I have Charter internet-only, and have been on contract 3 times in a row. The last contract for two years I was paying $34.99 a month 30/3 speeds (I own my modem). My contract just expired, and the price jumped up to $54.99.
I contacted them via Chat, and asked if I could go back on contract to lower the bill, hoping they'd go down at least $15 or so. No dice, the chat guy said he can't do that "there's no current promotions", and I'd have to call them on the phone to talk about it.
So, I called them on the phone, got either a Indian or Filapina woman, and asked her the same thing. No go there either, "there's no current promotions". Then she asked if I wanted to cancel service, but I'm not ready to push that because they might call my bluff and I can't afford to lose service at this time due to work. I have no other options for internet where I live that even comes close to Charters price and speed for as much as you get with them.
So, it was a nice ride, but it appears to have ended for now.
I'm going to cancel my TDS Telecom POTS phone, and go with Ooma, that will be a cost savings of about $34 a month, so that will make up for Charters price jump and then some. Ooma can't port my number where I live, so I'll have to lose the number I've had since 1989. That sucks a little, but we'll get over it quickly.
Call retentions and tell them AT&T is offering you UVerse for $39 or something.
That is rediculas to only offer one plan that starts out so high and I think the FCC needs to mandate that all ISP's offer a lifeline internet plan that is $10 to $15 a month for 2mbps/1mbps. Even Time Warner has the sense to offer something like that.