One Month Left For Sears


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Long Island, NY
Well, Sears has one month of exclusivity left on their deal with v*. I wonder how v* thinks the deal has worked out thus far? With only four weeks left and many, if not most, Sears installations not working and employees being generally clueless, how much effort will Sears put into getting things up to snuff with the holiday shopping season in full swing? I can't believe many people have walked into Sears, seen a working demo and said, "This is for me! Where do I sign up". Most Sears purchases have more than likely been the result of people already knowing about v* and going there only to consummate the transaction despite Sears' obliviousness.
Has anyone heard of v* negotiating with, or signing up, other retailers? With four weeks to go there has to be something set up already. B&M's? Indies? CC & BB? Anyone have any contacts out there?
Sears has been quite a disspointment to say the least. Voom should not renew any contracts with them. The Sear stores had shown very little interest in getting VOOM to work (this is a mystery to me). If VOOM needs to reach the large population, they should consider independent retailers as well as the big boys like BB. Just my opinion. It will be a mistake for VOOM to contract one retailer exclusively. We already saw what happened to Sear. VOOM debuted 10/15/03 and since then there is not a single Sears store where you can watch all available programming. What a shame!!
Perhaps the initial rollout of V* at Sears was less than easy and the stores just gave up on it.
I just went to my Sears here at Northlake Mall in Atlanta and they finally had a VOOM Demo running. Quite unimpressed. They had the MOOV channel going on a 60-65" Mistsubishi RP CRT. It looked bad. Nearby they had DISH running on a Hitachi 50" RP LCD showing a Discovery HD Demo and WOW I was knocked out by the DISH picture quality! I hope it was the Display cause what I saw isn't going to sell the service.
Mikehdtv said:
I just went to my Sears here at Northlake Mall in Atlanta and they finally had a VOOM Demo running. Quite unimpressed. They had the MOOV channel going on a 60-65" Mistsubishi RP CRT. It looked bad. Nearby they had DISH running on a Hitachi 50" RP LCD showing a Discovery HD Demo and WOW I was knocked out by the DISH picture quality! I hope it was the Display cause what I saw isn't going to sell the service.

Mike, those DEMOs are not HD format (1080i). They are DVD 480p formats at best (I think). Also, the MOOV channel is a waste of bandwith. It should be removed from the lineup. It makes no sense. This is typical of SEARS... I have seen the Discovery Channel on both E* and V* and there is no difference in either provider. Both Wow'ed you! (if I can say this). Sears :hammer:
Although I'm only an informed consumer I've spent the last five years training clueless salespeople on HDTV. So I was not surprised that Sears salespeople are also clueless about the VOOM product they are selling. Those guys didn't even know that they were suppose to get a $100 commission on every VOOM signup until I found the commision card behind the VOOM display.

I just signed up to VOOM. When I saw the VOOM display in Sears was the first time I had ever heard of VOOM. I read all the VOOM literature at the store without talking to the sales people then I went home and did research on the internet.

When I went back to Sears I was ready to buy. The Sears store I went to didn't even have the VOOM reciever turned on but it turned out to be a full dish installation once we got it going. My Sears salesperson didn't even know how to sell me a VOOM subscription so I ended up going home and calling VOOM.

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