$75+ a Month for Dish VOOM 15 and $149 Install--Nope, will wait


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2005
I saw a toll-free number on the VOOM program guide--1800 969 HDTV--special offer from Dish for VOOMers. So I called the number and here's what they quoted (this was much different from what I had read earlier under DISH forum and heard from the regular dish number):

$149 to install--as extra dish needed
After first 6 months the 5 Dish HD channels are $10/month
Right NOW, the 10 Voom channels are $5/month
942 HD DVR is $250 up front and $5/month DVR fee.
To get the same channels I watched on VOOM for $49.90, I have to pay Dish $53.00.

SO, after 6 months and having paid $250 for a receiver that won't get MPEG 4, I will be paying:

$53 + $10 (5 HD channesl) + $5 (Voom 10) + $5 DVR fee = $73 = taxes so probably closer to $76 or $77. That's NOT COUNTING the Extended warranty fee if you are leasing the 942 and not committing to a year.

Is this really worth it--are we just so desperate for 21 VOOM channels that we will just jump on the DISH bandwagon? What will the price be when the VOOM 21 comes on board--another $10/month

Maybe $78/month or $68 (for the America's Top 120) is easy $ for some of you, but it is 20-25% higher than VOOM for the channel lineup that was GREAT! AND in a year, after VOOM 21, the cost could go up to $88!

So, for $350, I am paying to get ripped off. I have been checking all of the various offers and now, with this charge for the VOOM 10, I really feel like VOOMers are really being taken advantage of--in their grieving process over losing VOOM's 40 HD channels--are we willing to just jump at this regardless of the price?

If so, then we just dig the grave deeper for HD. We VOOMERS are probably willing to pay this price for this content, but will those existing customers of Dish who are already being taken advantage of by not getting any special offers add on these channels just because it's something new or just more HD -- again quantity over quality ratio based on the price.

I would not dare post this on the DISH forum, but, it started out this morning with the VOOM channels just being included in the $10 package and no extra charge for any extra dish.

Now, by the end of the day--we are niclled and dimed to death and have to pay a higher installation due to the extra dish.

If some of this is incorrect--then a lot of VOOM watchers who called the number on the screen may be being misled. It is a BIG difference between what I had with VOOM and I wish another company would be formed SOON! Somebody can do better than $78/month for 15 channels of HD??????

More of us probably go over to StarChoice at this rate!
bookwalk said:
Is this really worth it--are we just so desperate for 21 VOOM channels that we will just jump on the DISH bandwagon?

I said something similar in another thread. There are way too many open questions to just jump at the first opportunity. Although this is a great opportunity for Rainbow to get a lot of HDTV subs fast and grow their channels, what are you going to do if you sink all this money into E* and a month down the road something better with the VOOM channels comes around.

When I chose VOOM I thought it would be the last time I would have to go provider shopping. Here was a provider I really liked. This is a long term decision and don't want to be stuck with something I may not like.
There is your lack of competition. Well maybe someday when more people get the product (channels) the price will come down. hmm...maybe not. Well I for one am thankful that we had VOOM as long as we did.

If I check Comcast pricing on their website it is nearly $100/mo with a Silver pkg, HD pack, HD DVR. HD includes local networks, regional sport HD events, INHD1/2, HBO HD, Discovery HD, and ESPN HD. I couldn't believe it! This is the regular rate without promotions. If Dish gives me more HD at a slightly lower price (I can get locals OTA) I must seriously consider it. The upfront costs with the Dish deal don't help. Damn, Voom was such a deal even with the STB lease.
bryan27 said:
I said something similar in another thread. There are way too many open questions to just jump at the first opportunity. Although this is a great opportunity for Rainbow to get a lot of HDTV subs fast and grow their channels, what are you going to do if you sink all this money into E* and a month down the road something better with the VOOM channels comes around.

When I chose VOOM I thought it would be the last time I would have to go provider shopping. Here was a provider I really liked. This is a long term decision and don't want to be stuck with something I may not like.

I agree with you completely; insted of gettting excited and all crazy over a chance just to see 10 of the old VOOM channels in "HD LITE", people should wait a bit and see if a REAL HD provider comes along, insted of signing up with "E"..I mean, if you are in an area that has Comcast available, and they are offerring any kind of promotion, it is, without a doubt the smart way to go; no commitment, great PQ,(at least for me), and when something really special, like Voom WAS comes along again, which we all know will happen in the not-to-distant future, sign up for it then.

