Poor San Diego CHARGERS

They did get jobbed, but they still had had at least 2 more tries to stop them after that. I guess that's what separates winners from losers. A vintage Raiders team would have overcome the ref's botch job. (Does that put my point in perspective for you, Salsa?)

You mean like the "Tuck Rule" game in 2002, when after the Raiders "got hosed" by the reversal and then gave up not only the tying FG but also the winning FG in a snowstorm to the Patroits.

San Diego....and the media.....need to understand something.

Did Ed Hochuli screw up by calling the fumble by Jay Cutler a pass. Yes!

If San Diego on the next play prevents the TD by Cutler, the Chargers Win.
If San Diego then prevents Denver from completing the 2 point conversion, the Chargers Win.

San Diego had 2 chances to stop Denver after the blown call and didn't, that's why San Diego lost.

So you are saying that the fumble/interception (how Rivers got tagged with an INT on that play makes no sense at all because if anything it would have been a strip of Chambers not an INT) that led to 7 points in the 1st quarter doesn't matter either?

You can overcome a blown call in a game, overcoming a 15 point spot by the refs is another. Never mind the fact that had Ed not screwed the pooch, the Chargers wouldn't have had to make the plays you mention, or several others as a result of the 1st Quater blown call.

Oh and the face mask by Cromartie? LOL... So I guess a hand on the top of a helmet is now a facemask (which by the way would have been fourth down and 8). Another stop the Chargers wouldn't have had to make.

Look Denver/Faider fan, you got a win like the Faiders did in the 1978 playoffs. I'll bet you can hang that on a mantle. You should be so proud of such a win.

Oh and Ed... I don't care how good you've been in the past, your blind ass was less than 10 feet from Cuttler and you couldn't see it was a fumble? The ball went up and backwards and no one touched him. What does that tell you?
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I do agree, it was a bad call. But lets face it, Jay Cutler said that he stopped immediately upon hearing the whistle as did half the O-line. The SD player was near linemen at the time the whistle was blown. Watch the replay! If Cutler had continued to go after the fumble he may have got the ball first. If other lineman pursued the SD player they may have pounded the player causing a drop or knock the ball out of bounds.

Either way, SD didn't cause the fumble. It was a new ball that caused the slip. So everyone is whining because a new ball did allow SD to get possession from Denver. Why didn't SD just man up and stop Denver from getting the score?

Cutler stopped immediately? Don't think so.... Fact is, no one stopped (note Cutler, the left Guard/Tackle and Right Guard/Tackle heading for the ball) and by the way it was pressure that caused Cutler to lose the ball.... Stick to facts here folks. The video is there for all to see. Pause it at 20 seconds and count the number of Donkey players turned toward the fumble in stride (there are 6 of them) and look at Ed still following the play bringing the wistle up at 20 seconds just before the Chargers recover the ball. Cutlers statement was that he thought it was a fumble, Ed admitted he f'd up. Period.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRyN7naQcM0&feature=related]YouTube - Jay Cutler's Fumble..Denver Broncos vs. San Diego Chargers[/ame]

Bolts got jobed. Plain and simple. Maybe the Charger Denver game should start 15 to 0 in favor of the Chargers and we'll see how Denver does, heck even 8-0 for that matter. I mean, great teams can stop 'em right?

Oh and Faider Nation, don't get too excited. You only beat KC after being torched by Denver in your own house.

Well said here.... From Denver no less...

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Don't need more evidence this is a wonderful video thanks for brought it up

Cutler stopped immediately? Don't think so.... Fact is, no one stopped (note Cutler, the left Guard/Tackle and Right Guard/Tackle heading for the ball) and by the way it was pressure that caused Cutler to lose the ball.... Stick to facts here folks. The video is there for all to see. Pause it at 20 seconds and count the number of Donkey players turned toward the fumble in stride (there are 6 of them) and look at Ed still following the play bringing the wistle up at 20 seconds just before the Chargers recover the ball. Cutlers statement was that he thought it was a fumble, Ed admitted he f'd up. Period.

YouTube - Jay Cutler's Fumble..Denver Broncos vs. San Diego Chargers

Bolts got jobed. Plain and simple. Maybe the Charger Denver game should start 15 to 0 in favor of the Chargers and we'll see how Denver does, heck even 8-0 for that matter. I mean, great teams can stop 'em right?

