PQ has improved it seems or did it?

vurbano said:
I dont think it will return to its "best" until after Mpeg4. Its added too many HD channels for that I think. I would like to see it get sharper on a couple of channels, but overall this is dramatic improvement over Sunday and Monday's verions of voom
Wilt stated that compresion and bandwith are not factors in the recent pq"downturn"-sorry, just don't see the, as you say, "dramatic improvement" in pq-sure want to though-maybe if I concentrate hard enough pq will look better-you think?
It is important that those of you that have a reference to compare against to (like D*) report your observations (of softness) to Wilt. I haven't seen anybody on the Yahoo group complain about it and Wilt may assume that the changes done yesterday were good enough.
update from Wilt regarding micro stutters:

I asked him when this problem with the encoders, (btw this is what Wilt says is causing these stutters) will be fixed so I can have a stutter free VOOM experience.

He replied:

"Still dogging it. As soon as I have something close to a date, I'll post it.
We'll get it."

So it looks like it will be awhile longer for this fix, but it also sounds like he's on top of it.
Videofx said:
I havent noticed the stutter for the last 3 days.


well there are those of us that still see it, and I'm just putting the good news out there. That Wilt is on top of it, and it it will be fixed.
Jay, please never leave Voom! AS long as your here I know your gonna make sure the picture is perfect and I wont have to complain. LMAO (Just a joke, that was all in good humor)
GeneWildershair said:
well there are those of us that still see it, and I'm just putting the good news out there. That Wilt is on top of it, and it it will be fixed.
Stutter really pronounced on DHDT now-some animal show and it is unwatchable-checked the D* feed and is perfect-sharper pq on HBOHD East too on D*
eschu97611 said:
Stutter really pronounced on DHDT now-some animal show and it is unwatchable-checked the D* feed and is perfect-sharper pq on HBOHD East too on D*

This is not the stutter I'm talking about, but it is really bad right now on DHDT! Wow, this is a new one. By the Way the micro stutter I speak of, is like one hiccup every minute or so, ( the screen just skips a frame, and jumps a little bit basically) it's really quick, and some people won't notice it.
eschu97611 said:
Wilt stated that compresion and bandwith are not factors in the recent pq"downturn"-sorry, just don't see the, as you say, "dramatic improvement" in pq-sure want to though-maybe if I concentrate hard enough pq will look better-you think?
Are you blind? It was almost unwatchable Sunday and Monday?
vurbano said:
Are you blind? It was almost unwatchable Sunday and Monday?
the answer to your question is, "no"-as far as pq is concerned, impovement yes-DRAMATIC-highly debatable-system still "washed out" on premies and stutter has returned to dhdt.
vurbano said:
Are you blind? It was almost unwatchable Sunday and Monday?

Here's my take. After watching considerable amount of premium movie channels today. I have to say that I may have been wrong about VOOM not making them look better. I watched a few movies today that looked pretty darn good. BUT I have to say while they do look "better" they do not look as good as they once did. There is still a noticable difference between VOOM's PQ, and that of D*'s with HBOHD, and DHDT. That said, showtime HD west still has it's problems, it pixelates way too often with fast movement, and all other HD west channels still look softer than the east channels do. No, not to the point where it's totally unwatchable, but it is frustrating that you know how much better the movie looked when it was on 3 hours earlier. If VOOM, could at least fix showtime HD west, make the other west channels look as good as the east coast channels, and fix the micro stutters, I would be a very happy Voomer! The micro stutters are probably at the top of my list for a fix. I know many of you can't see them, and don't care, and I respect that, but they really bug me.
I agree Jay it needs to get sharper on some channels to get back to where it was. But party's that say "i see no improvement" Must be either 1 blind or 2 a flamer or 3 not watching and just running at the mouth. ANd I am refferring to the improvement from SUnday and Monday. Jay I do think that you are giving your honest analysis. But theres someone creeping around here that continually says things that just arent true. For days he claimed "D's perfect, you need to switch" to anyone thinking of getting voom or leaving voom."absolutely no problems". But when confronted with actual user problems from the AVS sight his response is "well I havent watched D* in awhile". AND now he cannot see any improvement since SUnday or Monday? Its getting really old and annoying. No V* is not back to where it was.
I think they are working on it JAY. I think discovery looks soft sometimes. I think the west coast feeds look softer too. But I will watch the east ones until they are fixed. I think they have made a dramatic improvement over Sunday and Monday versions of Voom.
Sean Mota said:
Yeah. DHDT is messed up.... :(

Sean I think they are just working on things today, as there have been many wierd things going on with the channels today. I wish CSR's had the ability to at least let us know that much, but unfortunately when talking to them, the advice they'll give you for any technical problem is to have a tech come out with a new box.
Watched House of 1000 Corpses tonight and I was surprised how good it looked. Watched some Serengeti show on Discovery HD and while the show was pretty cool, it didn't look HD at all except for one part where they were showing some colorful birds - that part was fairly vibrant, while the rest didn't even look as good as DVD to me.
Noticed stuttering during all of the Discovery Channel HD and another cinema channel. The PQ was okay though, just goes in and out. Maybe they will fix it.
gene,got home last night @approx 11:00,turned on all hd chs and for the life of me i could not see a thing wrong with the pic or sound.it looks like they have been playing around with there equip for the past 2-3 wks,right after the last upgrade.ive been around this industry for a long time,your going to see glitch after glitch for another month or 2,some small some large.my advice to people that are looking for perfection right now is quit and come back in 6mo.you will see this site change from pq complaints to talk about new equip and price hikes. ed
edsmith100 said:
gene,got home last night @approx 11:00,turned on all hd chs and for the life of me i could not see a thing wrong with the pic or sound.it looks like they have been playing around with there equip for the past 2-3 wks,right after the last upgrade.ive been around this industry for a long time,your going to see glitch after glitch for another month or 2,some small some large.my advice to people that are looking for perfection right now is quit and come back in 6mo.you will see this site change from pq complaints to talk about new equip and price hikes. ed
Last night, when I attempted to watch DiscoveryHD (between 8pm and 10pm), the picture stuttered to the extreme. On a quality scale of 1-10 it was a 1. As long as nothing moved, it was nice and clear. As soon as something mooved it was really bad. I still have my DirecTv HD and turned to DiscoveryHD there, and picture was clear and stable. If it's so bad that I have to turn off Voom so I'm not embarrassed in front of wife and friends, we are not even in the same ballpark as perfection....:rolleyes:

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