Best Buy to Officially Recommend Blu-ray to Customers

The BB by my house can't do HD in either format right they had a 65IN Pioneer plasma with a Pioneer BD player and it looked like crap facing right out into the whole store.No wonder HD in any format is not catching on.
They did initially when players were $500+. However, the droids recommended the PS3 (then $600), so Toshiba lowered the prices. Honestly, Warner seems to have had their mind made up before December. I'm not sure if $150 A3's would've made the difference during Christmas. It sure made Sony mad enough to call out Toshiba for taking the profits out of last Xmas. They had to lower their obsolte profile 1.0 Sony and Samsung player prices to "gasp" $300. :rolleyes:

The first price drop for Toshiba came 2 months before the PS3 came out. The first free movie giveaway started 1 month before the PS3 came out. Don't blame the PS3 for Toshiba's bad decisions. And don't blame the PS3 for the poor HD-DVD sales when the majority of owners used NetFlix instead of purchasing their movies. And don't make the false accusation that Sony did not make money last XMAS because they reported a 25% increase in net profit for that quarter.

Toshiba tried to buck the group -- the majority of CE manufacturers and Studios wanted BD over HD-DVD. Now, it seems, so does the consumer. Place blame where it belongs, at the feet of Toshiba and their customers. Toshiba should of kept their players prices up, they should of not got into a freebee giveaway with the BDA and they should of trusted that at the time they had the better product and would win. You might win the initial sales numbers with low prices but when nobody can make money selling your product nobody is going to push it and that is where Toshiba lost the game. When you had to sell 15 HD-DVD players to 1 BD player for the same profit you kill your support. They punished the retailers for the sake of sales numbers and in the end it is what helped them to the door. So put blame where it belongs, they had the market, the product, the maturity in development and they threw it all away.
...don't make the false accusation that Sony did not make money last XMAS because they reported a 25% increase in net profit for that quarter.
And I guess their stock price going from $57 to $43 in the last two months is the "deserved payback", right? :) : Stock Quotes | Sony Corporation | SNE

And while on the topic of "false accusations", isn't this the best example of one?
...So put blame where it belongs, they had the market, the product, the maturity in development and they threw it all away.


Toshiba tried to buck the group -- the majority of CE manufacturers and Studios wanted BD over HD-DVD. Now, it seems, so does the consumer.

I could blame Toshiba and the HD DVD group for not shoring up Disney, Lionsgate, etc. However, what's done is done. Studios decided this. Let me clear the air now. I don't hate Sony or the BDA. If the BDA gets their 2.0 standalone player prices down, then I will likely buy a Blu-Ray player in the future. I'm still angry with Warner only for their duplicity. Does this mean I won't see The Dark Knight in theaters? Please...

The CE manufacturers wanted no part of HD DVD because in Blu-Ray they saw a major chance for profits. Too bad Warner didn't wait until profile 2.0 players hit. Competition from Toshiba could've at least forced those to get introduced at $400 or less.

Like I said... Best Buy is just making official what they pretty much did from the start.
A couple of weeks ago at Best Buy that there was a guy (not a BB employee) who was stopping everyone that walked by the BD display to ask them if they had an HDTV and had considered BD. He was wearing a name tag, but I'm not sure who he was associated with. I think he didn't stop me because I was buying an A3 at the time with the two free in-store HD-DVDs. :)