Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

The Allsups out this way was $3.03 at 8 pm last night, drove my old Buick this morning had jumped back to $3.19 along with Murphy's and everyone else. Saw it at $3.09 at an Exxon on northside, filled up her truck and got her car from work and filled it as I payed $2.95 with WM+. (only supposed to be 10 cent discount, maybe since WM app is tied to debit card I got the extra 4 cents)
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Costco is $3.499 for regular and $3.899 high test here in Salem, OR.

In Redwood City, CA, it is $3.999 and $4.399 respectively.

Rohnert Park is getting gouged hard.

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
