Read About My Nightmare As A Dish Network Customer!

Please reply by conversation.
dufoenet said:
Yes, and we have special names for representatives like you around our home.

The bottom line is, if installers like you took more pride and TIME in their installs then perhaps you wouldn't have enough FREE TIME to loaf around your office and call your customers names. Why don't you do everyone a service and let them know the name of your company and the town you work out of because after you have just admitted that you disrespect customers I am sure you will have everyone beating down your door wanting to hire you for their install!

I do take pride in my work. With over 2000 installs under my belt I have only had customer complaints of damages around 10 times. Out of all of those only 1 was legit and I agreed to pay the damages. Hell I had one the other week who was a DirecTv customer trying to get out of paying their old bill by requesting a new install under the husband's name. The household had an account under the wife's name with a huge outstanding bill. I was at the residence for 5 minutes, noticed the old DirecTv dish, called direcTv, confirmed they were a pre-existing customer, notified the customer then left. Next thing you know the customer calls up complaining I broke a window. *rolls eyes* Its called credibility. I have it and this scumbag customer did not.

LOL we see all kinds of scams in this business.

I'm sorry but frankly in my opinion, you coming here trying to make a claim MONTHS!!! after the fact plainly reeks of fraud on your part.

We get customers all the time trying to lay damage claims on installers months after the fact and it is 99% of the time clearly a customer trying to make a buck or two.

Luckily for installers DirecTv and Dish Network both know this is a problem. Only if an installer has a history of problems, then DirecTv and Dish will side with the installer.

And another thing. Your damage claims are no where near the dollar amounts you allege. Which is another reason why your complaint sounds like a scam.

Good luck in court on this one. You are definitely going to need it ;)
Originally Posted by silversurfer01973
Why do we as consumers settle for something that is less than what we expected? Even worse than that according to some of you we should be happy with a mediocre install...This is what is wrong with customer service in this country. The customer is no longer right and these big shot corporations don't care about there customers.

Originally Posted by GetMeABeer
the good sheep of America eat a big McCrap sandwich and say, "Hmmm...delicious! May I have some more please?"

Amen to both of the above comments!!! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of bad customer service. It is rampant! The service industry today needs to wake up. I for one do not tolerate it. Whether it be bad service at a restaurant or a rude CSR on the phone. I make sure I am heard in some shape or form. Does it do any good? Maybe, maybe not, but if the American people continue to allow it and not speak up, this country is gonna go to hell in a hand basket.
You're joking right? Lag bolts through roof decking is damage?!

Besides it is pointless. It doesnt matter jack diddle squat what you call it now or think it may do later. If a customer signs off on it at time of install it is his/her own problem.

I'll tell ya what Zooz. Let me come over to your place, run a bunch of oversized and improperly run in lag bolts on the end of your deck boards and you can get back to me in a year or two when the ends of your deck boards are are spliting in half and causing rot on your decks supporting structure. Shotty and half ass work is not tolerated by me, my supervisor, or the crew I'm in charge of. If a customer feels something is wrong or incorrect they deserve to have it set right if it wasn't done in the first place. My customers don't eat crap and I damn sure don't either. Ironically enough, 2000 or even 2 million installs with only a few complaints don't mean jack crap. I've also worked in a factory where I've seen a particular individual install countless runs of electrical for over 10 years with only three cases of someone else being "popped" of "zapped" because of his crappy and hlf ass instalations. Does that mean all the others were up to code? Hell no, it just means that many people were fortunate enough not to get the business end of an electrical handshake. Out of those 2000 installs you've got under your belt I really wonder how many customers were pissed but felt complaining about it would get nowhere from previous experience with other companies giving them a screwjob. Fact is alot of people out there don't complain about a crappy job because they feel it'll accomplish absolutely nothing. Just a result of years of crappy customer service and being treated poorly for some people. For all practical purposes you could be the next McDonalds serving the next hundred thousand CrapMac's with a biggie size of Sarcasm and a Hot funky Attitude for desert. Over 2000 screwed? Could be after what we've seen you say in here.
I am now a DirecTV customer with TIVO and hate it!!! I loved Dish Network's dish player and it's features. With TIVO, you have no idea how much time is remaining, it records a lot of junk, it's slower and how to you stop the damn thing? Dish Network's dish player at least has a STOP button for their recordings. As soon as my 1 year is up, I will be switching once again.

