My 05 motor home has a Built in RCA sat receiver, no access card and direct tv wont give me one with out a ID # all I can find is the serial # and model # Any Ideas Were to find it? I am A direct tv customer. Thanks
You can't find the RID because that "old" receiver doesn't have one.
DirecTV should upgrade that RCA receiver with a more current one.
Probably, the R16.
Actually the old receivers have an ID number, it's written to the card when married , no one can see it though without special tools. They just didn't post the receiver ID number on the old boxes.
BOTTOM LINE - D* will NO longer newly activate ANY receivers w/out a RID#, period. That's why they will NOT give you new card.
You're SOL with that old receiver - you'll have to get a new(er) one that at least has a RID, sorry.