Policing of The Pit

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I think we can all agree with that Rocky, it seems fair enough. I will not speak for everyone in the pit, but They are all mostly reasonable people and could agree with that I am sure.

I feel like we just completed some big political negotiation :D

I will talk with the staff as well, and work on it from my end. :)
Keep the pit but make these changes.

(1) Access now requires a yearly fee of $10 as a membership lite and gives the subscriber access only to the pit and no other pub member area's.

(2) We're adults and we can handle name calling but if someones gonna get their granny panties in a knot over being called something then they shouldnt be in the pit and if they click the report button it gives them a week long vacation from the pit.

(3) Rather than have a pit only mod designate two or three mods to cruise the pit who are well versed in its oily operations and educate the other mods about its workings before they go in their all wide eyed and naked as the day they were born and get caught up in something they have no idea about.
And another thing.. What is this Off Topic stuff? We abide by the rules of liquidity or fluidity. Nothing stays the same and topics shift and drift . Who cares? I have seen threads with 2 to 3 different debates going on at once all stemming from the original subject. It a Non Sequitur and a non starter.. We don't care.. Why should a MOD. Just so he can show authority and throw his weight around ??
I gotta agree with the Bear, as usual. There is nothing I hate more than topic nazis. I see it on far too many forums.

Threads, like normal human conversations, can flow, grow, and mutate. It ain't no big thing. And, forum mods, from any forum, need to chillax and stop throwing their weight around just to make themselves feel important in their otherwise unimportant lives.

Anyway, as usual, I got yer back, Bear. (Looking forward to seeing you at the Obama rally...again.)
Keep the pit but make these changes.

(1) Access now requires a yearly fee of $10 as a membership lite and gives the subscriber access only to the pit and no other pub member area's.

(2) We're adults and we can handle name calling but if someones gonna get their granny panties in a knot over being called something then they shouldnt be in the pit and if they click the report button it gives them a week long vacation from the pit.

(3) Rather than have a pit only mod designate two or three mods to cruise the pit who are well versed in its oily operations and educate the other mods about its workings before they go in their all wide eyed and naked as the day they were born and get caught up in something they have no idea about.

Just when I think the issue is done, somehow it becomes necessary to muddy it. :rolleyes:

I think we have the issue resolved. Keep the swearing and attack language to a minimum; when it occurs, use REPORT POST, and the mod will edit/delete post as necessary, but will not close the thread unless there is a REAL reason to, which in my opinion, won't happen very often. It would have to be pretty extreme.

Have your fun, and call each other nut-jobs of whatever ilk, but no language that George Carlin could not say on tv/radio. That is still forbidden, particularly when used as a flame.
Just when I think the issue is done, somehow it becomes necessary to muddy it. :rolleyes:

I think we have the issue resolved. Keep the swearing and attack language to a minimum; when it occurs, use REPORT POST, and the mod will edit/delete post as necessary, but will not close the thread unless there is a REAL reason to, which in my opinion, won't happen very often. It would have to be pretty extreme.

Have your fun, and call each other nut-jobs of whatever ilk, but no language that George Carlin could not say on tv/radio. That is still forbidden, particularly when used as a flame.

will do sir ,by keeping it at a maximum!:D:p
Ditto Dat.:up Then too, I see mods actually say things like "clean up" the thread by sending it to the PIT. I beg your pardon???

It gives the non-PITers the impression that we are a bunch of unwashed out of control hooligans....Well.......
I would say the Pit members actually seem to be some of the most intellectual posters. Also we can kinda let loose give each other hard times. Agree at times and disagree at others..:up
Just when I think the issue is done, somehow it becomes necessary to muddy it. :rolleyes:

I think we have the issue resolved. Keep the swearing and attack language to a minimum; when it occurs, use REPORT POST, and the mod will edit/delete post as necessary, but will not close the thread unless there is a REAL reason to, which in my opinion, won't happen very often. It would have to be pretty extreme.

Have your fun, and call each other nut-jobs of whatever ilk, but no language that George Carlin could not say on tv/radio. That is still forbidden, particularly when used as a flame.

even when we talk about Jimmy Carter?:D
Rocky, thanks for posting the rules here. I had forgotten that they changed back when Scott welcomed the booted DBSTalk folks. I take back my comments on the pit being a dumping ground. I agree that it is now a formally approved political forum.

Steven, it bothers me that you keep calling for the mods to out the whistle blowers. Not that they are going to do it, but would anything productive be accomplished other than setting off a witch hunt? Bad post reporting needs to be confidential (and no, it wasn't me)
Again with the disdain.
We PIT "prince" "yammerers" where not "BOOTED" from anywhere.. We where invited with promises of free speech and a better quality of moderation than a over zealous frustrated bald celibate preacher. We willingly left on our own accord in mass for freer grounds to yammer on... Most if not all still have active accounts over there.
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