MustangLX89 said:
I'll tell ya what Zooz. Let me come over to your place, run a bunch of oversized and improperly run in lag bolts on the end of your deck boards and you can get back to me in a year or two when the ends of your deck boards are are spliting in half and causing rot on your decks supporting structure.

As long as it is waterproofed on top then rot will be virtually nonexistent. You are going a tad overboard here on this (along with the original poster to be sure.)

Oversized lags? Those look like 1/4 lags to me. Not oversized at all. And standard sized by SBCA standards. You can get the splitting you are talking about on ANY wood with lag bolts especially wood exposed outdoor over time. Whether there are lags in it or not.

Therefore your point is mute.

Hell even the original poster wasn't complaining about the lag placement just that they were visible. An obvious cosmetic complaint to be sure.

MustangLX89 said:
Ironically enough, 2000 or even 2 million installs with only a few complaints don't mean jack crap. I've also worked in a factory where I've seen a particular individual install countless runs of electrical for over 10 years with only three cases of someone else being "popped" of "zapped" because of his crappy and hlf ass instalations. Does that mean all the others were up to code? , it just means that many people were fortunate enough not to get the business end of an electrical handshake. Out of those 2000 installs you've got under your belt I really wonder how many customers were pissed but felt complaining about it would get nowhere from previous experience with other companies giving them a screwjob. Fact is alot of people out there don't complain about a crappy job because they feel it'll accomplish absolutely nothing. Just a result of years of crappy customer service and being treated poorly for some people. For all practical purposes you could be the next McDonalds serving the next hundred thousand CrapMac's with a biggie size of Sarcasm and a Hot funky Attitude for desert. Over 2000 screwed? Could be after what we've seen you say in here.

Oh pulllleeez! Some guy comes here posting multiple threads with blurry pics of alleged damages months after the fact of an installation.

I don't agree the original poster has a right to a claim. So now according to you I surely must have burned 2000 customers... LOL riiiight.... You are starting to sound as credible as the original poster.

Hey BTW. The phone man came over to my place 6 months ago. I think he may have tracked dirt on my carpet. I got the pics to prove it too!!! Not only that! He forgot to silicon the hole he drilled in my house!!! I got a couple of pics to show that too! There is a palm print next to the phone jack!!! Those damned dirty phone installers!!!! They are all just out to screw over us customers. Watcha think I could chalk that up in damages? I'm guessing $2000 for starters.

Maybe I should do a website write-up of the damages, claim I write for a national magazine, post a few blurry pictures and see what may become of it.

Athe very least I could start another following bashing the evils of corporate culture ;)
He complained from DAY ONE! A point you CONVENIENTLY OVERLOOK for your OWN purposes, whatever the hell they are!

And, Mr. is "Moot" not "Mute".

And since the subject of these Lag Screws keeps coming up, Never mind the fact that I don't believe in roof penetrations, that's my own issue, but since they are there and the bottom was easily accessable, the best choice (in MY OPINION!) would have been Bolts with Oversize Washers and Nuts. More secure than the Lag Screws through what appears to be maybe only roof decking.

But anything other than what was done would have required some actual thought and effort on the part of the installer, and we can't have that, can we?
Thought by the installer would require the presence of something Zooz himself seems to be lacking. Common sense and any real knowledge of construction at all. His 2000+ installs makes him no more an expert in the area of installation than me sticking my foot in the ass of an arrogant installer that has done a crappy job my houseshoe.

Hey BTW. The phone man came over to my place 6 months ago. I think he may have tracked dirt on my carpet. I got the pics to prove it too!!! Not only that! He forgot to silicon the hole he drilled in my house!!! I got a couple of pics to show that too! There is a palm print next to the phone jack!!! Those damned dirty phone installers!!!! They are all just out to screw over us customers. Watcha think I could chalk that up in damages? I'm guessing $2000 for starters.

Take it up with the phone company then. You have just as must right to persue it as the original poster of this thread. But then again you must already know enough to realize what damage can come from a hole that hasn't been sealed properly in an installation such as this. I never said you burned 2000+ customers but from what you have said in this thread I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case. The number of installs doesn't make you good it's the quality of work you find acceptible. Your acceptance of this obviously crappy job only strengthens the possibility you may have half assed 2000 or so customers.