Oh and Faider Nation, don't get too excited. You only beat KC after being torched by Denver in your own house.

Well said here.... From Denver no less...

They have a rematch with the pathetic Chiefs, and have Miami on the schedule.

They are far better than Kansas City and will retain dignity by escaping the AFC West cellar for the first time in six years.

I wouldn't count on it, but it will be a battle for who sucks the most.

Yeah but it shouldn't have even got to that point. And people act like stopping the Broncos deep in the Red Zone is an easy thing. It's hard to come back from that sort of a situation. To just say, "Oh well, if the Chargers were a GOOD team, they would have stopped them!" is a ludicrous argument. After you get F-ed like that, it's a little hard to stand up straight and continue your job. The fact that the OTHER refs didn't come together and just say, "Look, Ed, fact is you messed up that call, you NEED to fix this" just shows more incompetence amongst the group. I can't imagine that the other refs agreed with the ruling at the time.

And as for you Dolt fans, you guys slaughtered us last year in both games. Where was that team on Sunday? Maybe if you had some defense you wouldn't need calls from the refs to go your way. :eek:

You actually had THREE plays to stop the Broncos after the blown call by Ed H. If your team can't stand up straight and play hard after a blown call, they are just pussies and shouldn't be on the field in the first place. What are they getting paid all that money for anyways???? The blown call and the $$$ should have motivated their tired (where's the oxygen?) asses, eh?

As for the other refs, surely you've heard or read (or had someone read to you), that it was a rule in the books, and COULD NOT be overturned, even if the other refs threatened Ed, and said they weren't taking him out to dinner at Denny's that night. I'm sure we'll see the rule change before next year.

BESIDES, if SD would have scored 2 TD's instead of 2 FG's on your last two trips into Denver's RED ZONE, all this would be moot now as well, wouldn't it? If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.

P.S. - SD DID NOT cause that fumble, a slick football that slipped out of Jay's hand caused that........it was even ruled a team fumble.

BTW, is this call worse than the blown FG call last year in the Browns/Ravens game, that the Ravens won, then lost?
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Raiders have had more practice sucking, and will show that no amount of coaching drama can hold back that much talent (see: win over KC)

Go Chiefs, but after watching 3 different QBs play in a single game - on purpose - during the regular season - that whole front office needs to go.

Bad calls were unfortunate in Denver, but San Diego should have made the stop. To add insult to injury they simply flipped the scoring play and ran it again... to the same guy.

The person who made the most bad calls that game... Cromartie.
And as for you Dolt fans, you guys slaughtered us last year in both games. Where was that team on Sunday? Maybe if you had some defense you wouldn't need calls from the refs to go your way. :eek:

Well, you caught us game two. Did you catch the second half? Notice last year we were a bit slow the first few games.
Still early boys and girls.....Let's night start printing playoff tickets just because you are 2-0. :rolleyes: And at 0-2, there is absolutely no reason for the Dolts to pannick. I know FULL WELL the Raiders are nowhere near being a playoff team and I will stick to my 6-10/7-9 and hope for 8-8 prediction.
Still early boys and girls.....Let's night start printing playoff tickets just because you are 2-0. :rolleyes: And at 0-2, there is absolutely no reason for the Dolts to pannick. I know FULL WELL the Raiders are nowhere near being a playoff team and I will stick to my 6-10/7-9 and hope for 8-8 prediction.

Nobody said anything about playoff tix, certainly not me, you must've misread something. Dec. 28th is when we play SD in SD. We have some major concerns with defense and special teams, so time will show us the "real" Broncos soon enough.....

Can't wait to see you guys in our house again on Nov. 23rd. I'll be there!:D
Nobody said anything about playoff tix, certainly not me, you must've misread something. Dec. 28th is when we play SD in SD. We have some major concerns with defense and special teams, so time will show us the "real" Broncos soon enough.....

Can't wait to see you guys in our house again on Nov. 23rd. I'll be there!:D

You will see a different team....;)
The person who made the most bad calls that game... Cromartie.
Cromartie had a bad game, and he admits it. That was a major factor in the Chargers losing to the Broncos, just as much as the bad calls. In his defense, his wife and kid were in Houston in the middle of Hurricane Ike, and his mind wasn't working too clearly. I expect a much better game from him tonight.

NFL Week 3 Winners part 2

The Cotton Bowl- End of an Era

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