Pixelization/stuttering issues


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 24, 2006
I've already switched out 722k's which at first thought solved this issue but it has returned. This happens on average once or twice an hour on any channel and the title of my thread describes it best. My 110 & 119 average 60 - 80 percent. All connections are tight as I double checked at the time of swapping boxes. This is a new install using the new black dish although I could've sworn the installer mention he could still use the 2yr old LNB that was on the roof.

Any suggestions outside of a tech visit?
I'm on day 12 which I know technically speaking makes little difference but will I still be charged the $15 tech visit on the DHPP 4 month trial promo?
I'll have to double check but why do you ask?

I know for sure it happens every half or so.
If it's at the top/bottom of every hour it is a software glitch introduced in the latest software (L752.)
It occurred at :17 after this past hour. If I had a guess right now I would say the ground block. Friend had a similar situation before only with the 002 I believe it was.
If your seeing that much variance on your signal strength you probably have an obstruction in your los. Call dish, threaten to cancel if they wont waive the fee... If they still wont, hang up and call back... new person!
110 and 119 are between 70-78%.

Raymond (DIRT) has been taking care of the situation.

In 13 days, I've already had to switch out 722k's trying to trouble shoot these issues and a tech is coming Monday for which no fee is mentioned and I wouldn't expect one this early in the process.

I like Dish, I've been a customer before in the past ten years (just not consecutively) and never had any major issues. This time I'm not sure what the issue is, a case of a bad install or bad parts but this is getting annoying.

I'm somewhat familiar with this stuff and what I am not, I ask here. I only say that because if I had to go through tech support for this I would've already blown my top.

Raymond and the other night, Mary (DIRT) sending a signal to my new 722K have been great!
yeah Yragha this is been happening since L752 came out and now it is still happening because they sent a new update to the 722k last night since that evening wednesday night if you know but if kate knows what L753 did i don't know because only thing i see hopper software updates i don't see anything on the other receivers.

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