Post Your Dish Hopper Install Experience: Did You Survive?

1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

-Two hoppers, three joeys

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?

-Yes. I paid $200 for my upgrade.

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor

-Contractor called Vision Quest. I was their first 2 hopper install but they did a pretty great job considering they have never done it before.

3) How long did the install take? hours? days?

It took about 7 hours. They spent a long time outside cleaning up wiring. They also took down my 3 LNB EA dish and replaced it with a 2 LNB EA dish. He told me he could peak that one better.

4) What was the overall install experience?

-They did a good job but it was a looong process.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

-The techs thought they should only have to plug ethernet into one of my hoppers and everything should see it. I told him this was not the case and showed him this website. We plugged ethernet into the other hopper and got on demand working on all boxes. He told me he was definitely becoming a member as soon as he gets home.

Another weird thing... When he tried to authorize my receivers they told him they had to read me a warning saying that since I now have 6 boxes on my account (I don't I have 5) I must keep a phone line plugged into all of them at all times or I would get a call from the audit department. They are all on my network but I am not running a phone line to my second hopper. I'm not doing anything wrong and I didn't appreciate them hassling me about this.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?


8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?

-The only thing I want is hopper integration. As cool as this new system is it won't really be a whole home DVR for us until everything is merged.

9) Anything else?

No. I am happy with my equipment and install so far, although I haven't gotten a chance to play with it yet. Dish really needs to work on install speed though. The current process is unbelievably slow.
king3pj said:
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

-Two hoppers, three joeys

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?

-Yes. I paid $200 for my upgrade.

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor

-Contractor called Vision Quest. I was their first 2 hopper install but they did a pretty great job considering they have never done it before.

3) How long did the install take? hours? days?

It took about 7 hours. They spent a long time outside cleaning up wiring. They also took down my 3 LNB EA dish and replaced it with a 2 LNB EA dish. He told me he could peak that one better.

4) What was the overall install experience?

-They did a good job but it was a looong process.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

-The techs thought they should only have to plug ethernet into one of my hoppers and everything should see it. I told him this was not the case and showed him this website. We plugged ethernet into the other hopper and got on demand working on all boxes. He told me he was definitely becoming a member as soon as he gets home.

Another weird thing... When he tried to authorize my receivers they told him they had to read me a warning saying that since I now have 6 boxes on my account (I don't I have 5) I must keep a phone line plugged into all of them at all times or I would get a call from the audit department. They are all on my network but I am not running a phone line to my second hopper. I'm not doing anything wrong and I didn't appreciate them hassling me about this.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?


8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?

-The only thing I want is hopper integration. As cool as this new system is it won't really be a whole home DVR for us until everything is merged.

9) Anything else?

No. I am happy with my equipment and install so far, although I haven't gotten a chance to play with it yet. Dish really needs to work on install speed though. The current process is unbelievably slow.

They can call home over broadband as well, so the tech was hassling you for no reason.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Forum Runner
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2 H/3J

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
I think so--$200 for the upgrade--No installation fee with DHPP

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Southern Star--Third Party Contractor

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
6 hours

5) What was the overall install experience?
Fine--Just took a while, and a few phone calls

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
9) Anything else?
I am not very happy with the wall mount--I should have done that myself. The wires hang down, I would have preferred having the switches on the bottom, and the wires would have disappeared behind the mount.
I also had to put my entertainment cabinet back together, but I expected that as well.
Centex said:
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2 H/2J

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
Yes $200.00

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Dish Network

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
3 hrs. 30 min.

5) What was the overall install experience?
Excellent... Installers 3rd 2H/2J set up.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
9) Anything else?
Totally happy. The system rocks!!!
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
$200 no install fee.

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Third Party called Big Dog Sat

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
About 4 hours. It was their their third 2 hopper install

5) What was the overall install experience?
It went great.

6) What problems did you have during the install?
Only one problem. They plugged a wrong COAX into one of the hoppers at the start of set up. Even though they caught this before the actual downgrading and set up it seemed to cause an issue with the box where it got stuck on the download screen. After waiting 40 minutes for the download to finish we switched out hoppers and the other one got going right away.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
No problems.

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?

9) Anything else?
Pretty happy with the set up just wish some old options still existed.

I did refer him to the site for a couple of things like questions about disabling PTAT and pairing two remotes with one receiver.​

1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
One hopper. Two Joeys

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Third Party called George Harvey TV

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
About 4 hours. First Hopper install

5) What was the overall install experience?
It went great.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
No problems.

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?

9) Anything else?
Love the Hopper!!
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
$200 no install fee.

