dufoenet said:
As I pointed out in my last post to you, the fact that you call customers scumbags tells everyone all we need to know about you and the type of business you run.
Scumbag is a fitting term for people who make fraudulent claims and are dishonest. Whether they are customers or not make absolutely no hoot whatsoever to me.
I respect honest and reasonable people. People whom are out to make a quick buck by fraudulent and/or exaggerated civil claims deserve the aptly termed scumbag title.
You want a $300 claim for scratches you can not even see in your blurry pictures??? Sounds exaggerated at best,fraudulent at worst. $50 tops to fix it.
The rest of your web-page write up lacks credibility in my opinion as it is riddled with vague and often petty and anal complaints about various inane aspects of your install. I'll re-cap some for you:
dufoenet said:
Secondly, the Carroll's Satellite representative did NOT arrive at my home until approximately 5:00 pm...
This is not uncommon especially in the winter months. Installers often are forced to work right up until sunset and it is often a problem with customers that get home later in the evening. Alas we can not change the length of the day in the autumn and winter months.
dufoenet said:
Just as disturbing as the installers behavior, was his complete disregard for respect of us or our home. The Carroll's installer proceeded to come into my home and plop right down on my couch, sprawling himself all over my living room instead of respecting my property and getting his job done.
Immaterial to your damage claims. To some people it would sound like an exaggerated claim just to further your beef with Dish and this installer. I would remove this and stick to the facts. You bring this up in court and any defense lawyer would definitely use it to their advantage to impress on the jury that you are a petty person.
dufoenet said:
If this wasn't enough, he also proceeded to make personal comments about my home, making a snide comment about the fact that our master bedroom doesn't have a bed in it. That room is used as an office, but even if it wasn't, it's none of his business what we do and don't have just because to him it may seem unusual or weird.
Sorry but this is part of an installer's job. As a DirecTv installer we are required to turn in to DirecTv what room each receiver is installed in. Living room, master bedroom, son's bedroom, etc. I have heard Dish requests similar info from their installers. This facilitates any further over the phone tech support. If you told me a room without a bed is a bedroom, I would ask you for clarification just to make sure too. I would remove this from your write up as well. It makes you look like you have a chip on your shoulder for the installer doing nothing more than asking you a question so he can complete an aspect of his job.
dufoenet said:
The installer from Carroll's also thought that it was his right to submit commentary on the no tresspassing / do not knock sign we had on our door... which was again none of his business.
What was the nature of the commentary? Give a quote. You get an appointment for a company to come over to your house to do an installation but keep the "do not knock sign" on your door??? I would think it a bit odd as well. But hey you're right, its your home. But don't expect anyone to take you seriously the next time you make a service appointment and no one comes a knockin'

This makes you look like you are really stretching for things to libel this installer for by using very vague yet colorfully descriptive language. You expect to go to court you best be prepared to be a lot more specific.
dufoenet said:
After he was done filling us with his witty and inappropriate quips, he proceeded to go outside to install the dish.
One could argue your whole website write up in similar manner. Its full of vague allegations. You would do well to make it a lot more professional by sticking to facts NOT opinions.
dufoenet said:
These oversized screws bolted down the dish but went straight through our patio roof, leaving oversized spikes (the bottom long pointed threads of the screws) sticking out of the bottom of my patio roof.. so large that when the screws are removed, they will leave gaping holes the size of a nickel which will now cause the patio roof to leak.
This one really takes the cake for exaggerations on your part. Nickel sized holes?!?! Hardly. Those are standard 1/4 inch diameter lag bolts. A nickel is approx 3/4 inch in diameter. a HUGE difference there guy.
Regardless of the screw sizes you will still have to patch ANY dish upon removal to prevents leaks. That is why Dish as well as DirecTv make you pay for dish removals. You might get lucky and find an installer to do it for free. But ask nicely and don't make any threats or you will find yourself removing it all by yer lonesome.
I could go on and on. In my opinion, after reading your website write up, it makes you look like a very petty and vindictive individual due to much of the vague allegations fixating on the character of the installer and in fact could easily be turned against you by a good lawyer to bury your credibility with a jury. I would advise you remove much of the inane allegations and stick with only factual statements if you ever expect to go to court. But honestly you don't have much of a hope. Why?
The bottom line:
Hey YOU SIGNED the contract with Dish. NO ONE made you sign it. Dish is not going to release you from the contract just cause you bitch, moan, and whine about it all day on an internet forum.
On the contractual paperwork with DirecTv, as well as those I've seen for Dish Network, one of the items a customer signs off on is a statement to the affect "I am satisfied with the placement of my dish and installation of my satellite system."
Even in the event this installer did make miniscule scratches to your cabinet, nothing can change the fact that you signed off on the installation. You should have noticed and not signed off on it then.
Hell even you admitted to this in your web page write up. It is your word against theirs. Good luck in court. Just as the Dish rep informed you, "... but you also make sure that you bring the Dish Network agreement that YOU signed to court because we certainly will bring our copy for the judge to see!"
Hope you got a good lawyer. Because Dish will certainly make sure the jury is aware you signed off on the installation.
Sign off on the contract then expect to be held to it. You want changes made to your installation later (ie. the lag bolts being moved and patched) expect to get charged a service call fee for it. Period. That is standard for DirecTV too. We constantly get customers with DirecTv that want changes after an installation. They get charged a service call fee too. Period.
Let this be a lesson to you. Don't sign a legal contract then expect to not be held accountable for it later. Make sure you inspect the work completely and are satisfied BEFORE you sign off. Anyone too lazy, gullible, and/or incompetent to do such then has no one else to blame but themselves.
You don't like that answer? Tough. This "buttcrack" :dev DIRECTV :neener installer just tells it like it is