I too have been with DirecTV since the beginning, (Pegasus, Hughes, USSB, DSS, the various rural co-ops, etc.)
My first $899 1st gen RCA I removed from service around 2000, it still worked though..... I forgot the model number
I'm still running two old RCA's;
one is a DRD503RBC, large IRD with sliding access card door, only gets the 101 sat, never messes up, works well enough for my son in his room.
the other is a DRD222RD, it also only gets the 101 sat, still works great.
Both of these older RCA's work well, DirecTV reps have mentioned to me several times in the past that they will upgrade them free with "leased" equipment, I'll pass for now.
I used to have 2 DRD420RE's, a DRD221RD, and a HD DTC-210, but for some reason they didn't last, all went out due to tech issues. The 221 and one of the 420's DirecTV replaced under the protection plan with "owned" receivers, before the lease stuff started. The DTC-210 was replaced with a leased HD IRD also under the protection plan.
One thing, the older IRD's start working right away, while the new ones have to aquire a quide, do self tests and such.
So you're saying my owned DTC-210 should have been replaced with a owned HD IRD? They gave me a H23 that shows up as leased on my bill?
if there are tech notes on the account that show that they replaced the dtc210 becaus it stop working ( not that it stop working with hd ) and did it a a protection plan swap you could argue the point with the access card team and get it marked as owned. but there has to be notes to back up any claims.