Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel Exc

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stucky_boss said:
It might not be a big deal to you today, but your kids or grand kids will definately have to deal with the consequences of this issues.

And just what are these "consequences"? Are we all going to hell because of this?
I guess I cannot consider myself "normal" because I have absolutely nothing against the DIVINE channel. I may never watch it, but I also never watch scores of other channels. And it always amazes me that for so many "righteous" people "gay movies" are about homosexual man having wild sex with multiple partners, and that a picture of two men kissing is considered by them to be more immoral and disgusting than a picture of two women kissing.
Please check out the thread in the programming area for more about this.


I know many people are happy with this news and many are upset with this news. I respectfully request that if you want to discuss the gay issues, please do it in our Chit Chat area, not in our VOOM forums.

SatelliteGuys is here to help all our members get the most from their Satellite systems, we dont care if your gay, striaght, bisexualy, red, white, blue, black, yellow, brown, orange etc. We enjoy helping everyone out no matter what you are.

Bashing people because of their prefrences (no matter if you agree with them or not) will not be tollerated here at SatelliteGuys. Again we are here to help EVERYONE.

Thanks everyone for your understanding!
"And it always amazes me that for so many "righteous" people "gay movies" are about homosexual man having wild sex with multiple partners, and that a picture of two men kissing is considered by them to be more immoral and disgusting than a picture of two women kissing."

Is that a belief or fact?
As I see it, you fall into three camps on this.

1. You don't care at all.

2. You think it's wrong

3. You think sexual orientation is a preference

The owner of this forum has twice posted that number 3 is the policy of this forum. It's his site, and even though I disagree I will respect his wishes and limit my posts on this thread accordingly. I enjoy using this forum, and will follow forum rules. I think we all should do the same.
Let's see...what potential programming would be available? How about those famous Gay westerns?

The Good, The Bad, and The Tacky

Hang the Drapes High

A Fistfull of Donald

The Magnificent 7 & 1/2
It might be fun to laugh at the drag queen hosts? Why turn this into more of a spectacle than it already is by having these hosts?
WTF is going on? A Gay HD Channel? I don't understand this from a business perspective. Why put work into a channel that will not attract new subs, and possibly cause some subs to cancel in protest.

Get us channels that WILL bring in new subs, and make the subs you have happy: INHD1/2, and RSNs!!!! This is not a hard concept to grasp, did these jokers get a business degree from Dumba$$ University?
cyuhnke said:
As I see it, you fall into three camps on this.

1. You don't care at all.

2. You think it's wrong

3. You think sexual orientation is a preference

The owner of this forum has twice posted that number 3 is the policy of this forum. It's his site, and even though I disagree I will respect his wishes and limit my posts on this thread accordingly. I enjoy using this forum, and will follow forum rules. I think we all should do the same.

I am not sure what you are saying. I have a problem with falling into any of your camps because:
1. I do care.
2. I don't think it's wrong.
3. I don't think that sexual orientation is a preference.
astrossuperfan said:
WTF is going on? A Gay HD Channel? I don't understand this from a business perspective. Why put work into a channel that will not attract new subs, and possibly cause some subs to cancel in protest.

Get us channels that WILL bring in new subs, and make the subs you have happy: INHD1/2, and RSNs!!!! This is not a hard concept to grasp, did these jokers get a business degree from Dumba$$ University?

It seems to me that for some people it is a hard concept to grasp that some channels are more difficult to get than others. You really think that Voom had a choice to add either DIVINE or INHD and decided to get DIVINE?
#3 - neither, probably, is alcoholism or many men's desire to have sex with most beautiful women they see, but that doesn't make it right.

No i don't think they chose it over InHD either
Voom does have parental controls & lockout features which are ratings & content based. Closing thread, other comments go to Programming Forum,

Please also respect Scott's request that Sat issues are OK in the Voom forum, but lifestyle/political/and personality/personal issues belong elsewhere.
Big Mistake

VOOM, How dare you place this filth out there and not make it a pay only channel!!!

