Post Your Dish Hopper Install Experience: Did You Survive?

1. 2H & 5J.

2. 206.00 included 106.00 for purchased joey.(total cost 206.00)

3. Contractor: Don Lors

4. 6 hours(2nd hopper install for tech)

5. good install considering new system

6. Sorting out all my extra cables running through house

7. none so far

8. have not played with system as of yet

9. waiting on my 2nd sling adapter to be ship
I got hopper promotion discounted to 50.00 per hopper after they wanted me to purchase 5th joey for 106.00. also got 10.00 per-month credit for 24 months. Told them
I was thinking about moving to Directv. Then the negotiations started to happen in my favor as consumer with a 5 star rating.
I replaced 4 dual receivers(2-722, 1-222, and 1-922). I had to wait a week and get super special permission from their elite team handling additional Hopper and Joey
requests. Trust me, their is such a team. You have to cry really loud to reach them.
I seem to have survived quite nicely. The stuff appeared to work correctly from the get-go, save for a few minor bugs that affect everybody.

Home Media didn't work at first. But, my installer just dropped of an HIC, and Home Media works fine now after hooking it up.
I seem to have survived quite nicely. The stuff appeared to work correctly from the get-go, save for a few minor bugs that affect everybody.

Home Media didn't work at first. But, my installer just dropped of an HIC, and Home Media works fine now after hooking it up.

Did you initially have internet hooked up direct to the hopper?
1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
$100 "Dish'n It Up" upgrade (from 722).

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Dish Tech

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
3 Hours

5) What was the overall install experience?
Great. Tech was friendly and intelligent. Admitted this was his second Hopper install, and the first did not go well. We talked for a bit, about what he knew and what I knew, created a game plan and executed well.

6) What problems did you have during the install?

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
My DSL kept dropping. I traced it down to the Hopper phone cable being plugged into the DSL modem's phone out port, which had worked fine with the 722. Put a filter on it and no more problems.

9) Anything else?
I ordered on Sunday, March 18th and was installed on Monday, March 19th. That alone impressed me.
Got a good feeling....installer follows satguys :)

We had a good starting discussion of my set up 2 hoppers/1 Joey
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1) How many Hopper/Joeys were installed?

2) Were you able to get the best promotional price for the Hopper system?
Yes, $199

3) Who did the install/upgrade? Dish Network Tech, Retailer, or Third Party Contractor
Contractor: AEI

4) How long did the install take? hours? days?
4 1/2 Hours

5) What was the overall install experience?

6) What problems did you have during the install?
2nd Hopper took 20 minutes to get a Client ID.

7) After the install: What immediate problems did the tech leave you with that need to be fixed right away by Dish?

8) After the install: What problems will you'll fix on your own or waiting for Dish to push a software fix?
Hopper says there is no recordings on the EHD.

9) Anything else?
Really looking forward to 2 Hopper integration!

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Got a good feeling....installer follows satguys :)

We had a good starting discussion of my set up 2 hoppers/1 Joey

Update; tech really knows his stuff as he moving along on things, again tech follows satguys so of course he knows his stuff :)
Tech has one hopper going thru install says he is going to wait to hook up other hopper until first has gone through. Knows about not doing Joey but is unsure about second hopper wants to play it safe
Tech getting a bit frustrated with the software download time of the hoopers, states the is a whole different game then other dish receivers
Got a good feeling....installer follows satguys :)

We had a good starting discussion of my set up 2 hoppers/1 Joey

My install is tomorrow and if I remember correctly we are from the same general area. Hopefully I get the same installer you did because from reading this thread almost every 2 hopper install seems to go wrong. I am getting 2 hoppers and 3 joeys.
king3pj said:
My install is tomorrow and if I remember correctly we are from the same general area. Hopefully I get the same installer you did because from reading this thread almost every 2 hopper install seems to go wrong. I am getting 2 hoppers and 3 joeys.

My 2H/3J install went great, if that makes you feel any better. (:

Sent from my iPad 2 using Forum Runner
My install is tomorrow and if I remember correctly we are from the same general area. Hopefully I get the same installer you did because from reading this thread almost every 2 hopper install seems to go wrong. I am getting 2 hoppers and 3 joeys.

Looks like he is changing out one hopper as one is moving along and the other seems to be stuck for much longer

My set up is two hopper/one Joey

Program Guide question

625 VS two 211K's for cost savings?
