Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

The differential came down but the price is going the wrong way.

Salem is $1.30 less for both grades of gasoline.
Redwood City (where my sister shops) is twenty cents less for both grades of gasoline.
The price of living in Wine Country instead of Silicone Valley...
The price of living in Wine Country instead of Silicone Valley...
Redwood City is perhaps more "Bay Area" than Silicon Valley. There are some notable dot coms, but not much in the way of hardware companies. With some exceptions, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Cupertino are more "Silicon Valley".

My sister's 1,140 square foot ranch in San Mateo is Zillow valued at over $1.5 million and my cousin's big-box house at Redwood Shores is Zillow valued at not a whole lot under $2.7 million with maybe 500 square feet of yard. Even the crackerboxes go for relatively insane money.
The Salem Costco is $3.359 ($1.50 cheaper than RP and down 4 cents) and $3.699 for premium.

That's the lowest differential ($0.30) between grades in a while.

Most of the other stations in town are $3.499 for cash and $3.599 for not making a trip into the stop-n-rob.

Redwood City is $4.499 and $4.999 respectively which is up significantly from two weeks ago.
However premium is still $4.19. Seems a ripoff to me.
It sounds like the premium fuel may be ethanol-free. There are a number of stations near me that don't offer premium tainted with ethanol in favor of the non-corn version. Non-ethanol gas is likely much more profitable since it is theoretically cheaper to manufacture.
My local Costco is down to $3.299 for regular and $3.699 for premium. Of course, my sedan burns premium so I'm bitter about the 40 cent differential.

Redwood City is $4.499 and $4.799 respectively.

The Santa Rosa price is 20 cents cheaper than Rohnert Park. Costco is opening a store in Napa in three weeks so we'll see how that compares.

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
