savethefamily said:The following is ment as a joke... please take it lightly.
At least we're lucky 72% of Fortune 500 companies don't decide to jump off a cliff. Egads, what would happen then?!
It's one thing to discriminate against someone applying for a job based on sexual preference. It's quite another to pay to bring the gay-lifestyle into your home. My request (and I hope it's heard, because I'm otherwise excited about Voom) is that we be given the option NOT to pay for the homosexual channel -- AKA take it out of the basic package. If people don't like Christian stations (and apparently many don't) -- I wouldn't object to making that a separate option too.
discodol said:Joke? Lightly? Discrimination at any level is not a joke and is not to be taken lightly! Our Constitution guarantees us all the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In order for us to live in a free society we must all realize that comes with a certain responsibility; the responsibility to let those who we perceive as different from ourselves live freely. We also have the right to freedom of speech. In order for that to work everyone must be allowed to speak freely without being censored. With that right comes another responsibility; to allow everyone to speak, even those with whom we disagree. We are all entitled to our opinion about what someone else says and does, just read this forum, but none of us have the right to say someone else should not be heard. Before you ask Voom to treat a genre of content you dislike "differently" think about what that really means. It means you have usurped everyone else's right to choose for themselves. Sorry but I will fight for my right to be offended every time rather that let someone else choose for me what I can be disgusted at whether I am paying for it or not!
cyuhnke said:Then, using your logic, the beastiality lifestyles (non-graphic) channel is OK. The courts have ruled it is not considered "cruelty" to animals, so you can't use the "as long as no one or living being is harmed" argument. Your quote allows this channel on basic packages.
And don't try to cop out by saying I'm comparing homosexuality to beastiality, b/c nowhere did I say that.
discodol said:Joke? Lightly? Discrimination at any level is not a joke and is not to be taken lightly! Our Constitution guarantees us all the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In order for us to live in a free society we must all realize that comes with a certain responsibility; the responsibility to let those who we perceive as different from ourselves live freely. We also have the right to freedom of speech. In order for that to work everyone must be allowed to speak freely without being censored. With that right comes another responsibility; to allow everyone to speak, even those with whom we disagree. We are all entitled to our opinion about what someone else says and does, just read this forum, but none of us have the right to say someone else should not be heard. Before you ask Voom to treat a genre of content you dislike "differently" think about what that really means. It means you have usurped everyone else's right to choose for themselves. Sorry but I will fight for my right to be offended every time rather that let someone else choose for me what I can be disgusted at whether I am paying for it or not!
You are absolutely right! There is no comparison between homosexuality and beastiality. I am glad we agree on that one! The only thing my logic talked about being "ok" was the individual's right to speek freely and the individual's right to be offended at someone else's free speech or in this case gay programming. I for one am glad Voom is offering some diversity in content and am looking forward to deciding for my self whether the mountain is a mole hill or not. The good news until Senator Joe McCarthy is re-elected you are still free to decide for yourself too!
cyuhnke said:My assertion is that your argument is flawed because it is too permissive even for you.
"I don't care how offensive it is to anybody, free speech is free speech. Everyone has a right to be heard in a free society. There's nothing wrong with content you don't like, it's just different. Turn the channel."
My assertion is that using your argument, most speech or programming is allowed on basic television, including beastiality. Show me how your original post precludes this type of programming. You were trying to assert yourself as someone with an excellent command of rhetoric and reason. Please use your gifts so that we simpletons can be made to see the truth
Sean Mota said:Why not make every single channel "a la carte" so that I can pick and choose what to watch? This is insane. There are channels out there that are consider "normal" by someone's standard and yet have lower principles. I wish I did not have to pay for any of the MTV channels since I consider them to be a "waste of bandwith" and it they are put in my basic package. I wish I did not have to pay for CNN, Oxygen, and others that I do not watch either because I don't agree with them. I wish I did not have to pay for 5 religous channels either on my basic package either.
This channel has not even launched and already we have pre-conceived ideas of what is going to be and how it is going to affect our society in general. Wow!
NOHDjunkie said:... Do you allow your children unsupervised acess to the other cinema 10 channels? there is nudity, violence and content unsuitable for children shown here and it is part of the Standard package.
Puritanical ancenstory more than anything........Thank You Pilgrims-lolandrzej said:My kids are grownups, but I still don't understand why in our society bloody, violent movies ala Arnold or Segal showing mindless killings can be PG13 but showing a naked female breast for 2 seconds is equivalent to at least R rating (and still widely available on regular channels).
savethefamily said:Sean, if you're one of the people who find Christianity offensive, then feel free to push for that to be separated also. However as far as I know, Voom doesn't have any Christian channels to separate. (Why would that be one might ask?)
savethefamily said:The big question is - why would anyone care if *I* don't receive the gay channel? Why are some people so amazingly incensed that many people don't want to embrace the gay lifestyle? I'm not advocating destruction of all gay programming - I'm just asking to be given a choice not to be part of it. What's wrong with that?
I have two issues with your protesting.savethefamily said:1 to 3 percent of people are homosexual. 80% of people go to church. When Voom has a channel set aside for the first group, but not the second group, doesn't that raise some legitimate questions?
Impatient said:I have two issues with your protesting.
12) Which church do you give a channel to? Catholic, Protestants, Baptists, Methodist, Islam? Each think they have the best answer to the ultimate question. They do not coexist nicely. My mother happens to be an ordained minister, so I have been through these arguements many times. Please, I want a serious answer on this one.
Davey Roa said:It is my understanding that you have cancelled your instilation of Voom. As far as adjendas go, it appears you have one because you are still posting. It is one channel out of 100 channels that voom offers. You do have the ability to opt out, and use your parental control. I will look forward to the channel launching so we can discuss something more interesting like new channels and upgrades. I have several several friends that will be joining Voom, and they are the least concerned over one channel.