I've only portions of this thread but it just goes to solidify my belief that most people in the world just are not that bright.
Hypocrisy runs wild and no one who objects in this thread can probably spell the word tolerance, even though its supposedly the backbone of whatever religion you are using to argue for keeping things like this off the air.
I'm atheist, don't believe in the whole higher being thing, if you do thats great, if you don't, thats great too. This is a perfect example of why we have the problems we have today, religion, or more to the point the belief that because YOU believe it something, it must be right. I never say I'm right in what I believe, I may be very wrong, but at least I'm not a hypocrite in what I believe.
I'm more pissed at the fact that some right winger can come on and tell me what I should and should not be watching versus them putting programming out there and letting an ADULT INDIVIDUAL make a decision for him or herself.
If more time was spent practicing what everyone preaches the world would be a better place. Take the time to think for yourself instead of letting someone else do it for you.
Everything must have balance and it shows here that many people lack the ability to create that balance. If you don't want your kids watching it then don't let them watch it, simple as that. If you can't handle it, don't have kids. Thats pretty cut and dry right there.
You believe what you believe and do what you do, but don't push your beliefs off on me or the society we live in. I don't push my beliefs on anyone, you think what you want to think, do what you want to do but when you start judging things out of pure stupidity and fear then your just showing your lack of intelligence.
I'll probably never catch a single thing on there, although the wife and I did see Kissing Jessica Stein at the theatre.
I'd be interested to find out how many of you right wingers caught The L Word everytime it was on or watch programming that is against your beliefs, but like most its selective and you apply your idea's and beliefs when it suits your personal feelings and use them as a crutch to argue a point that you could not possibly do yourself.
Oh, before you start the liberal crap I'm a Republican, don't buy into alot of their social values but with anything where there is a will there is a way and honestly their economic policies benefit the wife and I far more than their social misdirection