I am seriously thinking of going back to Directv!!! :mad:
Seanb61 said:
I suggest this Thread be shut down.

From a business standpoint, I don't know smart it is, but Voom is trying to think out of the... box. Sho pulled back on a themed channel but has plenty of content of that variety, but determined a separate channel was not to segregate the demographic based on there research and I'm sure feedback from the customer base.

Whatever I personally think of it, more than 75% of the channels on Voom are not in my favorites list and/or blocked, so I never even see what's there and ignore it. I customize my zap2it interface to block out content that doesn't interest me. If I had a choice between not having this channel vs blocking it & getting real epics on the Epics channel, I would immediately chose the latter.

In the end on keeping the thread open or not, let's all behave in a civil manner please. This is a programming vs proselytizing forum. Lets avoid the personal comments/insults. I recognize this pushes groups to extreme opinions, but please keep the other stuff in the chit chat forum.
stucky_boss said:
giving way to this just opens the door for more tomorrow. Today 1 pure Gay HD channel, tomorrow another, Gay content here and there. Besides the fact that it is wrong and immoral, having this channel opens the door for every other station / channel in the world to say "hey, you know those gay channels, they are getting good ratings, lets produce more Gay oriented content and show more Gay themed things since everyone is okay with it." If you don't stand up for what you believe in, you will be run over! I know I can lock it out or not watch, but soon I won't be able to watch anything. Like I said, 1 Gay HD channel today, tons more tomorrow.

Yes.. it's called BUSINESS

Will & Grace isn't on the air for more than 5 years because it's gay, it's because it's the MOST POPULAR COMEDY on network TV for the most desirable demographics of 18-49 age group.

The folks at NBC only see $$$ and they must do whatever they can to get shareholders profit. If that means more gay programmings, then THAT'S A GOOD BUSINESS DECISION!

As to someone's assertion that being Christian can only mean you frown upon homosexuality, I suggest they check out the many churches that believe in a more non-literal, analytical interpretation of the Bible -- you know, the same non-literal interpretation that lets people work on Sunday (so you can see movies, gas up your car, etc.), eat pork, harvest their entire field, banish slavery, etc.

As for it being a wise business decision, it's been known for the past decade or two that gay male couples tend not to have kids and, therefore, have a quite a bit of disposable income on hand (provided they haven't been fired from their jobs for who they are). This is VOOM's way of courting that "almighty dollar".
astrossuperfan said:
WTF is going on? A Gay HD Channel? I don't understand this from a business perspective. Why put work into a channel that will not attract new subs, and possibly cause some subs to cancel in protest.

Get us channels that WILL bring in new subs, and make the subs you have happy: INHD1/2, and RSNs!!!! This is not a hard concept to grasp, did these jokers get a business degree from Dumba$$ University?

Actually I love HDTV and have DISH HD and Adelphia cable HD.

Now with the addition of the new channel, I'm seriously tempted to give VOOM a try...!
I completely agree w/the business slant. Which is why I take the stance that if it is not a pay channel I won't keep VOOM. I am not stupid enough to think that if they don't make money on it, they will keep it for spite. But I do know that if I don't take a stance (agree with me or not) then I am endorsing it. Remember in the RUSH song, "if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice", its true, although Moving Pictures is not my Bible.
I think it is very interesting to sit and talk about this subject. Business drives this so either people that disagree with it will sit and do nothing and continue to pump money into it or they won't. I don't think they will get the message unless we talk w/our wallet.
andrzej said:
You really think that Voom had a choice to add either DIVINE or INHD and decided to get DIVINE?

All I'm saying is, it doesn't make ANY sense to develop a channel which will not bring any new subs to Voom, and Voom could possibly lose subs in protest. As a sat provider, I would be doing everything in my company's power to make subs HAPPY. Adding a controversial channel like this is not the way to go. Would adding Inhd1/2, HDnet, and RSNs make customers happy, and add new customers? It sure would. Does adding a gay HD channel do the same? Not exactly.
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