You can get the splitting you are talking about on ANY wood with lag bolts especially wood exposed outdoor over time. Whether there are lags in it or not.

If you honestly think that a deck will split on the ends if lags are in it or not you're more ignorant than I first thought. My offer still stands. I'll be glad to lag a few of your deckboards in a similar manner as done here and you can get back with me about those damages caused.

Hell even the original poster wasn't complaining about the lag placement just that they were visible. An obvious cosmetic complaint to be sure.

Even if it only a cosmetic complaint I come back to your installs. If you find nothing wrong with this type of a job I can only imagine the hack job you do on your clients. A standard rule of thumb we work by is, "Would I be happy with this on my house." Obviously, using that same rule of thumb with your comments here on this topic in regards to the appearance of the job I only wonder what kind of crap you have around your homestead. Again, I don't allow or approve of halfass work on my house much less our customers. Then again treating a customer with such respect as evidenced by yourself is not so commonplace these days.
ShadowEKU said:
my post wasnt to argue with you to be honest i just wanted a little clarification... all you had to say was no it came from a spot about 12 feet away as opposed to writing a page on it...

Unfortunately whether or not they caused damage you signed off on it saying that there everything was done satisfactorally.

Thanks for your best wishes. The fact that you or your family have legal experience really has nothing to do with the issue here. First of all, no one can predict how any court case will come out and that includes you. Don't forget, cases are not always won on a lawyer's merits nor do they always sway the way everyone thinks they will. Especially when you consider the fact that I live in a state where OJ was declared innocent. I do not post in this forum to query if the readers think whether I would win a case or not, but to point out that as the general consensus seems to be that this installer disgraced the industry. It is a strong indication of what kind of a company Dish Network is considering they have used and probably still use companies like the one I fell victim to. With the amount of money they make off of people like me, it would not be beneath this multi-million dollar company to make this situation right, if anything, to show good character on their part. I am not the only one in this forum who has bashed Dish Network. If you see the other posts I have read here where customers have talked about their glorious receivers that do not work, their unbelievably rude CSA's, and their efforts to solve problems which results in 3 or more broken receivers sent to customers in a row I rest my case.

As far as signing off, and to those of you that think Dish Network is not responsible for third party installers, I refer you to the new post by GetABeer who once again has said it like it is. As a final note, to those of you who complain against my damage claims or state that the holes in my patio overhang can be patched, that is certainly more than this glorius company Dish Network has offered to do despite the fact that several in their executive offices have admitted blame and responsibility.

Sorry you thought my reply was too long but I only attempted to answer your question. A question that was really a mute point after all considering the supposed clear thinking installer understood that he wasn't supposed to touch my cabinet at all. I thought I made that clear in my first post so why I received questions from you as to the distance, I will never understand. As far as the number of words I choose to express myself in, this is a free-thinking forum and as far as I know, as long as the word 'free' is attached, I'm not being charged by the word.
Zooz said:
I do take pride in my work. With over 2000 installs under my belt I have only had customer complaints of damages around 10 times. Out of all of those only 1 was legit and I agreed to pay the damages. Hell I had one the other week who was a DirecTv customer trying to get out of paying their old bill by requesting a new install under the husband's name. The household had an account under the wife's name with a huge outstanding bill. I was at the residence for 5 minutes, noticed the old DirecTv dish, called direcTv, confirmed they were a pre-existing customer, notified the customer then left. Next thing you know the customer calls up complaining I broke a window. *rolls eyes* Its called credibility. I have it and this scumbag customer did not.

LOL we see all kinds of scams in this business.

I'm sorry but frankly in my opinion, you coming here trying to make a claim MONTHS!!! after the fact plainly reeks of fraud on your part.

We get customers all the time trying to lay damage claims on installers months after the fact and it is 99% of the time clearly a customer trying to make a buck or two.

Luckily for installers DirecTv and Dish Network both know this is a problem. Only if an installer has a history of problems, then DirecTv and Dish will side with the installer.

And another thing. Your damage claims are no where near the dollar amounts you allege. Which is another reason why your complaint sounds like a scam.

