These are bizarre times we live in epitomized by the generation of entailment, where everyone thinks they are entitled to certain things and things should be done the way they want. Narcissism and childish behavior are not only allowed, but often encouraged.
I am sorry that Sony is providing a free service, one which they do not have to do. This is Sony's service and they have to right to set it up how they want and you have the right to choose to use it or not. Nobody is entitled to break in, rob, steal, or create havoc, a very childish and immature act, because Sony (the adult) decided the change the rules. What is even worse is there are people who justify such actions.
I am sorry, stealing and breaking and entering are not considered art.
This breach was akin to that bank leaving the money on the sidewalk and not a vault though. Sony would have had difficulty getting FDIC insurance with how lax their security apparently was and had we known that many including myself would not have put our money in.
In this case, I don't really care about the bank robbers, I'm more concerned about my assets that Sony put at risk due to their negligence.