personal uplink

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 27, 2006
Pompano Beach, FL
I know I talked about this before but I'd like to get some opinions. If I had the right equipment (BUC/transmitter) and all that stuff to properly transmit towards a transponder, what are the legalities of this type of activity. Have there ever been issues of "pirate" earth stations? Just for kicks, I think it would be fun to fire up my own uplink on Ku digital or analog. Never knew what the rules were on regulations of transponders.
well without knowing anything about what im talking about...

you dont own the satelite, therfore you would have to get permission from the owner to use the satelite, good luck with that one hehe.

one channel on dvb cost around $10,000 per month, thats just one channel, not even the entire tp.
I belief the HAM radio operators have some transponders they are allowed to use, you might try the AMSAT forum on this site.
This link to AMSAT might explain some of the legalities at a minimum you will need one of the HAM radio operatore licences some classes of them are not to hard to obtain.
Well, I know a little bit about ham radio...because I am one. My call is KI4ABS, you can look me up. The Tech license will allow you to use the satellites. The tech license is the entry license, and is very easy to obtain. I believe it is a 25 question test just on basic morse code to learn. The satellite station isn't overly difficult to setup, but no where near as easy as using a 2-meter repeater. The only thing about AMSAT satellites is that they are constantly moving, they aren't in geosynchronus orbit like FTA birds. You can usually carry on about a 15 minute conversation before the bird is out of reach. Computer programs help you track them so that you know when one is overhead. Good luck!
The HAM satellite activities would be more fun if someone we're to launch a Ku bird. Then that is where the fun starts. Since most of us all have Ku digital receivers, bam, we can scan hams on our FTA receivers. That would be sweet.
The problem with that is the Ku and C band satellite signal spectrum are commerically owned, therefore, hams are not allowed to transmit in the frequency specturms. Also, it is illegal to "broadcast" a signal, meaning, you can't do a one-way transmission intended for a listening audience. It has to be have to be communicating with someone. That being said, we do have ATV (Amateur Television). Many cities have ATV repeaters which is hams using cameras and sound to broadcast video and sound to one another, much like webcams on the internet. Don't know if anyone has tried ATV on satellites, kinda doubt it since it using such a high bandwidth and it would be difficult to put up a great looking signal on satellites that move.
If you are really in to pirate tv and want to do some stuff, just grab a webcam and a free account on youtube. With all the news stories surrounding youtube lately, it's the next big thing at the moment, where blogs were about 1.3 years ago.... I just started fiddling around and uploading there myself about a week or two ago... not much up yet, but lots of random junk I'm thinking about uploading.

I've got several digital cameras, a couple of webcams, a couple of voice recorders, an ancient analog camcorder, a lot of music, 3d and 2d animation and special effects software and a big amount of creativity. I also like to paint, draw, sing in the car, and do lots of other artsy fartsy things - lots of random weird things will go up on youtube in the future...

I guess KU uplinking would be out of the question unless you have a really big pocket check or do something crazy like find a reporter with one of the major news channels that's already uplinking and somehow hijack their truck and signal.... You have reporters all around the nation sending up newsfeeds. Doubt you'll find some reporter willing to help you out. I take no responsibility for your actions if you act on any of the suggesstions in this post.

Although, that being said, I do think it'd be pretty hillarious if there were a lot of reporter stalkers that did that sort of thing... sort of become a pavaratzi taking over the povaratzy....
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Tron said:
Does anyone remember Captain Midnight from the '80s? :)

He tried to "take over" a satellite. He got ... busted :D
Do I ever. Man, I thought that was great! He did take over the HBO channel, but only briefly, and he did get in trouble. I "think" he wanted to be heard and not seen. He had a message for HBO and they got p*ss*d off, can't say that I blame them. Trouble was, there were only a very few places in the world, at the time, that could over power the signal that HBO was using. So, it wasn't hard for them to narrow it down who he was, and they got him. Those early days, were the good ole days.

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those little c band dishes...

Galaxy 3c

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