Good luck in court on this one. You are definitely going to need it ;)

As I pointed out in my last post to you, the fact that you call customers scumbags tells everyone all we need to know about you and the type of business you run. You can talk about your successful installs all you want but I notice you still did not accept my challenge to reveal who you are. I imagine you understood my point when I said that if you did it would present a warning to innocent people like myself who don't want to become prey to buttcrack installers like you who disrespect your customers and make a mockery out of this business.

Finally if I've said this once, I've said this a thousand times but judging from the way you talk and knowing most installers like you are on the low buttcrack end of the food chain, it is very doubtful that you could read to understand that I have stated several times, I did NOT wait months to complain! I called the day of, the day after, and since the install, and have continued to do so since November of last year. This is documented in Dish Network's offices and it is stated in my website and in my posts. There is a poster who's words can be read after yours who figured this out.. why can't you?! You might want to look that post up where he pointed out that I did complain from day one. If you asked him nicely he might have enough patience to try to teach this to you since you can't seem to figure it out on your own!

As far as your comments that the satellite companies like Dish & Direct side with their installers. I am not sure about Direct because I've had no bad experiences with their installers but as far as Dish is concerned that really doesn't surprise me for you know what they say, "It takes one to know one." and "Birds of a feather flock together."
dufoenet said:
Thanks for your best wishes. The fact that you or your family have legal experience really has nothing to do with the issue here. First of all, no one can predict how any court case will come out and that includes you. Don't forget, cases are not always won on a lawyer's merits nor do they always sway the way everyone thinks they will. Especially when you consider the fact that I live in a state where OJ was declared innocent. I do not post in this forum to query if the readers think whether I would win a case or not, but to point out that as the general consensus seems to be that this installer disgraced the industry. It is a strong indication of what kind of a company Dish Network is considering they have used and probably still use companies like the one I fell victim to. With the amount of money they make off of people like me, it would not be beneath this multi-million dollar company to make this situation right, if anything, to show good character on their part. I am not the only one in this forum who has bashed Dish Network. If you see the other posts I have read here where customers have talked about their glorious receivers that do not work, their unbelievably rude CSA's, and their efforts to solve problems which results in 3 or more broken receivers sent to customers in a row I rest my case.

As far as signing off, and to those of you that think Dish Network is not responsible for third party installers, I refer you to the new post by GetABeer who once again has said it like it is. As a final note, to those of you who complain against my damage claims or state that the holes in my patio overhang can be patched, that is certainly more than this glorius company Dish Network has offered to do despite the fact that several in their executive offices have admitted blame and responsibility.

Sorry you thought my reply was too long but I only attempted to answer your question. A question that was really a mute point after all considering the supposed clear thinking installer understood that he wasn't supposed to touch my cabinet at all. I thought I made that clear in my first post so why I received questions from you as to the distance, I will never understand. As far as the number of words I choose to express myself in, this is a free-thinking forum and as far as I know, as long as the word 'free' is attached, I'm not being charged by the word.

the reason I asked the question was more for my ow edification than anything else... I know a lot of us come here to read, reply, and help during the day while we are working and reading a whole page on a 2 line answer may cause it to become overlooked. Im not trying to stifle you... jsut merely giving some constructive criticism... you posted for another(s) to read so i wanted to help you bring more to read it.

As for the legal case.. .it mostly depends on the judge in this situation... the ones around here would immediately say you signed it you screwed up case dismissed... you wouldnt be in there 20 minutes. 100 miles away My cousin (Head KY Probation officer) would b ein court for 3 hours for someone violating their probation... its unfortunate that justice is indeed not blind... my point in saying what i said is that if you get a judge that goes by the letter of the law you are srewed... otherwise i wish you the best of luck. make Echostar pay... they did essentially wrong you... they should at least pay to have your roof patched or pay you to patch it if uyou know how.
Just a couple of things to keep in mind here

1. when you complain about the install- keep your opinions to yourself about the installer/company. Stick to the facts. Your perceptions (while they carry weight to you) are relative and carry no wieght with the csr's and managers. As a supervisor for the d* HSP I could tell a lot from the attitude of the customer. When you whine about the attitude of the installer (and how he was out to scam you in your opinion) for a paragraph then mention your damage it really discredits you.

