While out running some errands, I saw Murphy’s is down to $2.39 this afternoon.
Our electricity is pretty cheap, mix of hydro, wind and natural gas. I’m just charging at home and that will be 99% of my charging. Costs me .08 cents /kWh for home charging unless I switch to a TOU program which would be .02 /kWh off peak to charge at home.
3 cent State tax on DCFC. No idea what the dcfc pricing will be around the State. Quarter of the state is aep/pso, quarter is ok gas and elec (OGE), the rest is combination of municipal and co-ops. They are all regulated by the corporation commission for consumer service, but not sure if there is any regulation for commercial services.
Looks like the 4 EA stations in and within 50 miles of the Tulsa metro are .56 cents per kWh. The Francis Energy chargers at the Ford dealership a couple miles from me are .59 cents per kWh for DCFC and .39/kWh for level 2😳.
I’ll primary use the EA near our lake property if I need to DCFC as that’s about the only extended driving I do anymore. I say that and karma will rear it ugly head and I’ll suddenly have to go to OKC or something. Which I still have my Yukon currently should I need to go somewhere where charging might be iffy.