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Third Party Alternative Entertainment, Inc

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
A little over 4 hours. Included new dish on my roof (old one was in my yard)

5) What was the overall install experience?
Took a while. No real issues other than waiting for downloads but it wasn't bad. He was running late from a previous appt and had to wrap up quick to head out to another. I finished up the final Joey. I let the tech use my ladders so I had to put all that away, but no big deal.

6) What problems did you have during the install?
Had a problem activating receivers because I was installing more than the 4 TVs (two 322's) on my acct. Had to call Dish and get it straightened out. Had same issue and needed DIRT when ordering (wouldn't let me add the 3rd Joey)

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
None so far

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?

9) Anything else?
Went ok. Wish techs had more time and knew more about the system. Tech said mmost of his Hopper customers knew more about it that him. I mention Sat Guys and he said he checked it out and learned some things. I don't think they are budgeting enough time for installs so techs are having to rush to get everything done. If the downloads were somehow pre-loaded installs would be MUCH faster.

A lot to get used to coming from a pair of 322's. Some oddities and had a random reboot in the middle of watching Pulp Fiction. Hopefully that doesn't become a habit.
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
1H / 2J

2) Were you able to get the best promotional
price for the Hopper system?
I got it for free (will see for the next bill)

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
2.5 - 3 hrs. For the hopper and 2nd tv Joey used existing cabling.

5) What was the overall instale experience?

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
- Sling its not working. I connect to my iphone app and says connect sling adapter.
- On Demand was initially not working at all, push the buttom and nothing happened.

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
- disconnect power cable from Hopper and On Demand start working.

9) Anything else?
My experience, My installer arrived at 2:45 it took the tech about an hour and a half to run the line and connect all the hoppers and joeys. He had problems authorizing my second Hopper (random stuff, like the smart card is not authorized for use in receiver, three reboots) and by the time he left it was 7:30pm. Over a decent guy, no problem at all with the installer. After that I finished cleaning up my house and putting things back into place. It was around 8:15pm when I finally got to sit down and play with my Hopper. I changed the guide settings, scrolled up and the Hopper froze... oh noes not another reboot! I did a power button reset and that is when the fun began. My Hopper would no turn on! The HDMI wouldn't detect, and every few minutes the fan would run for two seconds. IT TOOK ME 45 MINUTES TO BLOW UP ONE OF MY NEW HOPPERS! I Called the Dish Pro Installers with the 800# they gave me and they sent someone out the next day. They checked my outlet and it was fine so they installed another hopper. This one still works!

Anyways I am having random issues with ON demand(says it's network related) not working and a couple interface glitches with ONDemand not working (not being able to click on resume, or Episode/Movie information not loading) Everyday the experience seems to get better.
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2 Hoppers ,1 Joey,FREE Sling Adapter
2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
Yes $200
3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Dish Network
4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
3 Hours
5) What was the overall install experience?
Tech first Hopper install.Was a fast,painless install
6) What problems did you have during the install?
No problems
7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
9) Anything else?
Here's a few questions i came up with for people who have finished installation:
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
5) What was the overall install experience?
6) What problems did you have during the install?
7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
9) Anything else?​
1 2 HOPPERS 2 JOEYS 2 sling adapters
2 $200
3 2nd install of hopper in area
4 5 hours first day, They came back second day to reattach 118 dish
5 ok
6 They said they fried the first hopper and had to get another one, and they said the dish to 118 was old (installed two weeks before by dish) and had to be changed. They came back second day and hooked up the same dish and it works fine. Another problem they installed 2 slings and called dish to have them put on my account, 3 days later I got 2 more. Dish was at my neighbors day before yesterday so I gave them to him with my acct# he was in truck 19
7 see 6
8 They have used my hdmi's to my Appletv's I have to go buy 2 more.
9 I for years have only used 2 tv's hooked to dish, I used appletv's which I love. Considering the bandwith I went with 2 hoppers and 2 joeys. Now I use them all
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1 2 HOPPERS 2 JOEYS 2 sling adapters
2 $200
3 2nd install of hopper in area
4 5 hours first day, They came back second day to reattach 118 dish
5 ok
6 They said they fried the first hopper and had to get another one, and they said the dish to 118 was old (installed two weeks before by dish) and had to be changed. They came back second day and hooked up the same dish and it works fine. Another problem they installed 2 slings and called dish to have them put on my account, 3 days later I got 2 more. Dish was at my neighbors day before yesterday so I gave them to him with my acct# he was in truck 19
7 see 6
8 They have used my hdmi's to my Appletv's I have to go buy 2 more.
9 I for years have only used 2 tv's hooked to dish, I used appletv's which I love. Considering the bandwith I went with 2 hoppers and 2 joeys. Now I use them all

