For those of you who are thinking about cancelling you sub or install to Voom because you don't want to pay money to a corporation who acknowledges homosexuality you should know:
Seventy-two percent, or 360, of the Fortune 500 companies included sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies at the end of 2003
200 Fortune-listed companies, or 40 percent, offered domestic partner health insurance benefits
7,149 private employers and colleges and universities that provided health insurance coverage to employees' domestic partners
Half of all states and the District of Columbia provided some level of protection from sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace last year Eleven states cover their public employees and 14 states extend protections to the private sector
At the end of 2003, 285 cities, counties and government organizations provided some level of protection against employment discrimination based on sexual orientation
I think you might find it hard to buy a car, travel on an airline, shop in the supermarket, got to the movies, watch tv, live in or travel to many states and cities if you were going to use the boycott to express your negative feelings about sexual orientation.