Forgive me if I am discussing something that has been resolved or is an old topic. I was away from satellite for about 4 years, after being a dish head since the old, old C-Band days. We were able to get gigabit fiber in 2018 and I had got on to streaming and DTV Stream or YouTubeTV. Dish sent a very good offer and I decided to go back to the Hopper 3. This time I got a Hopper Plus to connect. Since I have had the Hopper Plus, I have found that my video goes 'in' and 'out,' 'in' and 'out' to a black screen. It is almost as if it isn't handshaking properly with the television. I do not have any other problems with this set on the input, so I know it has to be the device. When I disconnect the plus and run the H3 just from the HDMI output (on the H3) I have no issue. I was just curious if anyone else had had similar issues with the Hopper Plus. Thank you in advance.