Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel

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Yup thats why we have the best moderation staff on the Internet!

I can't tell you how proud I am of these guys.

And for the record both Dish Network and DirecTV already have a Gay TV channel called HERE!

Im not gay but I am looking at seeing the Producers and Birdcage on VOOM. :)
If you check out the zap2it guide and view the programming on Cinema 10 beginning June 1st, you'll see the movies they show are far from controversial and not even in a league with Queer As Folk, The "L" Word or Six Feet Under.

This will all blow over soon.
csimons66 said:
If you check out the zap2it guide and view the programming on Cinema 10 beginning June 1st, you'll see the movies they show are far from controversial and not even in a league with Queer As Folk, The "L" Word or Six Feet Under.

This will all blow over soon.
I agree, as I said before if VOOM did not announce this way a gay channel but showed the same content that they have announced I don't think anyone would have noticed. :)
Well I'm not sure why a post listing some of the Christian channels on DirecTV would be deleted, but /shrug.

I do however agree with Scott, that if they had not publicized (announced) this that it would have flown under the radar. I don't see HERE! listed under DirecTV's channel list (or LOGO). If they're there as part of a package, as I've said before that wouldn't bother me.

The issue with Voom's move is that they're making this part of their central/basic package without giving the customer an option to bow out -- except by cancelling their subscription.

DIVINE (interesting choice of name also) will undoubtedly begin tame.
My issue really is that VOOM is producing this, not just providing it. I'm not going to drop DSL 'cause porn is on the net. But, if my DSL provider started making the porn for the net, then I would drop them. I understand VOOM's need to produce to get any HD content at the moment, but this might have been a bad move for a struggling company. Obviouslythey didn't think so. But I would have to think that taking the few million it cost to purchase licenses and produce these ridiculous "HDivas" (gotta admit that is a little overt) would have been better spent locking in some regional installers w/training that understand the OTA issue and eliminate those problems.
My personal belief is that they could get really excellent installs w/out all of the troubles we now have for the next 6 to 9 months they may have a chance. But most of the techno' geeks like us may have been used up in subscribiing so now the general public is going to have to deal with these installers. and OTA and STB issues may be too much for them.
What makes this channel truely distasteful is the inclusion of flagrantly gay Divas , crossdressers, drag queens and deviants. etc. I doubt the announcers are going to be Ellen degeneres or Rosie Odonnell who maintain a certain level of decorum on their past respective talk shows. I am sure these "Divas" will be over the top and it is disturbing. If Voom thinks this is acceptable material then I want my Howard Stern hosted movie network Now!!!!!!!
While I agree that its in your face.....it can be tuned out. The old saying if you dont like it dont watch it. Its been going on with people for years. Why they decided to go woth this ch is beyond me....maybe to be on the edge and provide something for everyone. But, if they were going to spend $$$ it would be better spent if we could get some decent movies on the cin 10 ch's. Hey, Birdcage was great ....I would stop and watch it again. But, do we have to have a whole ch based on that same premise. I just dont get it. They have so many other things that they could create and make better. Im a little disappointed but it surely wont make me cancel. But I always have the option to skip that ch if I dont like what is on. Kind of like the way I skip the Cin 10 ch's now.
People can tune out radio but didnt Stern get yanked by the FCC a few times?
But Voom can put these flaming Divas on my screen and you say change the channel. Now theres a double standard. Did Sterns Late night TV show get the ax too?

I think Ive stumbled upon what could be the killer app for Voom. Hire Stern!. Give him his own radio HD show but air it on HDTV. His own Movies HD network. ALL Stern 24/7!!! An In your face straight male, pro female lesbian/lesbian action, pro breast implant, degrading female network!
I have no problem with Stern. I listen to him sometimes when I can...and when I find his program to be not tasteful I turn to another station. I dont believe what is happening to Stern is right. There is a freedom of speech act that we have here in America. We should go by it. Which also gives us the right to never watch Divine or anything else that anyone finds to be offensive.
vinnyv07 said:
I have no problem with Stern. I listen to him sometimes when I can...and when I find his program to be not tasteful I turn to another station. I dont believe what is happening to Stern is right. There is a freedom of speech act that we have here in America. We should go by it. Which also gives us the right to never watch Divine or anything else that you find to be offensive.
I like him too. WHy not a Stern Network from VOom. An exclusive. It would be a money maker for VOom. So far we are catering to the rich and gays. What about us ordinary males?
I have no problem with Stern. I listen to him sometimes when I can...and when I find his program to be not tasteful I turn to another station. I dont believe what is happening to Stern is right. There is a freedom of speech act that we have here in America. We should go by it.
My rights have been trampled on since I took my first breath and they will continue to be trampled on until I take my last. Stern is a crybaby and screaming freespeech is BS. He is broadcast over public airwaves which have certain decency rules and regulations. Hence the FCC, which enforces those rules and regulations. If he doesn't like those rules, tough! I have to follow rules and regulations mandated by OSHA that make my business less profitable. I wish I could say to my employees if you dont like lump it. Well I can, but then I'll have an OSHA audit on me faster than you could blink. I can't even get into my car without being threatend to "Click it or Ticket". I also believe we have a right to bear arms in this counry, but can you believe there are certain places where you can't get a permit, even if your an upstanding citizen? I could go on and on about "rights" but I hope you get my point. "Rights" have rules and if Stern don't like it then welcome to the club.

