Tom Bombadil said:
I support Dish offering a lineup that retains a lot of subs, thus generating revenue for further improvements, thus it is important for them to offer a lot of channels.
Well, since you brought up the point of "a lot of channels", I'm going to ask this question one more time, just to see if I can even get ONE sensible answer, or even ANY answer for that matter:
If Charlie Ergen, lord of all TV lords, king of all DBS kings, saviour to all that is cheap TV, is saving you guys SO much money on your programming, then please explain to me why you guys pay $1 MORE for AT120 over TC, when:
- TC has ALL the same channels that AT120 does, except for Si'TV (I HOPE that someone isn't going to even try & say that it's equivalent of the other dozen missing channels

- TC has the following channels that AT120 does NOT:
CNBC World
Discovery Kids (yes, this was just added recently)
Fine Living
Fit TV
Fox Movies
National Geographic
Current TV
OLN (WITH NHL games)
TV One
YES RSN (in the appropriate service areas)
(Notice that I purposely left out shopping & PA channels on both services, since it's really a moot point for this discussion)
Now, in case somebody decides to say:
- "well, E* has Sirius...":
Well, now D* will have XM in a couple weeks, so that's a moot point
- "well, E* is making more money on this than D*..."
SO WHAT??? I don't give a rat's hiney about a company's cash flow, blah blah blah - all I care about is what the monthly bill is & what I'm getting for it. Since I don't care to worship the ground CE walks on, I DON'T care about his cash flow - just as I do not care about RM's.
OK, so now that you have the facts laid out for you above (yes, these channel counts ARE facts & the monthly cost is a FACT; you can't dance around these):
Why is AT120 more than TC for a dozen LESS channels, if Charlie is SO frugal with the prog costs???