2. Use Facts - not exagerations or perceptions. Nickle size holes ? When these lags come out I bet you cant even push a pencil through the holes. $300 of damage? Your estimation only, no suppoerting facts.

3. don't make it personal.

When you combine your exaggerations (nickel size holes and damage estimates/ guesstimates) with personal negative opinion of the installer, the company and the equipment you come off as arrogant, and this gennerally makes people upset. This is why the csr's are sticking to the letter of the contract you signed.
I am sorry for your bad eperience, but your general attitude will make the csr think you are a scammer everytime- and not just dish, but every company as well. I use to work for a pizza place and we had scammers all the time, most of them shared the same "tells" or "attitudes" you portraied.
Just for your FYI- i have handled dozens of damage claims and some that were over $5000, and these customers were not as upset as you- their attitude was fix it, life goes on.
Oh yeah i forgot to mention how personally insulted I am by your previous comment

"Finally if I've said this once, I've said this a thousand times but judging from the way you talk and knowing most installers like you are on the low buttcrack end of the food chain,"

It is clear that you do think you are better than others, and that you also don't know that an efficient installer can make 800-1500 a week. If this is "low end" of your so called buttcrack payscale, I would suggest you educate your self on what the median income level is in this country. If it were up to me I would kick you off this fourm as your comments disrespect many on this fourm. This is a place where many go to get help from the pros (installers and business ownwers like myself), not a place to whine and cry about your personal nightmare.
ShadowEKU said:
As for the legal case.. .it mostly depends on the judge in this situation... the ones around here would immediately say you signed it you screwed up case dismissed... you wouldnt be in there 20 point in saying what i said is that if you get a judge that goes by the letter of the law you are srewed.

As I said on the page 4, the contract was VOIDED by the original installer's failure to do the job properly. That contract she signed wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. And furthermore, as has already been mentioned several times, even if the original installer didn't void the contract, Dish Network's shady practice of advertising "NO CONTRACT REQUIRED" and then sending third-party contractors into customer's homes who do the job and THEN make you sign a contract will not stand up in court. In fact, E* could get banged with a class action if enough people like dufoenet (and me) were pissed enough. Bottom line, she called/ordered from Dish and they advertise all over town, "NO CONTRACT REQUIRED."

madisondish said:
Just a couple of things to keep in mind here

1. Stick to the facts...When you whine about the attitude of the installer (and how he was out to scam you in your opinion) for a paragraph then mention your damage it really discredits you.

He DID try to scam her. Telling her there would be a service call charge to come back the next day and finish the job properly (because he decided to show up with 30 minutes of daylight left) is proof that he was leaving the job prematurely and wanted to milk her for an extra call.

Furthermore, his attitude is MORE than relevant here. He broke the front panel door on the receiver and had a "Oh, don't worry, you don't need it anyway" reaction. You (and him, the installer) should know darn well that when she turns in that LEASED receiver, SHE'S going to have pay for the broken case...not him. So his attitude (and rude comments about her bedroom, and door stickers) says a LOT about the way he approached the whole job from start to finish.

madisondish said:
2. Use Facts - not exagerations or perceptions.

Here's a fact for you...all he had to do was say, "Ma'am, I'm going to have to make some holes up there on your overhang, is that acceptable to you or should we think about another mounting method?"

madisondish said:
3. don't make it personal.

Get real man. We're talking about someone's home. It doesn't get any more personal. If you really handled all the calls you claim, you should know darn well that different people have different reactions to a certain situation. There are a MILLION things over the course of a person's life that contribute to their temperament and the way they handle a stressful situation. Someone might cry over a broken knick-knack that had sentimental value, someone might shrug off a broken $5,000 item and say, "oh well, just get it fixed or replaced."

In my opinion, average people in the world will understand and relate to a person's anger with a rude and incompetent installer and feel it is appropriate and justified. Apparently not so when we're dealing with jaded installers, jaded call center workers, or jaded business owners?

madisondish said:
Oh yeah i forgot to mention how personally insulted I am by your previous comment

"Finally if I've said this once, I've said this a thousand times but judging from the way you talk and knowing most installers like you are on the low buttcrack end of the food chain,"

...I would suggest you educate your self on what the median income level is in this country. If it were up to me I would kick you off this fourm as your comments disrespect many on this fourm. This is a place where many go to get help from the pros (installers and business ownwers like myself), not a place to whine and cry about your personal nightmare.