If you don't have Comcast, or any decent cable in your area, I guess you have no choice but to get a DBS provider...
well, if it helps anyone figure things out, I'm paying adelphia 81/mo for their complete package with HD, all the premiums and an HD DVR. This is a discounted rate of 25/mo off their regular rate. I have it for 16 months. I wonder if the dish deal will be able to match this once it's confirmed as to what exactly the offer will be. Oh, the install was 9.95 and there is no contract and I had to pay nothing up front.
I don't have the option of cable, but still have C-band and can get most SD channels I want for about $30/month, but no HD or premiums. C-band is fighting for its life and as HD comes along, it doesn't have much to offer...yet. If only it could pick up VOOM 21.

I can just see E* raising the monthly sub price another $5 or $10 when the next and last set of VOOM 21 channels (11) come on board. It is really sad--it leaves VOOM 21 then with a very select group of people who can afford an extra $25-$30 just for HD (including the DVR $5 fee) ON TOP of the regular programming fees--which Dish has done very lopside-edly.

VOOM had very good SD selection with 30+ HD (not counting premiums) for $55. That is do-able, but jumping that price up almost 50% -- the looming economy is not going to allow the average Joe's discretionary income to include that much of an increase--with gas prices climbing.

Very sad day for HD--I would predict that a great number of those quick to jump into E* HD deal, will, if they didn't sign for one year, end up dropping it, when the reality, after 6 months, of the total bill will come to stare their pocket books in the face.

This sets a bad precedent--I know--only "$5 extra dollars for 10 channels" --hey that's not bad (NOT), BUT, if they raise their HD package price by 50% everytime they add new channels (these VOOM 10 channels really are not the cream of the VOOM HD crop either--especially HD News!), when will the ex-VOOMER, now-DISHER realize they've been "had"?
why go for the 942, get the 811 HD receiver, it isn't a DVR but it should be zero out of cost expense if you are not a current dish customer, and a lease for 5 dollars a month
gammadude said:
If I check Comcast pricing on their website it is nearly $100/mo with a Silver pkg, HD pack, HD DVR. HD includes local networks, regional sport HD events, INHD1/2, HBO HD, Discovery HD, and ESPN HD. I couldn't believe it! This is the regular rate without promotions. If Dish gives me more HD at a slightly lower price (I can get locals OTA) I must seriously consider it. The upfront costs with the Dish deal don't help. Damn, Voom was such a deal even with the STB lease.
Ouch, Im paying the same but I get 2 HDDVR's and the plat pkg with HD. Yes some of the Voom channels would be nice but truthfully right now Id rather have comcast as I get all but UPN in HD and via OTA & voom was only getting 3 channels of local. Now that could be in part due to the crappy installation Installs Inc's Sub called Installs Direct did. I had another company scheduled to come out and fix their work but it was scheduled for the 9th of this month so due to the announcment on the 8th the fix was cancelled. Right now out of the 14 Voom channels E* is supposed to start carrying only 2 would be watched, Monster & maybe occationally Lab, so at least for now I'll make do and wait to see what happens in a cpl months before I jump to another Sat and equip expenses. I mean now there are some heavy rumors about DTV providing a bunch of new HD in June/July and I can survive a month or 2 on comcast without too much pain & wait n see what happens. Also I wouldnt want to jump on E* wagon, locked into commitment and then discover thier down rezing or something to fit everything in. Voom is more than just quantity its the Qual that made it good and if thats tampered with then it ISNT Voom to me.
Keep in mind VOOM prices were lower than "sustainable" in order to attract people to the service.

After they got their subscriber base up, standard VOOM might have cost $70+ and VAVAVOOM might have cost $120+.

E* and D* are established and the only game in town. They charge what the market will bear. But at least they are profitable, sustainable companies.
I was actually considering the 811 route--no investment, etc--no committment, then called the Dish number and they just told me $100 to install a new dish at 61.5--that would be a total of 3 dishes, since I would need a Dish 500 and a small dish pointing to 148 to get the WB local--so $100 for 3 ugly dishes--no way! Then all the fees, etc, the $5/month now for 10 VOOM channels could be $10 more when 21 come on board--we could be at $20 or $25 just for 20 HD channels and Dish's SD channel tiers are not consumer-friendly and PQ isn't either. No, it's bye, bye VOOM, then for a l o n g time.

No sat signal on 124, 121 in black...

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