Free month of service for a referal - they are listening!

Does anybody else have an issue recommending Voom given that the picture quality isn't what it once was??

I really like Voom(liked it better when picture quality was sharper), but even my patience is wearing thin.
My picture quality has gotten BETTER!!! So I'll have NO problems referring VOOM to anyone!! Not only the HD is better.. but even the SD channels!

subdude212 said:
This offer doesn't strike me as a move that would be made by a company about to shut its doors. However, since Vurbano hasn't chimed in yet I'll await his decree on why this new offer is somehow bad news and spells doom yet again. :p

I havent seen Vurbano in a few (3 Day Free Vacation maybe) days. IMHO it would be well deserved.

I recieved another VoOm email today also promoting autopay. I see these as signs that VoOm is going to be here for awhile. I can deal with the PQ (although DiscoveryHD was pretty bad last night) as I am sure they will address it once other more pressing issues are resolved, like staying in business.
I just printed out a couple dozen copies of the flyer and plan to give flyers to several friends today. I also emailed the flyer to a bunch of friends who already know about Voom and are undecided.

If my friends hear that Voom is surviving, and especially when the DVR comes out, I think several free months of VaVaVoom are headed my way!! Swwweeeeeettt!!! :D :D
Sweet! I received the same email. I have about 10 friends who have shown interest in VOOM. They are waiting to see if VOOM survives before signing up!

This is great news~! :)
I think a lot of people are waiting to see what happens with Voom.

Probably the best thing to do is to stress the $1 installation and the free premium channels. What's the worst that can happen. Loose a dollar??
JimP said:
I think a lot of people are waiting to see what happens with Voom.

Probably the best thing to do is to stress the $1 installation and the free premium channels. What's the worst that can happen. Loose a dollar??

No DVR No VOOM! If they want a message...listen to that one. Its that simple.
Paradox-SJ said:
No DVR No VOOM! If they want a message...listen to that one. Its that simple.
How wrong, How wrong:"DVR" will not make or brake "VOOM" it's the service that's counts nothing more:.
I wonder if they will let me (a voom retailer) offer the - month free service (up to 12 a year) to my existing customers. That would be better than the referral program I have in place now..
mbcrep said:
I wonder if they will let me (a voom retailer) offer the - month free service (up to 12 a year) to my existing customers. That would be better than the referral program I have in place now..

Um, why would they, your customers, want you to do that? They can take advantage of the referral offer from VoOm themselves if they are existing customers, why would they need you to offer it to them. What you really want is for existing customers who are referring customers to refer the INSTALLATION to you so you can charge VoOm for the install, correct?
Before the referral program I planned a Voom party on 4/3. Now I'm inviting a dozen of my friends who just got their new HD sets. Voom will sell itself. $49 for at least 21 HD's plus now the usual SD's how can they say no?

BTW someone please explain the logic to me. People who really want to watch lots of HD but they refuse take it because they can't record it in HD(easily). So they'd rather record a very little HD and pay at least as much for that service? :confused:
socalpanman said:
BTW someone please explain the logic to me. People who really want to watch lots of HD but they refuse take it because they can't record it in HD(easily). So they'd rather record a very little HD and pay at least as much for that service? :confused:
That's what sold me on Voom. It ends up costing about the same monthly and you get less content. Cox cable here in Phoenix offers all of maybe 6 channels I can't already get free OTA in HD.

D* has the big $$ up front for recievers and crap for content.

E* you can at least get the cheap recievers... but when it's all said and done you pay about the same for less content.

I think this is a good idea, but it should have been done months ago. I, personaly, will get no benefit from it because I do not know anybody else with a hdtv or anybody who plans to get one. Also, the people I know are perfectly happy with cable.
To top it off, those that have heard me talk about what is going on with Voom these past few months are not interested in becoming part of the "will the service be here next month" soap opera. I must admit that it does get a little bit taxing constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, only to learn that it will again be another month before the shoe will drop.
"To top it off, those that have heard me talk about what is going on with Voom these past few months are not interested in becoming part of the "will the service be here next month" soap opera"

This is a problem right now, no question, but it will pass.

It HAS way or another, there will be major press coverage of either the "New" VOOM, or the DEAD VOOM.

Once that happens, it brings resolution :)

I use a standalone DVR and it works very well, plus I can burn DVD's if I wish. Last night I was playing back a recording and my roommate asked if I was watching HD, that's how good it looks. I am in no hurry for the DVR, I want them to settle down financially and structurally and crank up the PQ then I will worry about a DVR.
SactoCal said:
Um, why would they, your customers, want you to do that? They can take advantage of the referral offer from VoOm themselves if they are existing customers, why would they need you to offer it to them. What you really want is for existing customers who are referring customers to refer the INSTALLATION to you so you can charge VoOm for the install, correct?

Why? Read through the hundreds of threads here alone about the NoShows and nightmare stories people are getting through Vooms booking with Installs Inc.
Buying from a local retailer, gives you someone locally that actually gives a crap about you and your install. My referral program is already pretty much upto par, so i would have to say, is a couple bucks difference really worth the added aggravations and time waiting for service??

Voom sponsored by Yahoo! and Google...

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