And the problem is compounded when a "unfit" thread or post is moved to the PIT from another forum.. With it comes people not familiar, nor care to be, with the protocol and strong ties in the PIT. Understandably, they get all pissy and upset when a regular slaps em a bit in a friendly joust...We have often said, "If it ain't fit there don't bring it here". If its that important for a poster to make a "off" post then inform him he has been deleted and to take it to the PIT. Bethcya he don't come...
And another thing.. What is this Off Topic stuff? We abide by the rules of liquidity or fluidity. Nothing stays the same and topics shift and drift . Who cares? I have seen threads with 2 to 3 different debates going on at once all stemming from the original subject. It a Non Sequitur and a non starter.. We don't care.. Why should a MOD. Just so he can show authority and throw his weight around ??
By any of OUR standards the exchange between Jonstad and RJ was benign as usual and not in any violation of the protocol that I can see. I was ready to jump in too with some of my own epitaphs about the anti war crowd. Have you Mods ever read some of the stuff Jon and I say to one another??

He was a 60s militant anti war hippie and I was a Vietnam Warrior.. Next year, if I get out to his island, we expect to hob nob about for a day or so... Check out the "wild life"..
Like My good friend Steve said.. There are more deletions and closings on other SAT Guys Forums than here. Then it just follows logic that they be closed down completely too. The fact that some Barnie Fife type newbie mod got over reactionary about nothing he knows about and made a gross error by pulling his weapon, and shooting his one bullet no less, and other mods had to come and stick up for him because someone questioned his actions about the arbitrary illegitimate closing is what made this into a federal case.
Up till the closing and then the rush to protect the closer there was no problem... Not between Jon, RJ or anyone else in the PIT.
I, don't know if you actually have access to the PMs between members. It would absolutly frighten you to see the friendly tenor of conversations and Commroderie between us.. We do often talk to each other on the side. Las Vegas isn't the only one with "what happens here stays here" sensibility. There is no one angry here folks. Nothing to see.