Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel Exc

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Let Freedom ring

One needs to look at voom for what they are: A Pioneer in HD! If Voom played it safe to keep everyone happy and to turn a profit, I think we would have a Dish or direct wanna be!

For those who thinks its a bad business move to add a gay channel I would like to point out that Canada has strated their own gay network and MTV, just yesterday announced plans to do so as well: http://cbs2.com/entertainment/entertainment_story_146183620.html

So I’m guessing there is a market out there. As for me, I have no problem having that on the line up... because
If it adds more to Voom, more power to them! As for those customers they loose, well maybe that isnt a bad thing.
I Hope there is a day we have a gay hd,christian HD,horse racing hd, home and garden-hd, hockey hd, nascar,hd, fishing hd (i draw the line at al-jazzera hd) Isn't that the point..500 channels(HDTV) and something on :)
occammd said:
I completely agree w/the business slant. Which is why I take the stance that if it is not a pay channel I won't keep VOOM.

If I understand your reasoning correctly, you are willing to give up your pleasure of having many (non-gay) HD channels that I am sure you enjoy watching. In other words, you are willing to punish yourself to demonstrate to Voom that you disagree with their selection of programming. Am I reading this correctly?
"Market researchers estimate the gay and lesbian population at 15 million adults, with a projected buying power of $485 billion (according to MarketResearch.com) and it is increasingly the target for many Fortune 500 companies." taken from the link on the announcment that MTV plans their own gay channel.
gotta draw the line somewhere, why al-jazeera? (by no means am I endorsing it). Everbody has a limit, mine is just earlier, or different, than yours.

I really do wish that this stuff was all ala-carte, then I really would not have an issue with it.
as long as they take away cinema 10 channels for these adventures, i am all for it, but if they just added this channel to the regular line up i would have been hotter than a fox in a forest fire.i wonder if voom will launch big ads stating they have a 24 hour gay channel.if they do not then what is the point.i know we have to be adult like on the chat boards here, but i would bet more than a few of us threw up our arms and dropped some bombs when we saw this on here!
That's right, we should not have this channel as a free channel, it should be a pay only channel, I am leaving Voom and going back to Directv if they don't make changes, NOW!!!

blkhawk666 said:
Market researchers estimate the gay and lesbian population at 15 million adults

How many homosexuals out of 15 million have a HDTV? Take that number, then out of those, how many have Voom? 5 or 6?

Why not have a "dog-lover/goth/classical music-lover/professional swimmer"-HD channel, to service that "demographic" also?? I wish Voom would focus on other things.
And just what are these "consequences"? Are we all going to hell because of this?

No. The consequences I was refering to by making subject matter such as this more common place is that eventually it will help lead to the idea of Gay marriage being okay, after that whats to prevent polygamy from becoming legal - Don't those people have rights? Were do you draw the line? How hard will it to be to keep a marraige together in the future if the morals of society are degraded to such low standards? Those are the consequence I am refering to. If someone goes to hell or not is a choice that he or she makes.

In addition those "more analytical" churches that where refered to in another post, with the exception of the churches founded for and attended by homosexuals, believe that God created woman for man. Not man for man, not woman for woman.

I am sorry that I keep responding with posts like this after the moderator has asked not to, but I feel that the opinions I have on Voom carring this HD channel, should be expressed because I do not agree with, nor do I think that it is wise because of the facts that I have stated. As others have said, if Voom was going to create/carry more HD, they should get stuff that draws all HD fans not just a select few. I shouldn't have to block one of the 21 Voom exclusive channels. To me, Voom only carries 20 exclusive channels. I might not always watch the other stuff, but it was there if I wanted to. This for me is not!
szman167 said:
That's right, we should not have this channel as a free channel, it should be a pay only channel, I am leaving Voom and going back to Directv if they don't make changes, NOW!!!


Pretty Heafty demands - please cancel now, we won't miss you and neither will voom. Don't let the other 20 exclusive HDTV channels hit you in the A$$!! :D
astrossuperfan said:
How many homosexuals out of 15 million have a HDTV? Take that number, then out of those, how many have Voom? 5 or 6?

Why not have a "dog-lover/goth/classical music-lover/professional swimmer"-HD channel, to service that "demographic" also?? I wish Voom would focus on other things.

LOL. Good point
occammd said:
gotta draw the line somewhere, why al-jazeera? (by no means am I endorsing it). Everbody has a limit, mine is just earlier, or different, than yours.

Actually, I don't see why al-jazeera or any other station should be excluded. It is a free country after all. Are you people afraid that you can be successfully indoctrinated by them? That you may lose your sense of what is right and what is wrong?

occammd said:
I really do wish that this stuff was all ala-carte, then I really would not have an issue with it.

I agree 100%. All channels should be ala-carte. We also know that this is practically impossible.
stucky_boss said:
nor do I think that it is wise because of the facts that I have stated.
FACTS??!?!? what Facts have you stated?......everything you have stated is opinion and Christian philosophy/law. Sorry to break it to ya but religion and the Bible are not fact.

What is a fact is that Gay people exist, they have money, they watch HDTV and some will come to voom for this one channel alone. Subscriber growth is good for voom's business. Those are facts.
astrossuperfan said:
Why not have a "dog-lover/goth/classical music-lover/professional swimmer"-HD channel, to service that "demographic" also??

They do, it's called Epics, the only channel named for epics that plays no epics & only artsy-fartsy stuff. Maybe that has been the gay channel all along, and the conspiracy it was named epics to lure in unexpected action/adventure movie lovers :)

I want a manly war/action/real epic channel to blalance out the recent announcement. Patton 7x24 would be the Cinema 10 scheduling version of it.

Sorry to interrupt the debate with some levity. Unfortunately I think occammd's decision/methods or some very organized protest are probably the only ones that would get a reversal of the decision.

I appreciate MOST people NOT getting personal making accusations about peoples beliefs and/or lifestyles. Let's try try to remain professional, PLEASE.
Seanb61 said:
Pretty Heafty demands - please cancel now, we won't miss you and neither will voom. Don't let the other 20 exclusive HDTV channels hit you in the A$$!! :D

Are you a Queer?
astrossuperfan said:
How many homosexuals out of 15 million have a HDTV? Take that number, then out of those, how many have Voom? 5 or 6?

Why not have a "dog-lover/goth/classical music-lover/professional swimmer"-HD channel, to service that "demographic" also?? I wish Voom would focus on other things.

I would wonder the amount of regular subscribers of sat. TV to those who have voom.
occammd said:
gotta draw the line somewhere, why al-jazeera? (by no means am I endorsing it). Everbody has a limit, mine is just earlier, or different, than yours.

I really do wish that this stuff was all ala-carte, then I really would not have an issue with it.
Just because that's my button--9/11 and all that follows and Will follow,in the future..I have tollerance for almost anything use the LOCKS, can't blame someone who does and it bothers..but I draw the line with the above mentioned garbage
stucky_boss said:
No. The consequences I was refering to by making subject matter such as this more common place is that eventually it will help lead to the idea of Gay marriage being okay, after that whats to prevent polygamy from becoming legal - Don't those people have rights? Were do you draw the line? How hard will it to be to keep a marraige together in the future if the morals of society are degraded to such low standards? Those are the consequence I am refering to.

Are you suggesting that 50% of heterosexual marriages in this country fail because of gay people? And that the morals of the heterosexual portion of our society are degrading because of gay people??? :confused:
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