Each Hopper and Joey should have came with it's own HDMI cable. There is no reason they should have used your HDMI cables from your Apple TVs. If they left the boxes there check inside them. My installers used the HDMI cables from my old Dish boxes (722k and 2 211ks) and they left me the new ones still in the boxes as well.
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
1 Hopper, 1 Joey
2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
Yes $100
3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Third Party Contrator
4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
About 2 Hours
5) What was the overall install experience?
Tech said he had installed about 4 of Hopper/Joey systems. He was very up on his game. Knew about not installing the Joey until the Hopper was done downloading. Also advised me of the long time it takes the Hopper to download everything.
6) What problems did you have during the install?
7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
None that I know about.
8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
Weather App freezes;BBMP has warning about Internet speed...Agree/Disagree, when Agree box is checked, App closes up and when I reopen App, samething happens.
9) Anything else?
Much faster response time with remote. IMO, PQ is a bit sharper than the 722k. Over all I really like it and think Dish did a god job, but as with anything new, it has a few bugs that need to be worked out. The real test will be how fast Dish works these bugs out so we're getting the full benefit of the Hopper/Joey, don't just leave us hanging now that we upgraded.

1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
1 Hopper and 2 Joeys

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?

$30 for Slingbox. Free Hopper (200 channel package)

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Dish Network

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
2.75 Hours

5) What was the overall install experience?
Great. Guy knew his stuff. Said it was his 4th or 5th Hopper and Joey install.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
All works fine.

9) Anything else?
I am a new customer to Dish. Actually my first Satellite dish, long time cable subscriber.
My appointment was made on Thursday March 29 for Tuesday April 3, 8-12pm. Installer called at about 8:30 and said he would be there between 10 and 10:30. He showed up to the house about 10:05.
After a walk through, the guy said that if the house is wired ok (no surprise splitters), this will take about 3 hours. He started at 10:30 and by 1:15 he was packing his van and driving away.
As far as installs go, great experience. Everything works as advertised.

rich in maine
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2 Hoppers and 2 Joeys

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?

Upgrade $200

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Third Party Contractor

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
5 hours

5) What was the overall install experience?
It went ok, guy was nice, but obviously didn't know as much as he thought he did about the HOPPER/JOEY setups

6) What problems did you have during the install?
He only installed 2 lines from the LNB onto the DUO NODE and I immediately told him it needs all 3 inputs and he didn't believe me for about 1.5 hours, until the second hopper wouldn't even come up. He put the 3rd line in from the LNB and everything worked peferect after that.
He had a HIC with him and refused to install it and said all I needed was the dish wifi adapter on the second hopper, which he did install. Everything appears to work, so maybe I didn't need HIC after all.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
He didn't know how to configure remote controls to work with my TV's I found the answer here on Satelliteguys, and found that it was very simple with the hoppers remote manager. Also one hopper already had the fancy guide icons up and the other didn't and he didn't know to tell me that it will eventually download them on its own. Had to find that answer on the forums also.

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
All works fine.

9) Anything else?
Nope, other than this web forum rocks!
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
2 hopper/2joeys
2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
no :( $600
3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
Just under 3 Hours contractors office had hooked up receivers and downloaded the updates before showing up
5) What was the overall install experience?
Not to bad. This was his 2nd hopper install. Only had to run the third coax from the dish to run to the duonode
6) What problems did you have during the install?
He had to call a second time to get the hit on one of the hoppers to work. other than that no issues
7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
cleaning up his messy wireing job. looked like a complete rats nest
8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
none at the moment
9) Anything else?
Home media worked right away with the hic. So far so good. Wish the ipad app was still capable of changing the channels on the receivers. used that feature alot.
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?
1H 1J

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
$100 upgrade

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
I think Dish Tech

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
about 2 hours

5) What was the overall install experience?
Good, I had diagrams all set and so it made it easy for tech, however he did not have HIC and I wanted this where my router was, connected wireless adapter and it connected but it doesn't seem to be working. He didn't know the hopper doesn't have built in SlingLink. Existing cabling and dish from 722k worked well.

6) What problems did you have during the install?
Locating satellite message on first screen, he said factory default on the Hopper fixes this and it did.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?
Internet/HIC install

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
Hit the event timer limit after about 48 timers and default 20 events per timer, read this is a known issue (bummer). Other than that the Internet streaming option i will try to get a HIC or use another sling adapter / wireless bridge instead of the USB wireless.

9) Anything else?
Audio was skipping for a minute on a recorded show, changed channel and resolved issue, hopefully just a fluke. Tech was friendly but did about 5 installs total. Overall faster, cleaner device and like the new features. There is a Kangaroo in my TV corner??

UPDATE: Rebooting the Hopper seemed to get On Demand to work with the wireless adapter. We'll see if I need a HIC.

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Program Guide question

625 VS two 211K's for cost savings?
