PQ has improved it seems or did it?

Gr8Reb8 said:
Last night, when I attempted to watch DiscoveryHD (between 8pm and 10pm), the picture stuttered to the extreme. On a quality scale of 1-10 it was a 1. As long as nothing moved, it was nice and clear. As soon as something mooved it was really bad. I still have my DirecTv HD and turned to DiscoveryHD there, and picture was clear and stable. If it's so bad that I have to turn off Voom so I'm not embarrassed in front of wife and friends, we are not even in the same ballpark as perfection....:rolleyes:

Instead of turning Voom off (which, in front of your friends, is embarrasing in itself) you should have changed the channel. HDNews always looks very good... :)
Discovery HD sucked last night!

Discovery HD was horrible last night! It was totally unwatchable. The stuttering was evident on EVERY scene unless everything onscreen was totally still.

I watched, Monsters last night and the PQ was excellent (other than some bad source material). I also watched World Sport and Rush HD and they all had excellent PQ. I did, however, notice the sparklies on the Comedy channel during South Park. Didn't like that much.

Also, turned everything on about 9:00 last night and had no PG info for any channels (OTA or Sat). I did have the channel names (except for the OTA channels). I restarted the box and it didn't seem to help. I checked around 10:00 and noticed it was all back (including OTA channels). Honestly, I can live with them tweaking the PQ for a while. It's understandable they'd be having a few issues with PQ being a new service and all. But why all the friggin problems with the Program Guide!!?? I mean, people have been offering PGs for many YEARS now. You'd think that would be one thing they'd be able to get right! If anything would make me cancel Voom it would be them not getting that worked out. Having that many channels without knowing what's on (unless you print a guide out) is useless to me.

I'm totally frustrated with this issue and I've only been Vooming for a little less than 3 weeks now. As I said, I can understand PQ problems, it would make sense they wouldn't have it perfect 100% of the time out of the box. But there is no rhyme or reason for the PG problems. This is what's so frustrating. Everytime I turn the set on I wonder, "Hmm, will I have PG info tonight..." I shouldn't have to deal with this in this day and age...

Also, I'm headed away for a long weekend to Colorado to go skiing this weekend. My wife told me to turn on DTV before I leave since she was so frustrated with Voom the other night. Now, in all fairness, she was trying to watch an OTA channel and there was a monsoon going on outside. However, when I had gotten home that night I noticed CBS (NYC) was unwatchable. Picture breaking up into pixels, freezing, etc. It wasn't really raining at that time although I'm not sure if it was raining in the City. Keep in mind, I live 10 miles away from the City so, typically, we have very similar weather. It's not like 50 miles away or something. Anyone else notice this problem the other night?

The Rickster
Did anyone else notice last night between 7 & 8 pm that all of the premium HD movie channels were screwed up? This is the first time that I have ever seen this.
edsmith100 said:
gene,got home last night @approx 11:00,turned on all hd chs and for the life of me i could not see a thing wrong with the pic or sound.it looks like they have been playing around with there equip for the past 2-3 wks,right after the last upgrade.ive been around this industry for a long time,your going to see glitch after glitch for another month or 2,some small some large.my advice to people that are looking for perfection right now is quit and come back in 6mo.you will see this site change from pq complaints to talk about new equip and price hikes. ed

so you didn't notice the stuttering with DHDT? I'm not asking for perfection here, just good PQ, and that wasn't there on DHDT last night. And btw 6 months is a very long time to wait for this type of problem to get worked out. It really was totally unwatchable.

DiscoveryHD channel has been bad for awhile. But Im sure Wilt is working on it. Just let me know if you see it get better. Yes we also know that west coast feed are soft. Lemme know when that gets better too.
Voom PQ tonight 4/16/04

Things look pretty good to me. Id like to know what others think. Watching truk lagoon on discoveryhd and it looked pretty sharp to be underwater. How are the west coast feeds?
vurbano said:
Things look pretty good to me. Id like to know what others think. Watching truk lagoon on discoveryhd and it looked pretty sharp to be underwater. How are the west coast feeds?

I also watched this show and thought it looked really good!
Watching XXX right now on EncoreHD. TONS of 'checkerboard' (or is it macroblocking?) in it. I really hope this is VOOM and not how HD is supposed to look.
DHDT "Bismark" looks soft. Could be North Atlantic weather. I wonder who will win this battle? Those dang Germans.
i think the premiums still look like crap, soft, pixelating , this has to get fixed, im getting fed up
neo0285 said:
i think the premiums still look like crap, soft, pixelating , this has to get fixed, im getting fed up

I agree with this. While they have improved a little, I'll admit. They still don't look as good as they used to.
Watching the Giant Squid program on DHD this morning. Looks good, although kinda soft. Only time I occasionally see pixilization is during red scenes, something I've noticed on just about every HD channel on Voom. Also hoping the fight tonight looks stunning.
Well since ive been chastized that it isnt a bandwidth issue, that it isnt the result of using compression to squeeze bravo and encore onto different transponders causing multiple channels to have problems on those transponders then what is the problem? and why isnt it fixed? Why is discovery still soft? And what is the final 39 HD channel quality that voom is shooting for?

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