Notice how she said, "judging from the way YOU talk and knowing MOST INSTALLERS LIKE YOU are on the low buttcrack end of the food chain."

It's pretty clear to me that she wasn't talking about installers in general, but this specific installer (and installers "like him") who has continually belittled her, made rude and insulting comments, and basically called her a liar and a thief. By his own words (as has been pointed out by OTHER INSTALLERS here) he has shown himself to be someone who (in the opinion of many people following this page, myself included) IS IN FACT on the "low buttcrack end" of society's food chain. I really don't think her comments had ANYTHING to do with income, but rather with the way that he represents the worst that the satellite installer industry has to offer. Good day to you, Sir!
Ugh I was making a quickpost and accidently went to another page of the post and lost what I had written before. But it was close to this...

I am looking at these pictures and I will agree that the roof job was extremely messy. I know if I had walked outside to see this jutting through my roof, I would not be a happy camper. Luckily, I have done extensive wood-work outside as well as inside and roofed for my church youth group several summers (helping families-in-need with house repairs).

I can fix this kind of damage in a day but its not something anyone should HAVE to do. This install would be an improper job in my (and other techs' here) opinion.

The wood damage to your Oak cabinet is a whole other story. I am looking at the pictures and most are extremely blurry. I see a vertial mark on the front of the wood on a few of the pictures and several horizontal scratches running across the area where the front meets the shelf (forming a corner).

It is entirely possible that a plastic or hard-rubber peg could cause this kind of vertical damage shown. If the box was at about a 20degree angle slanted downward on what I am assuming is the left hand side (from 180 degrees being perfectly horizontal), the peg would indeed hit the wood and slide causing damage while the other side would not have touched the wood. This is very hard to do with round feet on the bottom of electronic equipment unless it is jammed in there very carelessly. However, this I could see happening if the guy was a jerk.

However, the equipment in this is black and reads as a DVD/CD changer. Did the tech put this piece of equipment in? Or did he install there receiver there originally and you took it out?

As for the horizontal marks on the wood (on the corners)- I don't think this was caused by the tech. Picture MVC-030S.jpg is the clearest and I can see the damage the OP is talking about. I have sent this picture (and a couple others) to my step-dad who has been in woodworking for 40 years. I, myself, have been working with wood for about 15, but not nearly to the degree he has. He crafts items as well as performs repair work on cabinets such as this.

I have seen damage like this before on bottom shelves and never once was it caused by someone putting in appliances - it was caused by a) people stepping on it with shoes (kids normally), b) vacuum cleaners c) from a move and it rubbed against a wall or door. Appliance damage is usually very small and at most, double with width of the foot on the bottom of the equipment.

In order for the technician to cause this kind of damage, he would have had to set the feet of the receiver just hanging over the ledge of the shelf the dragged it back and forth several times, putting a bit of weight on it.

As far as the middle shelf, there is no way on earth the Sony DVD/CD disc changer could have had this happen because if you look, it barely fits in the shelf space. You could not drag this thing across because after half an inch, it would have run into either side of the shelf.

There is no damage on the middle shelf next to the shelf walls where the damage should have been had this been the case, rather it starts several inches inwards. I'm sorry, but neither peice of equipment shown here could cause this kind of damage unless maliciously done over a several minute period.

On the bottom shelf I see damage on almost the middle of the shelf. Unless the receiver sits on 4 feet all located almost in dead center of the receiver, this is not the cause of the damage either. I also see, on the bottom shelf, damage to the wood running vertical on the shelf edge running up the side on the right hand side. This means that the tech would have had to jam the receiver into the wood on the far right hand side of the bottom shelf first. Then, drag it across, with the 2 front feet located on the bottom of the receiver hanging off the edge, several times.

However if the feet are located in the middle of the receiver (they would have to in order to cause this much damage as shown), there is no way he could have dragged it far enough to cause damage all the way on the corner of the shelves. The receiver is too wide and would have hit the inner walls of the shelf first.

I am sorry but I do not see how any person could do this kind of damage without taking the receiver and twisting it multiple ways and spending about 5-10 minutes intentionally damaging the wood. If he was just trying to put it in there and set it and it caused damage, it would not look like this.

