I've been getting a couple PMs between here and another site concerning if they should be worried about when certain things would pay out,
Here is my timeline........
6/5 Cancelled my original DirecTV order as HD for Life promotion was added and because I already submitted the online rebates, no changes could be made to the order.
6/5 Placed order for DirecTV service thru BestBuy.directv.com using link from BING.com for the cashback. This was the first day that they added HD Free for Life to the $29 1st/$14 2nd year promotion. My DirecTV order came to $522.00 before tax since I got 4 HD-DVRs and the $25 TV Internet Connection Service. Also used a referral
6/8 Placed order for an HDTV over $499 to qualify for the extra $300 rebate Best Buy was offering with DirecTV sign up. BING Cashback happen to be offering 20% back for Best Buy purchases that day...then it dropped to 3% for the remainder of the time BING cashback existed.
6/10 I emailed BING a PDF copy of my DirecTV order, it was added to my Bing account the next day.
6/30 Submitted online rebates for $29 First Year / $14 Second Year discounts.
7/1 - 7/2 Installation days. I got my 4 HR24s and 1 std receiver, 5 LNB, international dish, and SWM-16. Installation was perfect.
7/2 The charged my credit card and my first statement was sent out. The $29 discount, $10 refer a friend, $24 Starz/Showtime, and $10 Free HD for Life discounts all showed.
7/3 Went GREEN, signed up for paperless billing. Already had enrolled in autopay for the Free HD for life.
7/6 $50 Best Buy gift card rebate showed up as approved on directv.com/rebates.
7/13 Somewhere around this date I finally mailed in my $300 Best Buy gift card rebate
7/23 Received $50 Best Buy Gift Card in the mail.
8/2 $20 GOING GREEN credit posts to my account
8/2 Best Buy $300 Gift Card shows up as approved at directv.com/rebates. So, if it's like the $50 gift card, I should have that in about 2 weeks.
8/4 Was able to request my cash from Bing for my DirecTV order as 60 day waiting period for my $208.80 in bing cashback ended and the money will be in my checking account in 2 days
8/7 60 day waiting period will be over for my $140 cashback for my $699 50" Panasonic plasma and I'll be able to request that money.
So, the bottom line is, the stacking of all the deals all worked out for me. A lot of you ordered and/or installed well after my dates....so just be patient. 3 more days, and I'll be able to collect for my TV Bing Cashback. I know a few of you did use that as well for the 3% cashback on your HDTV.
So in the end I got this for discounts over the first 2 years.
$350.00 in Best Buy gift cards
$348.80 in BING Cashback
$240.00 in HD access credits (valued for just for the 1st 2 years)
$348.00 in 1st year D* credits
$168.00 in 2nd year D* credits (was regional)
$298.00 "free" HD-DVR and discounted 2nd HD-DVR
$ 69.00 "free" standard receiver
$ 20.00 for GOING GREEN
$100.00 in Refer a friend credit for using my friends acct# at the time of ordering online
$ 20.00 free shipping/processing for ordering online
$ 72.00 free Showtime and Starz for 3 months
$ 15.00 3 free months of HD Extra Pack (added after installation)
$ 59.00 Free AM21 OTA tuner. Installer installed it but I was never billed for it.
$000.00 Panasonic 50" Plasma was actually on sale from $799 to $699 (no value given)
$000.00 Free 2nd half of cricket ticket (normally $300 a season...but didn't give this a value)
$000.00 5LNB dish, SWM-16 switch, international dish, 2 wall fishes w/2 lines each (no value given)
$2035.80 in "savings", gift cards, etc over the first 2 years!!!
Let's just say I'm a very happy camper now that the DirecTV bing actually paid out and the $300 gift card got approved. That means I'm golden and feel like I got the best deal ever for DirecTV service!
Here is my timeline........
6/5 Cancelled my original DirecTV order as HD for Life promotion was added and because I already submitted the online rebates, no changes could be made to the order.
6/5 Placed order for DirecTV service thru BestBuy.directv.com using link from BING.com for the cashback. This was the first day that they added HD Free for Life to the $29 1st/$14 2nd year promotion. My DirecTV order came to $522.00 before tax since I got 4 HD-DVRs and the $25 TV Internet Connection Service. Also used a referral
6/8 Placed order for an HDTV over $499 to qualify for the extra $300 rebate Best Buy was offering with DirecTV sign up. BING Cashback happen to be offering 20% back for Best Buy purchases that day...then it dropped to 3% for the remainder of the time BING cashback existed.
6/10 I emailed BING a PDF copy of my DirecTV order, it was added to my Bing account the next day.
6/30 Submitted online rebates for $29 First Year / $14 Second Year discounts.
7/1 - 7/2 Installation days. I got my 4 HR24s and 1 std receiver, 5 LNB, international dish, and SWM-16. Installation was perfect.
7/2 The charged my credit card and my first statement was sent out. The $29 discount, $10 refer a friend, $24 Starz/Showtime, and $10 Free HD for Life discounts all showed.
7/3 Went GREEN, signed up for paperless billing. Already had enrolled in autopay for the Free HD for life.
7/6 $50 Best Buy gift card rebate showed up as approved on directv.com/rebates.
7/13 Somewhere around this date I finally mailed in my $300 Best Buy gift card rebate
7/23 Received $50 Best Buy Gift Card in the mail.
8/2 $20 GOING GREEN credit posts to my account
8/2 Best Buy $300 Gift Card shows up as approved at directv.com/rebates. So, if it's like the $50 gift card, I should have that in about 2 weeks.
8/4 Was able to request my cash from Bing for my DirecTV order as 60 day waiting period for my $208.80 in bing cashback ended and the money will be in my checking account in 2 days
8/7 60 day waiting period will be over for my $140 cashback for my $699 50" Panasonic plasma and I'll be able to request that money.
So, the bottom line is, the stacking of all the deals all worked out for me. A lot of you ordered and/or installed well after my dates....so just be patient. 3 more days, and I'll be able to collect for my TV Bing Cashback. I know a few of you did use that as well for the 3% cashback on your HDTV.
So in the end I got this for discounts over the first 2 years.
$350.00 in Best Buy gift cards
$348.80 in BING Cashback
$240.00 in HD access credits (valued for just for the 1st 2 years)
$348.00 in 1st year D* credits
$168.00 in 2nd year D* credits (was regional)
$298.00 "free" HD-DVR and discounted 2nd HD-DVR
$ 69.00 "free" standard receiver
$ 20.00 for GOING GREEN
$100.00 in Refer a friend credit for using my friends acct# at the time of ordering online
$ 20.00 free shipping/processing for ordering online
$ 72.00 free Showtime and Starz for 3 months
$ 15.00 3 free months of HD Extra Pack (added after installation)
$ 59.00 Free AM21 OTA tuner. Installer installed it but I was never billed for it.
$000.00 Panasonic 50" Plasma was actually on sale from $799 to $699 (no value given)
$000.00 Free 2nd half of cricket ticket (normally $300 a season...but didn't give this a value)
$000.00 5LNB dish, SWM-16 switch, international dish, 2 wall fishes w/2 lines each (no value given)
$2035.80 in "savings", gift cards, etc over the first 2 years!!!
Let's just say I'm a very happy camper now that the DirecTV bing actually paid out and the $300 gift card got approved. That means I'm golden and feel like I got the best deal ever for DirecTV service!

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