vurbano said:
I like him too. WHy not a Stern Network from VOom. An exclusive. It would be a money maker for VOom. So far we are catering to the rich and gays. What about us ordinary males?
Ladies and Gents-Howard Stern's new agent-Vurbano-LMAO
savethefamily said:
Well I'm not sure why a post listing some of the Christian channels on DirecTV would be deleted, but /shrug.
The issue with Voom's move is that they're making this part of their central/basic package without giving the customer an option to bow out -- except by cancelling their subscription.

are those Christian channels on DirecTV part of their basic package? Yes, they are. Do I have an option not to pay for them if I disagree with their message and keep the rest of the basic package? Nope. So, what's the difference other than your personal believes?
vurbano said:
I like him too. WHy not a Stern Network from VOom. An exclusive. It would be a money maker for VOom. So far we are catering to the rich and gays. What about us ordinary males?

I think that Stern is just plain boring. Over and over the same stuff about lesbians, porn and deviations. To me, he is as boring as those Christian channels. Just different subjects of obsession.
andrzej said:
I think that Stern is just plain boring. Over and over the same stuff about lesbians, porn and deviations. To me, he is as boring as those Christian channels. Just different subjects of obsession.
you forgot large breast implants too
For those of you who are thinking about cancelling you sub or install to Voom because you don't want to pay money to a corporation who acknowledges homosexuality you should know:
Seventy-two percent, or 360, of the Fortune 500 companies included sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies at the end of 2003
200 Fortune-listed companies, or 40 percent, offered domestic partner health insurance benefits
7,149 private employers and colleges and universities that provided health insurance coverage to employees' domestic partners
Half of all states and the District of Columbia provided some level of protection from sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace last year Eleven states cover their public employees and 14 states extend protections to the private sector
At the end of 2003, 285 cities, counties and government organizations provided some level of protection against employment discrimination based on sexual orientation
I think you might find it hard to buy a car, travel on an airline, shop in the supermarket, got to the movies, watch tv, live in or travel to many states and cities if you were going to use the boycott to express your negative feelings about sexual orientation.
discodol said:
For those of you who are thinking about cancelling you sub or install to Voom because you don't want to pay money to a corporation who acknowledges homosexuality you should know:
Seventy-two percent, or 360, of the Fortune 500 companies included sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies at the end of 2003
200 Fortune-listed companies, or 40 percent, offered domestic partner health insurance benefits
7,149 private employers and colleges and universities that provided health insurance coverage to employees' domestic partners
Half of all states and the District of Columbia provided some level of protection from sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace last year Eleven states cover their public employees and 14 states extend protections to the private sector
At the end of 2003, 285 cities, counties and government organizations provided some level of protection against employment discrimination based on sexual orientation
I think you might find it hard to buy a car, travel on an airline, shop in the supermarket, got to the movies, watch tv, live in or travel to many states and cities if you were going to use the boycott to express your negative feelings about sexual orientation.

The following is ment as a joke... please take it lightly.

At least we're lucky 72% of Fortune 500 companies don't decide to jump off a cliff. Egads, what would happen then?!

It's one thing to discriminate against someone applying for a job based on sexual preference. It's quite another to pay to bring the gay-lifestyle into your home. My request (and I hope it's heard, because I'm otherwise excited about Voom) is that we be given the option NOT to pay for the homosexual channel -- AKA take it out of the basic package. If people don't like Christian stations (and apparently many don't) -- I wouldn't object to making that a separate option too.
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