Lastly, this damage would have left wood shavings on the carpet/linoleum. Where are the pictures of the wood chips left? This is pretty extensive damage if I am seeing it right (again, pics are blurry) but I see no evidence left behind showing this. And there would have been quite a bit. The OP makes no note of it.

So the roof damage? His fault. Vertical scrape on front of the wood on one of the shelves? Possibly his fault. All the worn/scratched wood missing on the bottom shelf corners? No way unless he was left unattended for several minutes and even then its one heck of a job.

To prove this wrong to me, I would have to see pictures of the entire front of the cabinet, in good quality pictures (most are too blurry to see anything), with the glass doors open showing any possible damage as well.

Don't get me wrong, I am not on anyone's side here. But I do not believe someone could have caused this much damage putting a receiver in an oak wood shelf. The damage could have been there before, just not noticed or caused a day before or any other number of things. I am just pointing out flaws in the story (and I was a believer about the damage until I looked at the pics).

(edit: fixed my typos)
As for Zooz - I won't say anything negative about you, however if you could please let me know what company you work for so I can be sure to never use you guys I would appreciate it. Just PM me and I will not post the info publically. I just want to make sure I am never labelled an Urban Princess (well I'm a guy so I guess Urban Prince)
dufoenet said:
As I pointed out in my last post to you, the fact that you call customers scumbags tells everyone all we need to know about you and the type of business you run.

Scumbag is a fitting term for people who make fraudulent claims and are dishonest. Whether they are customers or not make absolutely no hoot whatsoever to me.

I respect honest and reasonable people. People whom are out to make a quick buck by fraudulent and/or exaggerated civil claims deserve the aptly termed scumbag title.

You want a $300 claim for scratches you can not even see in your blurry pictures??? Sounds exaggerated at best,fraudulent at worst. $50 tops to fix it.

The rest of your web-page write up lacks credibility in my opinion as it is riddled with vague and often petty and anal complaints about various inane aspects of your install. I'll re-cap some for you:

dufoenet said:
Secondly, the Carroll's Satellite representative did NOT arrive at my home until approximately 5:00 pm...
This is not uncommon especially in the winter months. Installers often are forced to work right up until sunset and it is often a problem with customers that get home later in the evening. Alas we can not change the length of the day in the autumn and winter months.

dufoenet said:
Just as disturbing as the installers behavior, was his complete disregard for respect of us or our home. The Carroll's installer proceeded to come into my home and plop right down on my couch, sprawling himself all over my living room instead of respecting my property and getting his job done.
Immaterial to your damage claims. To some people it would sound like an exaggerated claim just to further your beef with Dish and this installer. I would remove this and stick to the facts. You bring this up in court and any defense lawyer would definitely use it to their advantage to impress on the jury that you are a petty person.

dufoenet said:
If this wasn't enough, he also proceeded to make personal comments about my home, making a snide comment about the fact that our master bedroom doesn't have a bed in it. That room is used as an office, but even if it wasn't, it's none of his business what we do and don't have just because to him it may seem unusual or weird.
Sorry but this is part of an installer's job. As a DirecTv installer we are required to turn in to DirecTv what room each receiver is installed in. Living room, master bedroom, son's bedroom, etc. I have heard Dish requests similar info from their installers. This facilitates any further over the phone tech support. If you told me a room without a bed is a bedroom, I would ask you for clarification just to make sure too. I would remove this from your write up as well. It makes you look like you have a chip on your shoulder for the installer doing nothing more than asking you a question so he can complete an aspect of his job.

dufoenet said:
The installer from Carroll's also thought that it was his right to submit commentary on the no tresspassing / do not knock sign we had on our door... which was again none of his business.
What was the nature of the commentary? Give a quote. You get an appointment for a company to come over to your house to do an installation but keep the "do not knock sign" on your door??? I would think it a bit odd as well. But hey you're right, its your home. But don't expect anyone to take you seriously the next time you make a service appointment and no one comes a knockin' ;) This makes you look like you are really stretching for things to libel this installer for by using very vague yet colorfully descriptive language. You expect to go to court you best be prepared to be a lot more specific.

