect playing a BluRay disc's main movie though. On some players, users won't be able to access the "extras".
Just went to the Tivo site and one of the boxes compatible with the Amazon service is their TiVo HD box. With Apple and Xbox currently offering HD downloads, I don't see why its so misleading to think TiVo and Amazon are not there or that far behind. The equipment is already in place. This is my 3rd reply to an attempt to say this was bias or confusing or what ever you label it, neither atttempt has passed the sniff test.
This reminds me of republican tactics, when you can't attack or dispute the undisputable core of the article, do the next best thing. Try to confuse the masses by taking one sentence within the whole article and going off the deep end.

I have a TivoHD and believe me the stuff coming from amazon is NOT in HD and it won't be for a while if you believe press info. In recent emails to amazon, they flatly deny any HD offerings will be coming any time soon. It's on the web, it was on the amazon web forums too, but it has since been buried I believe about the TivoHD only offering SD service for the forseeable future.

Here is the email I have from Amazon on the subject
Hello from

There are currently no plans or discussions with Tivo to offer HD content to the HD capable Tivo boxes. Bandwidth requirements are not adequate to provide a quality experience in an adequate time frame for most home users.

We apologize that we do not have further info, but rest assurred that if we do offer it, you will get an email announcement.

Best regards, xxxxxx Customer Service Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more

What I don't understand why you are so adamant about defending a poorly written paragraph. I am not calling into question the FUDness or bias of the article, all I said was that the writer made a confusing statement that if you step back and read from the point of view of the average consumer, could misinterpret it to believe that Netflix and Amazon/Tivo already offer HD downloads.

Edit: Do I need to put back my disclaimer that I am HD DVD and BD. I don't give a sh*t which one won, I just enjoy the movies and technology. I have never come here to spread any FUD or bias, read my posts, I just don't do it. All I am calling into quesiton is the grammar skills of the writer.
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Maybe its too much reading of LOLcatz but every time i see the word FUD i pronounce it Food... As in Diz FUD haz Flavorz
And if you don't want to deal with buying a player at all, downloading movies in HD is another option.

"The disc war is over, but there's a bigger one coming — downloads," said Enderle.

Cable and satellite providers continue to offer more HD movies on demand, while other companies are moving swiftly to get in on the action.

Earlier this month, TiVo and announced a service for TiVo subscribers to download TV shows and movies through
What I don't understand why you are so adamant about defending a poorly written paragraph. I am not calling into question the FUDness or bias of the article, all I said was that the writer made a confusing statement that if you step back and read from the point of view of the average consumer, could misinterpret it to believe that Netflix and Amazon/Tivo already offer HD downloads.
What paragraph???? It was a string of facts, individually stated in separate sentences. The core of his article was there was alternatives to BD. He then went about laying down the facts about those alternatives. What's so confusing about that?? As far as TiVo and Amazon, I was piggy backing on his point and I said that the equipment was already in place.
nevermind nonrev, this is like playing cards with my brothers kids... You have your view of the article and I have mine. I am not gonna try to change your opinion and you won't change mine. I'll cut and run here as I have energy to spend elsewhere and this is really a trivial thing at this point to debate the merits of the writer and their grammar skills.
I take the article from who it comes from. Rob Enderle, president of The Enderle Group research firm was a paid agent of HD DVD. If memory serves; it's not the first time his name has been brought up .
Someone will be in here complaining about Consumer Reports in one way or another.

Good find.
Safe to say that anyone who's bought a BD player (and to a lesser extent an HD-DVD player), they'll have no qualms about replacing a perfectly functioning "profile 1.x" or even "2.0" when a newer profile comes out. At the price of today's players, only the fairly hard-core AV people own them.
While I'm still not crazy about using the word "obsolete," at least this article just gives the facts and lets the reader decide for themselves.

I agree. No misleading slant about HD downloads already poised to make BD "obsolete" in the other sense.

One thing to remember in all this, these writers are in a business of making money for themselves and their publication/media, and the more sensationalistic a story can be made (regardless of its truth) the more clicks and purchases of the pub that prints/posts it. That's why the angle du jour is "BD Won the War, But Is It Already Obsolete?" Sounds much more exciting than "Format War Is Over, Now You Can Stop Looking for Artcles on the Topic from Us."

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