dufoenet said:
After he was done filling us with his witty and inappropriate quips, he proceeded to go outside to install the dish.
One could argue your whole website write up in similar manner. Its full of vague allegations. You would do well to make it a lot more professional by sticking to facts NOT opinions.

dufoenet said:
These oversized screws bolted down the dish but went straight through our patio roof, leaving oversized spikes (the bottom long pointed threads of the screws) sticking out of the bottom of my patio roof.. so large that when the screws are removed, they will leave gaping holes the size of a nickel which will now cause the patio roof to leak.
This one really takes the cake for exaggerations on your part. Nickel sized holes?!?! Hardly. Those are standard 1/4 inch diameter lag bolts. A nickel is approx 3/4 inch in diameter. a HUGE difference there guy.

Regardless of the screw sizes you will still have to patch ANY dish upon removal to prevents leaks. That is why Dish as well as DirecTv make you pay for dish removals. You might get lucky and find an installer to do it for free. But ask nicely and don't make any threats or you will find yourself removing it all by yer lonesome.

I could go on and on. In my opinion, after reading your website write up, it makes you look like a very petty and vindictive individual due to much of the vague allegations fixating on the character of the installer and in fact could easily be turned against you by a good lawyer to bury your credibility with a jury. I would advise you remove much of the inane allegations and stick with only factual statements if you ever expect to go to court. But honestly you don't have much of a hope. Why?

The bottom line:

Hey YOU SIGNED the contract with Dish. NO ONE made you sign it. Dish is not going to release you from the contract just cause you bitch, moan, and whine about it all day on an internet forum.

On the contractual paperwork with DirecTv, as well as those I've seen for Dish Network, one of the items a customer signs off on is a statement to the affect "I am satisfied with the placement of my dish and installation of my satellite system."

Even in the event this installer did make miniscule scratches to your cabinet, nothing can change the fact that you signed off on the installation. You should have noticed and not signed off on it then.

Hell even you admitted to this in your web page write up. It is your word against theirs. Good luck in court. Just as the Dish rep informed you, "... but you also make sure that you bring the Dish Network agreement that YOU signed to court because we certainly will bring our copy for the judge to see!"

Hope you got a good lawyer. Because Dish will certainly make sure the jury is aware you signed off on the installation.

Sign off on the contract then expect to be held to it. You want changes made to your installation later (ie. the lag bolts being moved and patched) expect to get charged a service call fee for it. Period. That is standard for DirecTV too. We constantly get customers with DirecTv that want changes after an installation. They get charged a service call fee too. Period.

Let this be a lesson to you. Don't sign a legal contract then expect to not be held accountable for it later. Make sure you inspect the work completely and are satisfied BEFORE you sign off. Anyone too lazy, gullible, and/or incompetent to do such then has no one else to blame but themselves.

You don't like that answer? Tough. This "buttcrack" :dev DIRECTV :neener installer just tells it like it is ;)
First i would agree that this experience was awful for the customer and totally unacceptable. The point of my post was to give a guideline on how to complain effectively to get what you want (or deserve). I just wanted to point out the falicies in your complaint, as i feel they weaken your arguement.
Perhaps i am a little too free with my opions here as- I dont mean to sound jaded- I prefer the term experienced (and coutious)
h0m3rs1mps0n said:
As for Zooz - I won't say anything negative about you, however if you could please let me know what company you work for so I can be sure to never use you guys I would appreciate it. Just PM me and I will not post the info publically. I just want to make sure I am never labelled an Urban Princess (well I'm a guy so I guess Urban Prince)

Hey I'm a people lover! Don't act like an Urban Princess and you surely will not be labeled one ;)

We installers have our jokes about various customers. If you think what I have to say is bad, then you should really sit down with some DirecTv customer service reps. Endless hours of entertainment to be sure :yes

Zooz said:
Hey I'm a people lover! Don't act like an Urban Princess and you surely will not be labeled one ;)

We installers have our jokes about various customers. If you think what I have to say is bad, then you should really sit down with some DirecTv customer service reps. Endless hours of entertainment to be sure :yes


I spent 3 days on the road last week... we have Regular old CB's in our company trucks... you get to hear some interesting converstaions about people... definitely not for "Virgin" ears.... quite funny though,
Please reply by conversation.

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